RPG Server Builders and Lore-Makers needed

Alphadeltaman123's Avatar Alphadeltaman1237/8/12 4:32 am
7/12/2012 3:45 pm
epiceric's Avatar epiceric
Hey Guys,
I just wanted to tell you about a new project i wanted to do involving an RPG server. Now, this RPG server will have a main Neutral Spawn city, An Orc city, Human city, Dwarven city and Elven city. I need 5-10 experienced builders and 2-3 Lore-makers to help me and my friends out. All i need you to do is fill in this form and i will look over it and see if you are good enough. If you are i will tell you the server ip and you will be free to come on and help with the building..... We do have hosting, so the server will be on 24/7.

Lore-Maker application format
Have you had any experience on RPG servers?-
Why you want to be on the server-
Why you should be picked-
A good Story for our server-
Skype (not necessarily needed)-

Builder Application format
Have you had any experience on RPG servers?-
Why you want to be on the server-
Why you should be picked-
Any examples of previous builds-
Skype (not necessarily needed)-
Posted by Alphadeltaman123's Avatar
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner

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07/12/2012 3:45 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Crafter
epiceric's Avatar
im a builder:P
07/12/2012 3:42 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Crafter
epiceric's Avatar
Have you had any experience on RPG servers?-yes i have made some adventure maps and town and go on
Why you want to be on the server-i can build good and lovo to build inportant things
Why you should be picked-i build realy good im not slow and i give for details
Any examples of previous builds-yesss
Skype (not necessarily needed)-kolkiboy
07/12/2012 3:33 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Warrior
cookie_of_doom's Avatar
im not sure what to apply for, so ill fill both out.

Lore-Maker application format
IGN- cookie_of_doom
Timezone- uuuh...im not sure, i think its GMT +1
Have you had any experience on RPG servers?- Yes, i am currently playing on Heroes of Galderon.
Why you want to be on the server- I really like strict rp server. I see myself as a good rp:er. I would really like to help create one.
Why you should be picked- I listen to my superiors, i love strict rp servers and...well...thats basicly it...
A good Story for our server- Once, there was nothing. Nothing but the god Alqueelinth. This god is our creator. He created the world as we know it, and gave it life. He made alot of creatures, but thought there was something missing. Intelligent lifeforms.

First, Alqueelinth created the elves. Agile, long lived (5000-20000) and lovers of nature. They built their homes in the forests. Elves were mostly druids and rangers. They tamed the animals. But some of them were corrupt, and became thieves, because of the agility they were hard to catch, they were rouges. When the great war came they started to train spearmen aswell.

Then, Alqueelinth created the humans. short lived,(i think we know the normal lifespan of a human already...) good swordmen and good architects. Humans built large cities to live in. They were swordmen, archers, mages
and farmers. They did have some pets, but mostly cattle to get food.

The third race Alqueelinth created was the dwarves. Sturdy, great miners and long lifespan (100-250 years). They built their homes in mountains. Dwarves were great blacksmiths, miners and sturdy soldiers. Dwarves loved the taste of mead and flesh and it was rare that they had pets.

And then Alqueelinth created the orcs. Fierce, strong and short life span (70-130).
They could live almost everywhere. They were great at handling axes and could carry heavy armor. Some learned to use Bows. And some used magic.

For 1000 years the 4 races lived in peace. But then a great evil struck the land. Great cracks were opened in the ground and out of them came demons and undead. The 4 races were taking heavy losses. This was the great war. But then Alqueelinth decided to step in. He took the form of a elf, and stepped down onto the earth. He gathered the bravest of each race and together they pushed back the horde of evil creatures. They ventured into the cracks, closing them one by one, no one knows how. They fought the demonlord himself, Tauurs. Many brave fell to his blade, but at last, he was defeated. But before he was banished to the void he said "I...will....return!" Peace was back. But not many forgot the demonlords words...

(Please dont hate, this is the first lore ive ever written.)

Skype (not necessarily needed)- jaclun123

Builder Application format
IGN- (look up)
Timezone-(look up)
Have you had any experience on RPG servers?- (look up)
Why you want to be on the server- (look up)
Why you should be picked- (look up)
Any examples of previous builds- None, sorry.
Skype (not necessarily needed)- jaclun123
07/09/2012 2:38 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
FOO's Avatar
Oh, and thanks so much alpha =D

I might not get on the server too quickly, I have a problem with my minecraft account.
07/09/2012 2:37 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
FOO's Avatar
Right, I got a full story.

Otopia was in full-out war. THe fighting was over one thing: The Shien Cristal (not mispelt btw). It would give the owner the power of a God. Every army wanted a godly king, so they fought and fought. All the races were against each other. The holder of the Shien Cristal at the time was a dark lord. He was skilled in every magic. Soon enough, these armies split up because of the fear they had for the dark lord. He had no name. Soon after, factions of people; individual races, started building towns and villages. Still, they fought the other armies, because they didn't want them to get the crystal and because they probably had a hatred for them. Then something disappointed them all: The crystal was destroyed.

Their anger caused the Great War of the Centuries to happen.

This is where you step in.
07/08/2012 9:49 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
nickvo93's Avatar
Builder Application format

IGN- nickvo93

Timezone- Belgium : GMT+1

Have you had any experience on RPG servers?-
yep, only name i can remember is GROMKILL's medieval rpg

Why you want to be on the server-
I love working on big projects as a team

Why you should be picked-
I master worldedit, voxelsniper & have a good eye for "detail" / have alot of spare time atm

Any examples of previous builds-
fabledkingdoms spawn

Skype (not necessarily needed)-
"nickvo93" (or contact me via email: "vanoostveldt.nicky@gmail.com"
07/08/2012 9:22 am
Level 23 : Expert Dragon
Spyro999's Avatar
Builder Application format
IGN- rdpete
Timezone- pacific north west (that might change soon)
Have you had any experience on RPG servers?- Yes!
Why you want to be on the server- I love roleplay servers and there aren't very many serious ones.
Why you should be picked- I am a great builder! I focus on design, size, location, situation, everything!
Any examples of previous builds- Lots of castles and a few desert cities.
Skype (not necessarily needed)- no sorry.
07/08/2012 9:05 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Dragon
vando95's Avatar
sorry foo i cant think of one
07/08/2012 6:49 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Alphadeltaman123's Avatar
Robertdefender- Builder
07/08/2012 6:46 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Alphadeltaman123's Avatar
Year2700- Builder and Lore-maker

haven't decided about the rest yet

You will be contacted about the IP
07/08/2012 6:36 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Alphadeltaman123's Avatar
I am reviewing everything now [REVIEWING]
07/08/2012 6:05 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
FOO's Avatar
robert, lore is not about your character's adventures. It is about the whole thing... >.<
07/08/2012 6:01 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Dragon
Skylord_Syther's Avatar
Have you had any experience on RPG servers?-Yes
Why you want to be on the server-I would really like to get my "world edit" skills and building silld out there
Why you should be picked-Becuase i know ALOT about world edit were as most people dont i can terreaform HUGE areas to make the RPG places
Any examples of previous builds-I have helped in making other adventure maps and other things,
Skype I dont have one but i can get one
PROBLEM! (i cant play on premuim servers for somereason i bought minecraft so if you could make onlinemode fale then i could play and help build)
07/08/2012 5:51 am
Level 14 : Journeyman Blacksmith
mrbusiness111's Avatar
Guys How do i make my Minecraft Npc's Not transparent? i have optifine md installed and My Npc's Are now black. How do i fix it? And im running minecraft on a 1gb ddr3 memory. PLEASE HELP
07/08/2012 5:56 am
Level 25 : Expert Toast
jankajow123's Avatar
Not the right place for this. Start your own topic. Thanks.

- jankajow
07/08/2012 5:49 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Architect
Robertdefender's Avatar
IGN- Robertdefender
Timezone- PST
Have you had any experience on RPG servers?- YES
Why you want to be on the server- I have finnlay found someone recruting, Lore makers and Builders, i want to be part of this
Why you should be picked- I have a great imagination , when it comes to Fantasy, i also a great builder
A good Story for our server- As a child his father tought him the ability of fighting with a sword, and practicing all day long for more than 3 years, he traveled to a house on top of a mount, where an old men name Gaol lived there, he learned from him secret movements that will improve his ability, the old man asked him that if when he was ready a sign will appear in front of his eyes, within 2 months traveling across the dark forest, he saw a owl, but this owl looked familiar, he started following him, and he founded the village where he was born, the old man was waiting him there as the young Nolan started crying, the old men rest his hand on his shoulder and whispered " all done Nolan" as he turned back looking for the old men, he was gone, just a sword with a owl engraved in the handle was in the floor, he understand that he got to master the ability, at the age of 16, Nolan founded a book called Alquimia, which belonged to his grandfather, he asked his grandfather to teach him the basics of it, he decided to start making an Alchemist of himself, after 2 years of reading and practicing, he knew how to make all the potions know to men, with a home made brewind stand, Nolan decided to stop practicing and finally part away from his past, and yet he continues his travelled more secrets are yet to be revealed about his own tory. he belongs to the Kingdom of Iordo, and its one of the its most valuables citizens.
Skype (not necessarily needed)- Robertdefender

I want to be Builder to so here:

Building Examples: http://cochiri22.blogspot.mx/
07/08/2012 5:46 am
Level 25 : Expert Toast
jankajow123's Avatar
I edited my post a little upon realising my lore didn't quite fit/make sense with the bases of your server, so please read it again before making your decision. thanks

07/08/2012 5:37 am
Level 25 : Expert Toast
jankajow123's Avatar
Lore-Maker application format
IGN- jankajow
Timezone- GMT
Have you had any experience on RPG servers?- Yes, I worked on one as a lore writer before, until the owner decided he had other ideas, so in the end I was asked to leave
Why you want to be on the server- I have been looking for a role playing server for some time, and since one of my favourite hobbies is writing, this seems like a good option for me.
Why you should be picked- I thoroughly enjoy writing and from some remarks from friends and family (even though they may be bias) I judge that I am reasonably good at it.
A good Story for our server- I have a series of ideas for your server, here is the outline of one of my favourites (can be subject to change and adaptations if I get accepted, and keep in mind, you do not have to use it either): A split world, a rebellion emerging through the ranks of a ruler's oppressed subjects (in the Dwarven City of the cities, preferably working with another city to bring down the tyrant ruler of the Dwarves), players must choose their side wisely, either stick with the falling yet noble Tyrant, or join the rebellion, merged with other armies and risk death or riches. Also, The Tyrant Ruler would attempt to gain other Neutral cities trust, so players have an option to stick with another, growing economy and remain peaceful, for not. (NOTE: I am still working on the details of this plot.)
Skype (not necessarily needed)- I do have a skype account, but not currently a microphone, so skype talks are not currently possible, but if you wish to contact me via it I shall PM the username to you upon my acceptance (Obviously IF I get accepted but you hopefully know what I mean )

I await your reply.

- jankajow
07/08/2012 5:33 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
FOO's Avatar
Vando,you have to make a story, not a catchphrase *facepalm*
07/08/2012 5:31 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Dragon
vando95's Avatar
Oh sorry i wanted to be a lore with my application.
07/08/2012 5:31 am
Level 46 : Master Modder
Azka2_minecraft's Avatar
Builder Application format
Have you had any experience on RPG servers?-Yes I've Joined Quite Alot.
Why you want to be on the server-It Sounds Totally Cool I Havn't Found Much Server's Like This How They Give Out Special Ranks.
Why you should be picked-Because I Love Helping Out People As Much As I Can I Love Cool Server's And I Think This Server Would Be Cool
Any examples of previous builds-I've Built Other People's Skins Before, And One Of My 2 Bests Would Be A Pig With A Steve Riding The Pig And He's Holding A Torch, My Other Best Is A Minecart Rail With A Minecart Track And Steve Is In The Cart Holding A Torch. So Mostly Statue's
Skype (not necessarily needed)-I Do Have Skype But I Wouldn't Like To Use It Thanks.
07/08/2012 5:24 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
FOO's Avatar
Sorry, I'm mistaken. Sorry guys about mistaking your form.

By the way, I want to be both a builder and lore-maker.
Previous builds: Castles, towns, spawns, bases, underground homes, skybases, lotsa stuff. Just don't make me do pixel art if you happen to allow it.
07/08/2012 5:21 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Redjester17's Avatar
Builder Application format
Timezone- Australia, south australia
Have you had any experience on RPG servers?- yes i have helped with many servers and been a moderator on various servers
Why you want to be on the server- i want to help with a server from start to finsh
Why you should be picked-because i am a great builder. i will help build anything you ask me to
Any examples of previous builds-i have built a rollercoaster but have not posted it yet on PMC. i have also built a mini castle
Skype (not necessarily needed)-redjester17
07/08/2012 5:19 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
FOO's Avatar
@valdema and tutto

Type the form out correctly or else you won't get picked.
07/08/2012 5:18 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
FOO's Avatar
IGN- Year2700
Timezone- GMT I think lol.
Have you had any experience on RPG servers?- Yes. They're very good once they're finished.
Why you want to be on the server- Because I'm bored, I want a few new minecraft friends, and I absolutely LOVE medieval stuff, because I am an expert at building that kind of thing.
Why you should be picked- I don't wanna brag. But if I have to, I would say, that your server would become quite popular with me around.
A good Story for our server- I always have one:
The Orcs started the war. The War of The Millenium. Elves used their magic, dwarves made war machines, humans smelted mithril, and the Orcs hungered for bloodshed. They wanted the land. The Kingdom of Otopia. But then all 4 sides went to war with each other. The battle rages on. Destroyed cities, crumbling forts, dastardly caverns... Dead children, men and women; heads decapitated and hearts stabbed. Which side will you fight for?
Skype (not necessarily needed)- No skype. Thanks for saying it isn't needed.

Just wanna say: I don't mind if I don't get picked. I'm only 10 years old, so if my age ain't suitable, then don't accept this.
07/08/2012 5:18 am
Level 32 : Artisan Mage
Tutto200's Avatar
Hey if i cant be a lore ill be a builder and whats your server ip
07/08/2012 5:15 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
ValdemaRP's Avatar
IGN- zanatos
Timezone- Denmark Time
Have you had any experience on RPG servers?- Yes... Like a bit over a year.
Why you want to be on the server- Builder
Why you should be picked-Because i really love RPG. And i love building in a fantasy world! That's the best! And i think i could do it, with every town you can think of ;D!
Any examples of previous builds- Japanese Castle, cities, castles and dungeons.
Skype (not necessarily needed)- dr.die1
07/08/2012 5:02 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
Nikolai2999's Avatar
Lore-Maker application format
IGN- Nikolai2999
Timezone- Hawaii time
Have you had any experience on RPG servers?- Yeah, it was sorta like this but the towns were color remeberance. I mayored purple town (forgot the name)
Why you want to be on the server- I am an expert at stories.
Why you should be picked- Because....I love you?
A good Story for our server- After the obsidian conflict war Most races were spread out apart. The races were : Human orc elvs and dwarven kind. Many brutal wars opposed and flourished. (Contact me on skype for further ideas)
Skype (not necessarily needed)- Nikolai29999
07/08/2012 4:53 am
Level 32 : Artisan Mage
Tutto200's Avatar
Lore application
Ign: Tutto200
Timezone Western Australia.about 4:40 now
I have had a bit of experience with world edit and world guard.
I would like to be on this server because I would like to share my help and to gain new experiences. And most importantly to have fun and to let other people have fun to. while being strict
I should be picked because I will follow your rules and help with wateber I can. I also realty want to get this server up in lights. I also have experience. With servers because I own one
07/08/2012 4:42 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Dragon
vando95's Avatar
Have you had any experience on RPG servers?-Yes not to much but a fair bit.
Why you want to be on the server-Because it sounds like a cool idea and i would love to help out.
Why you should be picked-Because i help allot and i am a moderator on 2 servers and an admin on 1.
A good Story for our server-I am not sure what this means but i guess it could be 1 server 5 cities chose your side and defend your kind.
Skype (not necessarily needed)-i will send you a private message if i get chosen.
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