Server Application: Builders and more needed

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6/25/2014 7:52 pm
dandog1333's Avatar dandog1333
Hello I am an owner of a new server and would like some people to help build and decor this server.
If you want to Please fill out this application in the comments.

  • IGN
  • :
  • Experience
  • :
  • How you can help
  • :
  • What you know about plugins
  • :
  • email
  • :
  • Age
  • :

After that I will email you and contact you if wanted.
Level 1 : New Miner

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06/25/2014 7:52 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
dandog1333's Avatar
What are you applying for?Head-Admin/ Admin.

How old are you? 14

What is your IGN? dandog1333 [Same as my skype]

What's your time zone/country? EST in the USA.

Can you advertise well for us?: Yes I can offer you advertisement for your server, and I know graphic design so I could make banners.

What do you do if someone repeatedly asked for OP or spammed?: I would warn the player 3 times, take a picture of the chat and then temp ban him. After that, I would show the owner and ask his oppinion.

Builder rate: I am an intermediate builder including WorldEdit.

Why would you like the job? I've been playing Minecraft for a while, and I've been admins on server for a while.For the past two weeks, I've been searching a server to be staff because I would love to help the environment of the server. My main thing I do when I play Minecraft is servers, so being a staff member is my favorite thing to be. I also love helping people, even when I'm not a staff, I try to help out people on other server such as factions and prison.

Do you have Teamspeak? No, I use Skype.

Are you able to be in Skype at all times you are on the server? Yes, when ever i'm on the server, skype is on.

What is your schedule like? It's summer, so I have a lot of free time. It's all around. EST and mainly at night.

What would you say your maturity level is 1 - 10? 9 I'm extremely mature for my age.

Do you have any prior experience as a Staff? A lot.

Can you follow directions? Yes.

What you will do to help the server: I would make this server a friendly and caring community. I would welcome new players on the server and explain what this server has installed for them. What you could do, or what you want to do. With his or hers opinion I could create new ideas for what players want.

Are you a leader or a follower? Leader, but when someone of a higher ranking needs something, i'm a follower.

What plugins would you say you are most experienced with? World edit, essentials and factions.

Have you managed a large group of people before? Yes.

What are your strengths and weaknesses in running and maintaining a Minecraft server?
I'm really good under pressure, and i'm extremely active. I know how to handle DDOS, hacking and all that stuff. My weaknesses are that I don't have a lot of experience of being anything past Head-Admin, but i'm perfect as head-admin and admin.

Can you answer questions in a professional manner including your wording?
Yes, ever since I was 10 playing on Roblox, everyone made fun of me because I used grammar, and that was 4 years ago.
06/25/2014 7:50 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
INCH's Avatar
IGN: InchLongDragon8 / InchMC
Experience: Lots, at Staff Member/ Builder on many servers
How you can help: I am a great builder, I help alot
What you know about plugins: almost of them, not how to install
Age: 13
06/25/2014 7:10 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
06/25/2014 7:05 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
BaconHD, You sound great! You are accepted!
06/25/2014 7:07 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Warrior
BaconHD's Avatar
Okay, Are you gonna Pm the server Ip and I'll give you my skype
06/25/2014 7:02 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
_MrElmoMonster_'s Avatar
Experience: well first off, i know my ABC's.
How you can help:I can help by watching the server and also i can build anything you need me to build
What you know about plugins: That they work. Also i know how to configure stuff and how to work most plugins

Accept me and ill love you forever and ever
06/25/2014 6:44 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Warrior
BaconHD's Avatar
Name: Jasoin Alexia
IGN: manliyman101
Age: 14
Country: United states of America
Time spent a day on MC? 4-7 hours a day
How dedicated will you be /10 9/10, I would be a dedicated Co-Owner to help every member or even staff member
How You Can Help The Server: I can help the server by causing others to be mature and tell them "You would get a better chance of the owner liking you if you were mature" I can help the server by donating my time and effort to helping others and giving tours to newbies that joined the server and answering there questions. Another thing I can do is, reply to others that have questions and statements they have an opinion and be listening to ever word they say.
Why Should We Choose You: I should be chosen for being a loyal player. When someone asks a question I try my hardest to answer it like "Can I join your faction" I say "No, I'm sorry" but, I've seen others answering "Your Mom" or disgusting things I wish I've never seen. The reason why I want to become a Co-Owner is not to say others "oooh I have more power and I can do /ban" No, the reason why I want helper is to be a Co-Owner and respect others of what they think of, believe of.

How friendly are you /10: 9/10 This is what I handle in the most in being kind to others because I always look at the chat and see what other say.
Maturity /10 8.5/10 I'm mature by writing in correct grammar and correct spelling and all that but I sometimes try to be funny, not a lot but I still do.

Past experience?: I've been an Builder and moderator on this server named ScropoPvp It was kitpvp very active server had gentle players but the server shut down due to funds, I'm Owner on a server called WitherPvPZ we've opened the server but I white-listed the server due to Lags and Ranks glitching, But In total I've been a builder 22 Times on servers, Admin 17 times, moderator 19 times, Owner 3 times, Co-Owner 7 times, Donor/Other: 25-35 (Not sure because I'm donor on plenty servers) Since I've been staff a lot I've dealt with Ddossers, In-real-life Scams, and Hackers in game.
Why i should choose you other others?
I've been playing minecraft since 2011 which is 3 years of epic moments and stunts, I should be chosen not because I've played for 3 years it's because of my maturity and my kindness to others. I'll always welcome players if I'm not busy and listen to players and give them chances instead of bans,kicks or mutes
Can you advertise? Yes, I can advertise on planet Minecraft and bump the post to get others to join this server

Thanks and have a nice day!

P.S: I won't giveaway my email but if I get accepted I'll give you my skype
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