|| RiotCraft 1.8.3 || Looking For Staff, w/ Incentives!

kimmieriot's Avatar kimmieriot3/23/15 12:36 pm
8/6/2015 5:34 pm
amkraM's Avatar amkraM

RiotCraft is a community server that's been around for years and is making a comeback, relaunching next month in 1.8.3.
We will be looking for dedicated staff members to join RiotCraft to work with us and make this an awesome community server under the Riot Gaming organisation.

What Type of Server is RiotCraft?
We have multiple things to do at RiotCraft. We are primarily a factions server but also have survival worlds, a main city, creative worlds and PvP.

How Popular is RiotCraft going to be?
RiotCraft has always been an active and well known server and we expect it to be just as popular as before if not more. We have a lot of social media outlets with great followings, over 20,000 people combined.

How Do I Apply to be a Staff Member/Builder?
Please either reply to this forum topic or email contact@riotgaming.co.uk with this template filled out:
Twitter/Skype if possible:
Role Applying For:
Any Plugin/Config Experience?:
Maturity: (It is important that our staff members are mature. Our current staff members are all 18+ but we will accept any ages as long as you are mature and know your stuff)

Do You Get Anything In Return For Working on RiotCraft?
1. You will become a member of a well established gaming organisation (RiotGaming)
2. Once the server has succesfully launched, hard working staff members will receive Riot Gaming merchandise such as T Shirts, Hoodies etc.
3.RiotGaming have sponsors, such as GFuel, and when we receive packages we are willing to give samples to our hardest working staff members.[/list]
Posted by kimmieriot's Avatar
Level 5 : Apprentice Architect

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AwakenedRelic75 Mods
03/23/2015 12:42 pm
Level 21 : Expert Network
AwakenedRelic75 Mods's Avatar
Name: AwesomeDino04
Twitter/Skype if possible: DONT HAVE IT
Role Applying For: Co owner / Head admin / Admin if possible
Experience: Owner of a closed server, Co owner of the youtube network, I have only been Admin+
Any Plugin/Config Experience?: I know how to use groupmanager, well I can do almost ANYTHING on it
Maturity: (It is important that our staff members are mature. Our current staff members are all 18+ but we will accept any ages as long as you are mature and know your stuff) 8/10
03/23/2015 12:43 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Architect
kimmieriot's Avatar
Hey Dino, do you not have anything we can contact you on? The current staff all have a skype group is all so much easier to communicate there!
AwakenedRelic75 Mods
03/23/2015 1:36 pm
Level 21 : Expert Network
AwakenedRelic75 Mods's Avatar
You could either PM me or email me, pm me if u wanna know my email
03/23/2015 1:37 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Architect
Faalky10's Avatar
If your gonna accept this app you really need to think again..
AwakenedRelic75 Mods
03/23/2015 1:40 pm
Level 21 : Expert Network
AwakenedRelic75 Mods's Avatar
I forgot to add I am great at going undercover with ranks and nicknames to find out what people are doing
03/23/2015 1:35 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Architect
Faalky10's Avatar
Name: Irl: Emil Falk ign: FaalkHD

Age: I Am 14 and i am very mature for my age..

Twitter/Skype if possible: Skype: emil.falk03

Role Applying For: I Am applying for Mod/admin but i can be whatever you think suits me..

Experience: Recently i was mod on a famous server called menoxia (150 players) i decided to quit and find another server to help grow into a big community, i have also owned myself a server, it did got 25 players on evry time but it got shut down becouse i had payment problems..

Any Plugin/Config Experience?: yes i can config group manager and make multiverse portal, i can do next to evrything if you give me some time

Maturity: (It is important that our staff members are mature. Our current staff members are all 18+ but we will accept any ages as long as you are mature and know your stuff) I Would say 9/11 as i have been staff on many servers i know what to know about being a mod/admin
03/23/2015 2:15 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Mage
Shacory's Avatar
Name: IGN: Shacory Irl name: Cody

Age: 13

Twitter/Skype if possible: Twitter: @Codymerkel

Role Applying For: Moderator

Experience: I have owned two servers in the past, both shut down now. One of which was faction pvp, the other prison. It was running okay for the first month then i guess everybody got bored and just quit the server so i shut down because i ran out of funds. About a year later, i opened a prison server, I finished ranks A to T, then opened it while i was still working on the last few ranks, i got a couple donators then we lost players (I don't think i advertised on enough websites, I only posted on PMC and minecraftservers) so everybody quit, then i shut the server down. My friend gave me admin on his server, but it was just so we could fool around with cool plugins like disguise craft and other cool plugins. I have been a server moderator on a pretty successful server until it to was shut down, it was a really cool server, the theme was focused on the stone age, it was shut down though. I have helped a couple people on pmc set there servers up who needed help.

Any Plugin/Config Experience?: I have set up all plugins on my own server myself, and set up ranks, and permissions on both my servers as well. I know how to use Group Manager, but i'm sure i would be able to learn pex, or any other rank plugin pretty quickly. I am also fairly familiar with these plugins, to. World Guard, and World edit. And honestly i know a few more, but forget the names lol.

Maturity: (It is important that our staff members are mature. Our current staff members are all 18+ but we will accept any ages as long as you are mature and know your stuff) I am not one to get excited about very much, and know and understand the consequences of abusing power, and inactivity.

There's my application, if theres anything i missed, or anything else you want to know, feel free to pm me on twitter.
03/23/2015 2:44 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Architect
kimmieriot's Avatar
Thank you! We will get in touch shortly
03/23/2015 3:07 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Mage
Shacory's Avatar
Would it be more helpful if i used skype instead of twitter even though i can only message with it?
03/23/2015 3:42 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Architect
kimmieriot's Avatar
Skype would be easier yes, just because the staff will be in a chat together
03/23/2015 3:53 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
AdaptOG's Avatar
Name: Billy
Age: 14
Twitter/Skype if possible: skype - billyowns11 twitter - yourab4sicbitch
Role Applying For: Admim/Mod/Helper
Experience: I have owned two servers, but both have been shut down now. I have been moderating for around 2 years now and every server ive moderated on said I have been mature and helpful. I've also been moderating on a few big servers with around 30-50+ players on almost everyday.
Any Plugin/Config Experience?: I know alot about plugin/config experience as I have owned two servers before. I configured everything in my spare time, so I know what I am doing. GroupManager is a plugin I know how to use and stuff like mcmmo and that. I know how to use worldedit and worldguard for building uses.
Maturity: (It is important that our staff members are mature. Our current staff members are all 18+ but we will accept any ages as long as you are mature and know your stuff) I can have a laugh at some times but I mainly focus on moderating the server and just generally talking to people. I know the consequences of power abusing and I know I will get demoted for inactivity.
Why do you want to be this rank? (I added in this question, I can always remove it): You should hire me because I am different to other staff members as I can handle pressure and stress and still deliver to a high quality and professional standard. I am familiar with handling different player requests at the same time. Also I'm a very hard worker and I like to get things done not fast but nice, and precise which means I don't like flaws in my work so I am a quality over quantity kind of guy. I also think a lot, so many ideas pop into my head sometimes, good and bad but I like tell my opinion to other people and I take rejection well. I am really nice guy I like have fun make people laugh and have good times but when I'm in the zone to work it is work nothing else. I'm very social when people want to talk, and I mind my business when I need to. I am always open to help out people out so basically I am the person that wants the best for everything and strives to get there. If we don't we just need to keep working harder and learn new things.

Thank you for reading,
03/23/2015 3:53 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Maxxwelll's Avatar
Name: Max, IGN: Maximus704

Age: 14

Twitter/Skype if possible: Skype: Maximuswellimus

Role Applying For: I would be applying for any rank you would be willing to give me on how much you trust me because I know it can be hard to trust some people. I would like a more experienced rank because I really do enjoy being able to be a big part in servers that on on their way to the top!:) It would really be a honor if you would let me be a part of your server. I have played minecraft for many years now and its all just natural to me now. If I don't get a rank then thank you anyway. I hope your server grows to it's fullest potential:)
Experience: I have been Co-Owner 2 times, Head-Admin 2, Admin 4, Head-Mod 1, Mod 2, and Helper 1. I really do like to help:)
Any Plugin/Config Experience?: I have had experience with a bunch of plugins. I am just not that good with pex. If there is a plugin you would want me to find out how to use then I would be glad to help and also so I could learn.
Maturity: On a scale of 1 to 10 I'm a 12 but really I am mature and I'm pretty sure you would like me:)

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask, using my skype or on here:)
Have a good day
03/23/2015 4:01 pm
Level 1 : New Mage
KillForAPancake's Avatar
Name: If by my in game name it is killforpancakes and my real name is Noel. Pronounced like mole with an N.

Age: 17

Twitter/Skype if possible: Skype: killforpancakes
Role Applying For: Whatever you find me suitable for, I will fill the position and do my duty as a staff member to the fullest of my ability.

Experience: I've been Co-Owner of 2 other servers other than me not having a significant amount of experience developing/configuring plugins I'm more than capable of using them as well as managing large groups of people (staff and players alike). I also have 4, almost 5, years of experience playing Minecraft.

Any Plugin/Config Experience?: No I do not have any experience managing or configuring plugins, sorry!

Maturity: (It is important that our staff members are mature. Our current staff members are all 18+ but we will accept any ages as long as you are mature and know your stuff): Albeit this may be a biased answer due to the fact that it is the person judging their own maturity, but I would rate myself on a scale of 10 about an 8.5, I can easily take a joke and be friendly with everyone but if the time calls I can be strict and reprimand anyone breaking the rules to the proper and fair extent they should be.

Sincerely, KillForPancakes
P.S. If I get accepted please contact me on Skype at your earliest convenience as I rarely check the topics I post on on PMC.
03/23/2015 5:17 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Architect
kimmieriot's Avatar
Thanks for your replies, going to review them all asap!
03/23/2015 6:08 pm
Level 27 : Expert Architect
AntoineOMEGA's Avatar
No skype
Builder or Moderator
I have been co owner of a server, moderator on two servers, and builder on one server.
I am very mature and never hurt people's feelings and try to help in any way possible.
03/23/2015 9:17 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Architect
kimmieriot's Avatar
Monk we ideally need people to have skype as that's our main communication source for server details
03/23/2015 9:34 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Turkeysandwich_13's Avatar
Name: Turkeysandwich13
Age: 13
Twitter/Skype if possible: turkey sandwich_13 (pm me if it doesn't work)
Role Applying For: Builder
Experience: 2-3 years
Any Plugin/Config Experience?: A little, But I could probably get it done
Maturity: (It is important that our staff members are mature. Our current staff members are all 18+ but we will accept any ages as long as you are mature and know your stuff): I will joke around a bit, but I am always serious about finishing builds by a deadline, and also during server emergencies, I will try to help out as much as I possibly can.

03/24/2015 9:28 am
Level 9 : Apprentice Network
Eo2day's Avatar
I sent an email application in last night, and I just wanted to see if you got it. It will be under th IGN of Eo2day.
03/24/2015 9:43 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Architect
kimmieriot's Avatar
Added your skype!
03/24/2015 9:36 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Network
EternallyCold's Avatar
Name: ShadowDZ
Age: 16
Twitter/Skype if possible: black201141
Role Applying For: Admin
Experience: I have lots of staff experience. I have owned my own servers as well as being staff on others as well. I was Head Mod on a prison server called "The Silence Networks", but it had shutdown due to personal problems with the owner. That server was up for a year and had about 30+ players per day playing. I have also been Moderator, Admin and even co owner on some other servers but they were small servers and they had been run by players who didnt have much experience in running minecraft servers. My experience with minecraft servers has gotten better over the years i have played minecraft. i have played lots of servers and i have noticed that each server has its own way of running it. I am the kind of person who wants to help out in any way i can because its just how i am. i don't like griefers/admin abusers and when i see someone doing the wrong thing i ask them not to do it or i will report them to the owners and the forums. if they were to continue breaking the rules/abusing i would contact the owner immediately and let him know the player/s that have been griefing/abusing. im not the kind of person to go around and grief people, this is because i have had my own servers griefed/hacked/destroyed by people i have trusted. this has lead me to have trust issues with people on minecraft due to this problem
Any Plugin/Config Experience?: i specialize in config. I like permissionsEX, group manager, world edit, world guard and others
Maturity: (It is important that our staff members are mature. Our current staff members are all 18+ but we will accept any ages as long as you are mature and know your stuff) 10/10 when on the job
03/24/2015 10:52 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
Jhamieeeyyy's Avatar
12 (turning 13 this april)
Twitter/Skype if possible:
I do have skype: jhamieeeyyy
Role Applying For:
I've been a chatmod for 2 months
Any Plugin/Config Experience?:
I don't know a lot of things with plugin/config but i'm mostly assign as a builder
Maturity: (It is important that our staff members are mature. Our current staff members are all 18+ but we will accept any ages as long as you are mature and know your stuff)
I believe that i'm mature enough, I can handle stress and I can even make fun of the bad things that are happening around me, Yes i'm childish sometimes but when it comes to serious stuff I become more mature and understanding to whatever is happening, With handling players i'm very good at it because i'm always there for them if they need my help and if some of them tried to irritate me I always keep my temper in check.

Thank you for reading
03/24/2015 2:46 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Link9333's Avatar
Name: Can i just be called Link?
Age: 12
Twitter/Skype if possible: dragonblast10 skype
Role Applying For: Moderator
Experience: i have been mod on five servers and i was owner on shacory's pvp server and a ghost admin on the prison server
Any Plugin/Config Experience?: i helped a little with shacory's pvp server
Maturity: (It is important that our staff members are mature. Our current staff members are all 18+ but we will accept any ages as long as you are mature and know your stuff)
I wouldn't do anything crazy, and i would check before i do something.
03/24/2015 4:51 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Architect
kimmieriot's Avatar
Link i'll speak to your brother about getting you in
03/27/2015 11:35 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Link9333's Avatar
ok thanks
03/24/2015 4:53 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Pokemon
Technoman1130's Avatar
Do I need a microphone for Skype?
03/24/2015 5:22 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Architect
kimmieriot's Avatar
We don't require that no, just good if you can chat in text form on skype
03/24/2015 5:58 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Artist
Fenean's Avatar
Name: Emmalynn (And I'm not putting down my last name for privacy/safety issues, I'm sure you understand, this IS the internet, after all.)
Age: I currently am 14, but my birthday does happen to be next week. (April 1st, next Wednesday.)
Twitter/Skype if possible: I do not currently have a Twitter, but I guess I could get one? I have many different ways that you could get in touch with me, such as email or texting, but I do prefer Skype. My Skype is ZzTeddyzZ, which is also in my account description.
Role Applying For: Uh, well, pretty much anything you need me for. I guess I'm okay at building, I know what looks good and what doesn't, what contrasts well, which materials are absolutely horrid (like oak wood, yuck.) and things like that. I'm pretty responsible, so I'm not very likely to go off on rants, or things like that.
Experience: I've been staff on many a server, as well as owning my own briefly, until I upgraded my computer. I've been owner on 3 servers total, admin on 6-7, mod on 4-5, and builder on 7-8 servers.
Any Plugin/Config Experience?: I'm pretty familiar with most faction, towny and plugins in the area. Configuring, not so much. I'm okay with making kits and the like, but creating/making new plugins I have barely any/no experience.
Maturity: Well, I guess I'm pretty mature, but of course, I'm still a kid. Hopefully my grammar/typing skills reflect a bit of my personality, except I'm a bit more fun than this ^-^

Anyways, thanks for taking/wasting you time reviewing and reading my application. I hope you seriously consider my application, and decide to contact me soon!

-Emmalynn ^-^
03/24/2015 8:43 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Architect
kimmieriot's Avatar
Adding you emma to talk more
03/25/2015 1:18 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Architect
kimmieriot's Avatar
Still looking for builders if anyone is interested
03/26/2015 10:43 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Link9333's Avatar
ok he's on most of the time
03/26/2015 10:44 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Link9333's Avatar
and could be a builder instead of mod I guess
03/27/2015 12:02 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
TKDubsta's Avatar
Name: Thomas Kirkman-Wood
Twitter/Skype if possible: n/a don't have michrophone andn my only twitter is for my old minecraft server and I forgot login
Role Applying For: mod/admin/helper/design/graphics/backend/anything really
Experience: 4 years of playing minecraft
Any Plugin/Config Experience?: lots of plugin/config experience with full knowledge of many plugins. worldedit inside out
Maturity: (It is important that our staff members are mature. Our current staff members are all 18+ but we will accept any ages as long as you are mature and know your stuff) I am very mature and help to run several clubs at school. I have silver DofE so have some good life experience and I have played for ages so know minecraft inside out with experience with hosting my own server.

look forward to hearing from you

tel: 01689853398
email 2770@trinity.croydon.sch.uk
second email 2770tom@gmail.com
03/27/2015 12:25 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Arsalankiller_Wouter's Avatar
Name: Wouter Kammenga (ign arsalankiller)
Age: 25 years
Twitter/Skype if possible: wouter.arsalan 24/7 online
Role Applying For:Where ever u whant me i am good at building love to help people plugins I'm great with. your choice
Experience: i whas/am on 27 other servers staff. I whas on 3 servers owner i made my own that i had for 1 year and shut down. i am co-owner on allot and admin on the rest. Most of the given servers where big with more than 200 online people.
Any Plugin/Config Experience?: Yes! I love to work with that stuff.

any info?: When i join 7 others will join + u have a great active staff member (5/6 a day) i am from Holland and speak 7 language's. and I'm mature and helpful

Thansk for Reading!
03/27/2015 5:58 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Modder
Bigbro2008's Avatar
Name: My name is Bigbro2009, Zaphier Black.
Age: I am 17, as of the now.

Twitter/Skype if possible: My Skype's Annacatrocks.

Role Applying For: Anyrole, really. I'm an experenced developer, website developer, administrator, and moderator.

Experience: I have plenty of experiences moderating both communities and games of different kinds. I have, from my count, two years of moderating Minecraft. This includes forums, in-game, and creating servers of various type. Hero’s Fantasy, RPG Factions, Flip Prison, and MC-Rise of Kings are a few that stand out to me. Hero’s Fantasy was an active, 30 person, roleplay server that I helped develop, administer, and moderate, RPG Factions had around 40 active players, and was a Factions server. I created and administrated this one. Flip Prison is a, from my count, 50 player server that I started, though sadly closed down. MC Rise of Kings is the premier Minecraft roleplay server, and I was an event team member, application team member, media team member, and build team member. I also have, from my count, two years of moderating Garry's Mod Servers; mainly Gage’s Darkrp, and Power Darkrp. I, also, used to moderate a Battlefield 3 Server, which didn’t have a name. It has, from my count, a full server every time I came on to moderate. In addition, I’ve moderated events in-real-life. The following paragraphs will go in-depth on each Minecraft server. I will, also, add a little on the Garry’s Mod servers and Battlefield 3. First, there is Hero’s Fantasy. Hero’s Fantasy, as I said, was an active, to person, roleplay server that I helped develop, administer, and moderate. I was one of the “Co-Owners,” along with another friend. From this server, in my opinion, I learned truly how to handle situations, and administer a server. I developed a few custom plugins, learned how to configure plugins that are made to be configured, and overall made a great experience for players. Second, there is RPG Factions. As stated above, RPG Factions had around 40 active players, and was a Factions server that I helped Moderate. A dear friend of mine wanted to create a Minecraft server, so, in the end, I helped that become a reality. My job was moderating the chat, looking for hackers, and handling situations that have rule-breakers in them. In addition, I helped with the plugins. I learned, and gained loads of experience, of moderating chat on this server. Third, is Flip Prison. Flip Prison is a, from my count, 50 player server that I started this year. I focused, as a owner, mainly on customer support, watching for hackers, and handling situations that would occur quickly and efficiently. I, as I did on the other server, worked on custom plugins. I gained a lot more experience on situations from working on this server. Fourth, there is Mc-Rise of Kings. This server, still active today, offers text-based roleplay. I was on the Application team, Event team, Forum Moderator, and Media Manager. This server taught me how to moderate the forums in an effective manner, without causing any problems. I also, from my experiences on the Application Team, spent days working with new players to make their experiences the best possible. Sixth, I have moderated Power Darkrp and Gages Darkrp on Garry’s Mod. These servers, both roleplay, have given me experiences on moderating chat, games, and spotting hackers; along with dealing with these offences. I spent days working on developing them, and months moderating them. Seventh, I moderated a Battlefield 3 server, run by a friend. Mostly, on this server, I looked out for hackers and dealt with them appropriately. In addition, I semi moderated the chat, and helped out with the running of the actual server.

Sorry for the wall of text, I honestly had no idea how to make it all into paragraphs that flowed together.

Any Plugin/Config Experience?: Aye, for about four years I've configured every type of plugin, to it's fullest extent.






03/27/2015 6:07 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Network
EBChris's Avatar
Name: EBChris (Ben)
Age: 15
Twitter/Skype if possible: skype - b3n_chr1stopher
Role Applying For: Admim/Mod/Helper
Experience: I have coded and created lots of servers, which have been for others, i would love to run my own server in the past but frankly my pc couldn't handle it, but i have lots of skills with people and making and creating servers
Any Plugin/Config Experience?: I am really experienced with pretty much all popular plugins and unpopular ones, on servers i like to bring individuality with plugins, im really good at configuring and setting them up to fit our own needs.

Maturity: (It is important that our staff members are mature. Our current staff members are all 18+ but we will accept any ages as long as you are mature and know your stuff) Im not immature thats just something that doesn't interest me i'm all about the professional style and getting stuff done that needs to be done, if you accept my i will be loyal to the end.
08/06/2015 5:34 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
amkraM's Avatar
Name: Mark
Age: 10
Twitter/Skype if possible: I'm on skype most of the time, but if you need it, I'm available on twitter as well. Skype: markthewarrior244 Twitter: @crazybirdman123
Role Applying For: Any role suits me, I've been almost every single role on servers.
Any Plugin/Config Experience?: -Admin on one server, quit of school problems (don't worry I got my crap together) Have been builder on MANY servers, Co-owner on a server, head admin on a server (quit of school again) and the most important one, owner of MANY SERVERS-As I am an owner of some self-run servers, I know my way around many things. I have been making servers since I was 8, and I still do. I do well with most plugins, except worldguard. I may be able to help with config, but
Maturity: I can be mature when I need to, and I can be pretty outgoing if it's alright. If I say so myself, I think I'm pretty mature comparing myself to most kids my age as staff. Have a good day!
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