Server Needing Staff!

MinecraftedSteph's Avatar MinecraftedSteph5/28/13 4:36 pm
7/8/2013 9:23 pm
Kitkat81's Avatar Kitkat81
Hey there, I am co-owner on this server and I need staff! The owner has set me a goal to get at least 10+ staff aboard, or more, (There's 5 servers connected, Survival, Hunger games, Creative, Mini games (spleef, etc) and Parkour!)
We need 10 admins and around 5 or more mods. Its a busy server and staff may not be on at all times.
Of course you'll have to fill in a application and such which you will now find below

1. Name?
2. Age?
3. IGN?
4. Time Zone?
5. Any past experience?
6. Why should we pick you?
7. How long will you be on per day?
8. How mature are you on a scale of 1-10?
9. What would you do in this scene?
Hacker_noob123: LOLOLOL Spam spam spam spam spam
Hacker_noob123: Your such idiots go blah, blah, blah!
10. Give us a paragraph about you?
11. The best joke you know (This will help you!

1. Name
2. Age
3. IGN
4. Any past experience?
5. Time Zone?
6. What commands do you want as a mod? (If it seems abit power hungry you wont get in)
7. How mature are you from 1-10?
8. How would you act in this scene?
Coolguy123: Hey noobs, I just got admin! Hey you noob mod, Whoops!
/kill *Your IGN*
Coolguy123: Toooo bad the owners not on to see this! Hahahahahaha time to grief it up!
9. Give us a paragraph about you?
10. Funniest joke you know (This will help you)

Go on then! Get writing <3
Posted by MinecraftedSteph's Avatar
Level 11 : Journeyman Artist

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07/08/2013 9:23 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Kitkat81's Avatar
1. Name; Will PM you if I get accepted.
2. Age; 14
3. IGN; kitkat81
4. Any past experience?; I've been Co-Owner on 1 server, Admin on at least 2, and Mod on at lest 3-4 servers. I was recently promoted to mod on a somewhat small server.
5. Time Zone?;
6. What commands do you want as a mod? (If it seems a bit power hungry you wont get in); Well, I would like to at least have /fly, /mute and /unmute, /kick, /jail or /unjail if possible. Maybe Worldedit, /tp, too.
7. How mature are you from 1-10?; Most of the time a 9-10, but if I want to I could be 7-8...
8. How would you act in this scene?; Coolguy, {Owner} wouldn't want you to do this. He would probably derank you... And who cares if you got Admin? That doesn't mean you can do everything you want, like griefing for example!
/kick Stop trolling the Mods
Coolguy123: Hey noobs, I just got admin! Hey you noob mod, Whoops!
/kill *Your IGN*
Coolguy123: Toooo bad the owners not on to see this! Hahahahahaha time to grief it up!
9. Give us a paragraph about you?; Well, I'm fun to have around according to some people. I'm very friendly, somewhat funny, and in my opinion, pretty good at building. I love to say "Welcome!" or "Hello! Welcome to _____" to newer members. I love to help them out as well. I just love, love, love the feeling after I help someone! I'm pretty good at Pixel Art if I have a template or such. I'm not retarded, or act like it how some people do. I am very honest, and I will do anything necessary to stop griefing, hacking, ect.
10. Funniest joke you know (This will help you)
A young brunette goes into the doctor's office and says that her body hurts wherever she touches it.
"Impossible," says the doctor. "Show me."
She takes her finger and pushes her elbow and screams in agony. She pushes her knee and screams, pushes her ankle and screams and so on it goes.
The doctor says, "You're not really a brunette are you?"
She says, "No, I'm really a blonde."
"I thought so," he says. "Your finger is broken."
No offense to blondes...

Why did no animal want to play the cards in the Savannah anymore?
Because there was a Cheetah!

I hope you like my application, and if you don't choose me as a Mod, I understand completely!
06/07/2013 10:19 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Goblin
NinjaGreyWolf's Avatar
umm... I have an application written up but It says spam and gets denied? :L
06/01/2013 7:51 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
FoodStamps's Avatar
1. Name? Hayden
2. Age? 14
3. IGN? UMad_
4. Time Zone? Central USA
5. Any past experience? YEs, but only small servers, not very many big ones
6. Why should we pick you? I'm very fun to be around, yet can be srict when need-be. I'm very reliable and trustworthy person.
7. How long will you be on per day? 2+ hours per day
8. How mature are you on a scale of 1-10? 9
9. What would you do in this scene?
Spammer: warning, kick, temp ban, ban
Hacker: warn, ban
Annoying person: ask to be nice to memebers, warn, kick
Hacker_noob123: LOLOLOL Spam spam spam spam spam
Hacker_noob123: Your such idiots go blah, blah, blah!
10. Give us a paragraph about you? I'm in 8th grade with 2.5+ years of experience o Minecraft. I'm fun to be around and to play with, I also usually fit in well. I like helping people with questions and will keep people under control.
11. The best joke you know (This will help you! )
How do you find Will Smith in the snow?
By searching for Fresh Prints.
nacho the menace
06/01/2013 4:59 pm
Level 27 : Expert Zombie
nacho the menace's Avatar
Altered application, so you know why you should pick me.

MON: 1-5 H
TUE: 1-4 H
WEN: 1-5 H
THRU: 2-4 H
FRI: 3-6 H
SAT: 1-10 H
SUN: 1-10 H

IGN: _Tekkit_

Maturity: 9/10

Age: 15

Why should we pick you:

In my own opinion, I believe that the ideal staff member for Your Or Any Server is being respectful to everyone. I also believe that they need to be loyal and always try their 100% best at everything they do. The staff should never let anyone down if the user’s need assisted. Lastly, I believe the staff members should try their best to stop greefers and hackers. These are some of my own opinion what I think the ideal staff member is for Your Or Any Server.
What are you good at?:
Making hard decions;

.:: Example Scenario's ::.
1. If two members had gotten into an argument, how would you break it up, and leave them both happy?
I will approach the situation respectfully. I will listen to both side of the stories and try to create a solution that will satisfy both of them. If one of the user’s is not satisfied, I will think *outside the box* to make them both happy with the outcome.
2. If someone broke a rule, and you caught them, what would you do? Why?
I would approach them and warn the user that they are breaking the rules. If they continue breaking the rules, I will ban them for a short period of time to make sure then understand what they did is prohibited. If they continue to break the rules, it may result into a ban. If the user has learned what he did was wrong, I will let him/her go.
3. What if you were notified of a rule-breaker by a member? What would you do? Why?
If I was notified of a rule-breaker, I would go into Mob-Mode and spy on them. If I see that they are breaking the rules, I will warn them. If I don't see any suspicious activity, I will let them go. If I see suspicious activity, I will warn them. If they continue to break the rules, I may result in a temporary ban. If she/he continues, I will result in a ban.
4. If someone found diamonds and it was broadcast-ed, what would you do? Why?
I would go invisible to spy on him/her. If the user is *branch-mining* and find diamonds, I will suspect that they are using X-RAY and continue to spy on them. If they find more diamonds by *branch-mining* I will ban them. If I don't see any suspicious activity, I will let them go.
5. If someone cursed you out with the words that haven't been censored, how would you respond? Why?
I would respectfully tell them to stop cursing. I will warn them that disrespecting staff members is strictly against the rules. If continue, I will temporary ban them and see if they learned. If they keep cursing, I may result in a ban.

Can you be trustworthy: Yes

How can you help the server: By always being there to help with everything.

Can you be helpful to any higher ranking people: Yes of course, not only will I always listen to them, but I'll give them all my respect for being higher up, and in my hope one day being in there shoes.

Can you help people if they have questions: Yes, I can EXAMPLE - someone asks (I'm new too the game, how do I make.. stuff? I would reply (How about I go through this with you? then I'd spend a while helping him out,a nd explaining everything in detail too him.. another example, someone has a question about the rules, I would consult the higher ranks, if I did not know the answer, or with an educated decision answer there question!

Email (Optional): nathan.southward@yahoo.com

Skype (Optional): nachoboy9
05/29/2013 10:44 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Artist
MinecraftedSteph's Avatar
Okaii guys We are going to pick (most of you guys pm'ed me with it because it was not working? So yeah! If you get a message you've been accepted <3!
05/29/2013 6:31 am
Level 36 : Artisan Necromancer
Sylphy's Avatar
Can you read my response on your PMC post? I can'tt post it here :C
05/28/2013 5:49 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
diamondxgraveyard's Avatar
and other joke, yo mama so fat every time she turns around its her birthday!
05/28/2013 5:48 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
diamondxgraveyard's Avatar
name:wilfred f. nick:willy
age:15(i made htis account when i was in love with pokemon)
past expireence: no but i know wat to do, ive joined a lot of servers and i know how admin do their thing
you should pick me because you can trust me with everthing
i will be on almost everyday max 1 hour and a half
i would temp ban, kick or mute, or perm ban (only if we keeps on doing it
"im a cool guy and i like making friend to a lot of people so i would be a nice person on the server"
polite robber: dont bother calling the cops, i already called them for you!
so please pick me as admin
05/28/2013 6:28 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
GreenMonster3333's Avatar
Sorry but, I had to point out the likeliness that you are 15 years of age is quite slim. Unless you just have terrible grammar which is generally the case now of days due to the lack of effort from the education systems. Honestly though it should not be that bad. I doubt your 15.
05/28/2013 10:08 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Mage
Shacory's Avatar
yes, i have to say, he does not sound like he is 25 years of age.
06/01/2013 4:47 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Mage
Shacory's Avatar
sorry my keyboard is weird 15 years of age not 25
05/28/2013 5:46 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Mage
Shacory's Avatar
1. Name? Shacory Davids
2. Age? 17
3. IGN? shacory
4. Time Zone? Mountain standard time.
5. Any past experience? Owner: 1 Co-Owner: 2 Admin: 5 Mod: 3 Warden: 1.
6. Why should we pick you? I am very strict but kind and some what fun at times
I ban xrayers or hackers without warning unless xray an hacks are allowed i kick spammers 3 times the fourth time is a ban. racism 3 1 kick 1 hour ban 24 hour ban perm ban. I do not swear. i do not make fun of people, i do not troll or abuse at any given time. and if you can trust anyone, its me.
7. How long will you be on per day? Weekends 2 hours and week days 1 and a half maybe because i have work.
8. How mature are you on a scale of 1-10? 9 to 10 ou of 10
9. What would you do in this scene? I would ban them saying Shut the heck up noob And stay in school my friend!
Hacker_noob123: LOLOLOL Spam spam spam spam spam
Hacker_noob123: Your such idiots go blah, blah, blah!
10. Give us a paragraph about you? I am 17 I am very friendly i am kind i do not swear and i am a pretty good builder. I have owned 1 server before but no one donated and i had no choice but to shut it down. I have co-owned 2 servers and my minecraft somehow lost all of its memory when i tried to install tale of kingdoms mod. so anyway what i am tryin to say is i know all of the server commands.

11. The best joke you know Yo mama so fat joke "Yo mama so fat that when she died, She broke the stair way to heaven!"

Private message i i did or did not get the job. And yeah, this has been my application.
05/28/2013 5:43 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
GreenMonster3333's Avatar
I'am well aware that this is not the correct format you have set but I hope you enjoy my app.
Applying for: Administrator
Name: Personal Information (Tell you another time)
IGN: GreenMonster3333
Skype: yes : dr.phlopper
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Maturity: 10/10
Timezone: Eastern Standard
Nationality: Canadian
Previous positions: Head Admin On two servers Admin on 4 And Mod on 6
Current positions: I Own a server but mine is a vanilla and I kind of abandon it and now I'm looking for more in muti-player minecraft admin on
Permission knowledge: Extensive since ran my own server for a while.
command knowledge: I know most of the commands for the plugins that I use. (World Edit, World Guard, Essentials, LWC,Bending, Votifier, Factions, Core Protect, Almost any plugin I can figure out.
Reason we should pick you:
Well let me start out I'm 15 years of age I have a 10/10 maturity. I respect every person with the most upright respect and never less,When a player is abusing any staff like a mod or trainee this is not acceptable like asking for items or cussing intensely at them I will mute them or kick them depending on how intense it was or is and then tell what they had done wrong in order for me to take action so that they don't make the mistake again (the rules are the most essential part of a server) I can keep my cool in the toughest of situations and can be a strong leader I'm very good with permissions. If the owner or Whomever cannot Figure out how to use a plugin feel free to ask me I will figure out how to use any plugin. I think I'm a good builder I have built a few spawns in my day and new server build like statue's of the owner and/or shops. I have also run my own server when 1.2.5 was still the latest version and it was a quite a success (I couldnt afford to keep it up longer). I obey ever rank higher than me always and anytime if not to do this I will be honest to the owner that I have done so and prepare for a punishment (I will probably not disrespect anyone) , I also take both sides of a story before I take action. I get along with almost everyone even if they have made a bad first impression on me. Well thank you for reading this I hope you consider me to be apart of the staff on your server.
Additional Info ~
What makes you better than the rest:I have been playing minecraft for 2 years I know every single bukkit command there is inside out I have been using bukkit since 1.7 beta and I know almost every single plugin command also I have helped many people this is fun because you know that you have helped someone today.
How do you resolve issues: First of all I will take both sides of the 'story' and listen to both of the players When people are fighting it can be a tough situation it varies between the extreme swearer's and the one's that love to annoy staff in these situations I will remind them of the rules and teleport them to spawn, to continue this action they will be muted to exceed this kicked and/or banned
Experience:I have ran my owner server it was just a server for friends though, I have been staff on about 8 servers and have set up the whole ranks system on two, and Have been Co-owner on 2 really good servers, Head Admin on 3, Admin on 5 mod on 2, Trial mod on 1, and head mod on 1 but overall if i get staff on your server it would make my day because your server exceeds the rest
Why you want this rank?:I want to find a server where everyone is really nice and I can know that i'm helping out everyone on the server whenever I can but, also having fun like building, pvp, raiding.
Will you abuse powers: No I have been asked this alot and some people would have trust issues with promoting me but i just say why would I still be on your server, why would i be helping people right now if i was gonna cause chaos and why would i treat everyone with respect these are thing i do on every server i join if i fail to do one of these i will try to undo my action and be honest about it,but power abusing is one thing I will never do if i got admin on a server why would you want to abuse when you got lucky enough to get the postion on a great and friendly server there is no reason to abuse and I always hate people that do abuse, if i did which i will never do i would be honest because lying gets you no where I can be on every day almost.
P.S for communication skill I think 10/10 my Emotional quotation is 125. That is IQ but instead of knowledge from books it's knowledge on how peoples emotions work.
05/28/2013 10:56 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Ranger
TheLittlePlanet's Avatar
Lol dude, that app was sooo stolen. i read it recently.
05/30/2013 5:12 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
GreenMonster3333's Avatar
If it was stolen they had stolen it from me. I don't think half of the people on the site have the capability to write for more than 5 minutes without their arms getting tired. So it was me who wrote it and they who stole it so you sir are a complete idiot and I suggest you use your brain a little more and think of the possibilities.
05/28/2013 5:21 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
peasantly's Avatar
1. Name? : Christine

2. Age? : 18

3. IGN? : peasantly

4. Time Zone? : Eastern Time Zone

5. Any past experience? : Yes. I was admin once.

6. Why should we pick you? : I think you should pick me because I want to help develop a server to its fullest potential. Im a experienced pixel artist too. I can be Mature when needed. I can be funny when needed. I will try my best of my ability to develop the server and keep the server clean and neat.

7. How long will you be on per day? : 1 hour +

8. How mature are you on a scale of 1-10? : Depends on who i'm with. but i'd say

9. What would you do in this scene?
Hacker_noob123: LOLOLOL Spam spam spam spam spam
Hacker_noob123: Your such idiots go blah, blah, blah!

- I would first give the person a mute, while there muted. I will tell the person that if he/she continue's, I would have to temp ban for a day.

10. Give us a paragraph about you? :
Im experienced pixel artist . I love playing MMORPG's. I love to meet new people and helping people. I love experiencing new things as much as possible. I'm Asian (Chinese to be exact). Uhhh... I try to look professional when I need to be?

11. The best joke you know (This will help you!

Yo mama joke - Yo mama is so fat that when she sat on an iphone, it turned into an ipad. (Im sorry if I offended anyone).

The moment - The awkward moment when twin's call's the other one Ugly.

Ironic - It's ironic when someone bald goes to the barber shop.
05/28/2013 5:10 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
n80sire's Avatar
*Admin app*
1. Name? Nathan
2. Age? 13
3. IGN? n80sire
4. Time Zone? MST
5. Any past experience? I own a server. Previously owned another, and am admin on plenty
6. Why should we pick you? I am a great builder, I understand plugins, (learning to code them), I am pretty good with redstone
7. How long will you be on per day? I have marching band in the mornings, but I will get on a lot in the afternoons
8. How mature are you on a scale of 1-10? 8. I lose it sometimes
9. What would you do in this scene? First offense, I'd warn them. Second a ban for 1 day. Third, Life.
Hacker_noob123: LOLOLOL Spam spam spam spam spam
Hacker_noob123: Your such idiots go blah, blah, blah!
10. Give us a paragraph about you?
I have been playing minecraft since Beta 1.6, I am very smart for my age, ( I attend a high school.) but I am not a social retard. I'm a great admin, and everyone on servers I play on like me. I'm nice and understanding, but am not afraid to do what is necessary. I am very honest, you'll find that out in a minute. I understand all this griefing nonsense, and hacking. I walked that road last year, but I realize how stupid, pointless, and unfair it is. That is why I don't do it anymore. Being a victim, I understand that stuff,
11. The best joke you know (This will help you!) Hmm, hard. Here's a couple.
"No racist jokes, that's across the border."
"Why did Sally fall drop her ice-cream? She got hit by a bus!" "Knock Knock," "Who's there?" "Not Sally!"
05/28/2013 5:05 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Dragon
Carter991's Avatar
1. Name? Carter C.
2. Age? 14
3. IGN? CarterCarpentier
4. Time Zone? Central
5. Any past experience? Admin 2 servers
6. Why should we pick you? Because I'm experienced and can be on very often I've experienced that when I would hire staff when I was admin they would be on a lot for a week then only be on once or twice a week I'm not like that ill be as much as you need me maybe even more.
7. How long will you be on per day? 4-5 hours weekdays and 7-8 hours weekends
8. How mature are you on a scale of 1-10? 9
9. What would you do in this scene? First I'd say stop! And do /temp ban for 1 day and if he came on and did it again I'd do /ban for life
Hacker_noob123: LOLOLOL Spam spam spam spam spam
Hacker_noob123: Your such idiots go blah, blah, blah!
10. Give us a paragraph about you? I'm a very talented minecraft who can build and help with commands and stuff at the same time. I've had minecraft since 2009 so I've been playing for quite a while.
11. The best joke you know (This will help you! I'm not the biggest jokster in the world but if somebody says something I can usually make people laugh

This isn't really a joke but this is a funny signature: Don't be racist be a panda there black white and Asian at the same time!
05/28/2013 5:11 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
n80sire's Avatar
A panda in a sombrero
05/28/2013 4:43 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Crafter
JustANormalSon1cNerd's Avatar
1. Name? James
2. Age? 13
3. IGN? PerfectChaos2011
4. Time Zone? GMT+0 (London, Dublin, Lisbon and Edinburgh)
5. Any past experience? Yep. Admin on 2 current servers and have had loads of experience in the past
6. Why should we pick you? You should pick me BECAUSE I SAID SO!!!! Lol just kidding. I can help players in need while always sticking to the rules. I can bring more players if need-be. I have about 7 friends who play Minecraft. Not a lot but hey. I am very mature, however I do like a laugh. I am only serious when I have to be. I can catch out hackers and provide video evidence to you. I can also help with building and ideas
7. How long will you be on per day? On school days (Mon - Fri) 5 - 6 hours. Weekends and holidays pretty much the whole day.
8. How mature are you on a scale of 1-10? 9
9. What would you do in this scene? I would first ask them nicely to stop spamming, stop hacking and respect members of the server. If that fails I repeat it but mention the consequence (kick, mute, ban. Whatever). If that fails I then take action. Quick and simple
Hacker_noob123: LOLOLOL Spam spam spam spam spam
Hacker_noob123: Your such idiots go blah, blah, blah!
10. Give us a paragraph about you? I am a nice and generous person who loves to help players. However I do have aspergers syndrome so I need EXACT clear instructions and avoid serious sarcasm. Autism aside, I love to have a laugh and enjoy servers, mature as I am. If something goes wrong, I will be there on the scene to help.
11. The best joke you know (This will help you! ) Customer: Waiter, this soup tastes funny.
Waiter: Funny? But then why aren’t you laughing? Or, another one I have is: Why should you not write with a broken pencil? Because it's POINTless! And if THAT doesn't work: What did the policeman say to his stomach? You're under a vest!
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