thehumanslayer12's Avatar thehumanslayer121/9/15 7:47 pm
2/19/2016 12:33 am
brick56's Avatar brick56
Hey guys, Royal MC Network is finally recruiting! We are offering Builders/Staff Positions. If you feel you want to apply, take the application below and paste it here, thank you!

Skype the Owner @ minecraftcreations4u
Skype me (Admin) @ thehumanslayer12

Staff Application
Click to reveal
IRL Name:
Why should I pick you:
Have you been banned before:
Skype(optional you can say personally):
Any other things you have to say:

The current available staff positions are as follows:

Head Mod
Head Admin
Posted by thehumanslayer12's Avatar
Level 15 : Journeyman Engineer

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01/09/2015 7:52 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Network
TrewCraft360's Avatar
IM INTRESTED please help my server if care. Thats for applying lol
01/09/2015 9:07 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Network
TrewCraft360's Avatar
Doc Ender
01/09/2015 9:38 pm
Level 1 : New Network
Doc Ender's Avatar
IGN: doc_ender
IRL Name: Leif Jack
Position: Developer
Why should I pick you: You should pick me because i am loyal, i take pride in coding, and im not very busy, so i can work basically 24/7 on the server
Have you been banned before: Once, because i asked for staff but i promise you i wont nag about being staff
Age: 13
Experience: I was the Co-Owner on my friend's server then the Developer of another server, and then an Admin on another server
Skype(optional you can say personally): doc_ender
Any other things you have to say:
01/09/2015 10:36 pm
Level 1 : New Mage
KillForAPancake's Avatar
IGN: Killforpancakes

IRL name: Noel (Pronounced like Mole with an N.)

Position: Co-Owner or Head-Admin

Why should I pick you: As an experienced minecraft player and fan, I know the game very well, this allows me to help people who are newer to the game, server styles and more. My fun personality does not just make me "Boring" like some staff, but also someone who you can laugh, joke and talk with. My reserving and fun nature makes it decent to make friends. The server has potential and the ideas are absolutely astounding, I wish to help the server become its best by contributing as much as I can! Me being staff would make me put the members first, trying to make their experience on the server stress free, fun and enjoyable. I am not pushy in any ways and never intend to ban people without the evidence, or the reason. I want to be able to create relationships with the members that would stay, and make sure that people stay nice. I would put great effort into the server and if I do anything wrong, no matter how little, tell me and I will FIX my acts and improve. I can moderate websites, the server and more if required. With me being very versatile, along with a good gaming computer, I can have many different things open at one point this means that I will be able to lots of things at once in an efficient manner.

Have you been banned before: No I have not

Age: 16

Experience: I've been Co-Owner of 2 other servers other than me not having a significant amount of experience developing/configuring plugins I'm more than capable of using them as well as managing large groups of people (staff and players alike). I also have 4, almost 5, years of experience playing Minecraft.

Skype(optional you can say personally): killforpancakes

Any other things you have to say: I don't mean to brag but in my own personal experience playing a game for an extended period of time gives you a rather well understanding of how the game works as well as me having a fair bit of experience using plugins. For a little back story there are 2 games I have played actively for more than 2 years: Minecraft: (5 years) and Continent of the Ninth Seal, C9 for short for 3 years. So I have mostly everything in Minecraft known in 1.7.10 (I don't use 1.8 very often, also, again, I'm not trying to brag.)

Sincerely, KillForPancakes
01/10/2015 9:52 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Network
TrewCraft360's Avatar
01/10/2015 11:58 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Engineer
thehumanslayer12's Avatar

We're still recruiting Staff members! Post your App. here! Thanks!
01/10/2015 12:06 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
CalubTheFrog's Avatar
IGN: minerofstee1
IRL Name: Caleb Ward
Position: Admin
Why should I pick you: Because I'm really good with managing servers, good at helping players, I can stay mature, and I'm respectful to everyone. I also have lots of experience which I will discuss below.
Have you been banned before: No
Age: 15
Experience: Owner of Steel Factions, Owner of ClassyCraft, Admin of ShogunCraft
Steel Factions was a factions server that I owned. It was a good server and taught me a lot about plugins and Spigot and such. Unfortunately it closed due to my computer not having enough RAM to handle all the players.
ClassyCraft was a very popular Pocket Edition server. We were #1 on a server rankings site for quite a while. It closed because the server files got corrupted.
ShogunCraft was a RPG/Factions server that had a great staff, great builds, and great plugins. The owner was a Minecraft genius that taught me lots about it. It closed because we didn't advertise in disrespectful ways like many servers so not very many people joined.
Skype(optional you can say personally): minerofstee1
Any other things you have to say: I hope I can start helping your server soon and regardless of whether I get accepted or not, good luck!
01/10/2015 12:26 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Engineer
thehumanslayer12's Avatar
Applicants will be notified by Skype if they have been accepted. Thank you.
01/11/2015 1:26 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Engineer
thehumanslayer12's Avatar
01/11/2015 2:22 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Engineer
thehumanslayer12's Avatar
Another hourly bump
01/11/2015 2:30 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
meint48's Avatar
IGN: meint48
IRL Name: meint terpstra
Position: head admin/admin
Why should I pick you: i like to help people and that is why i want to help you and others on your server also i know html and css so if you need a website i could make it
Have you been banned before: no
Age: 12
Experience: i play minecraft since 1.2.5 and i have been ranks on other servers also that unfortunately all went down
Skype(optional you can say personally): meint481 i think this can come in handy if i become head admin/admin
Any other things you have to say: i am dutch my timezone: +01:00 and i am currently doing bilingual education so i am very good in dutch pretty good in english and i can speak a bit french as well
01/11/2015 3:05 am
Level 1 : New Miner
xutube's Avatar
Hello my name is Cameron, please take your time to read and hopefully ill be apart of the staff on your wonderful server.

What position are you aiming for?
Preferably Admin, though, I would take a lower ranked position if offered.


Maturity Level
8.5/10: I love the common jokes, I have fun with what I do, and do a lot of stupid things but at the same time be responsible and make sure it doesn't harm other players, though when the time come's i can be very serious but at the same time very Fair and understanding.

Why should we except you?
I love the mine craft community, even though it is harsh at times and I am harsh at it sometimes, but I still enjoy helping it. I like building creations for the good of the community and for my own enjoyment. I don't rage, if I were to leave, I would say my goodbyes and demote myself, not blow the server up first, and I see myself as a good member of your team.

Previous experience?
I have recently been admins, moderators and builders of multiple servers across the gaming community in games such as, call of duty modern warfare 3, garrysmod, obviously mine craft, and many others. i personally think i have the skills required to make a good staff member

Any additional info?
I live on an island called bribe, its just off Brisbane witch is located in Australia.

Contact me threw steam: Xutube
01/11/2015 6:04 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Network
TrewCraft360's Avatar
01/11/2015 6:49 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
anonpmc1805481's Avatar
01/11/2015 7:13 pm
Level 25 : Expert Dragonborn
brick56's Avatar
IGN: brick56
IRL Name: Ryan
Position: Well I mean any staff position would be great but preferably Admin or Head admin even if you feel I deserve it .
Why should I pick you: Well I have lots of time on my hands to play minecraft when I want, I am a generally friendly and funny person. I have actually owned 3 minecraft servers of my own but they all had to shut down due to not being able to pay for the servers. I have also been staff/builder on many other servers and I can build if needed to but I preferabley would like to be staff. I know lots about almost every plugin there is, and I am great with other people. Like I said before Ive owned my own server so I tend to meet new players with lots of joy and I try to just make everyone have a great time. Also I am always a person you can come to get a good laugh or just hang out with.
Have you been banned before: Havent we all? I think everyone's been banned atleast once from some server for a silly reason, I was once temporarily banned on a server for killing another player when I wasnt supposed to.
Age: 15
Experience: As Stated as before I have owned three servers of my own all shut down due to payment issues and I have helped install plugins and develop/advertise for my close friend's server.
Skype(optional you can say personally): I sent you a contact request on skype and you can accept if I am accepted.
Any other things you have to say: Thanks for reading and I hope you consider me and even if you dont consider me I hope your server comes along nicely and is successful
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