*Server Staff Needed*

BrutalMC's Avatar BrutalMC7/3/14 9:50 am
7/3/2014 9:09 pm
Ellani's Avatar Ellani
Hello Planet Minecraft, I'm Josh, the future owner of a server called 'BrutalMC'. I am in need of a team to join the server, work and run the server along with me. I am looking for people willing to work for the server without pay, however if you require pay I will be able to. Below are the spots that I need for the server along with a description and an application for you to fill out if you interested:
Minimum age requirement for any of these positions is 14 years of age. You must have Skype. You must be mature. Grab an application below:
Description: You work with me, pitching ideas and finding ways to make our server unlike any other server
About Yourself:
Positions Left: 1
GFX Designer
Description: You create banners, logos and icons for the server. (If pay is needed it can be done)
About Yourself:
Previous work:
Positions Left: 2
Plugin Developer
Description: You create custom plugins to the needs of the server (If pay is needed it can be done)
About Yourself:
Previous work:
Positions Left: 2
Copy an application of choice and use it to reply to this topic.
Posted by BrutalMC's Avatar
Level 1 : New Miner

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07/03/2014 9:09 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Ellani's Avatar
Application: Not really sure what goes here its my appliction for a staff rank I guess
Name: My name is a need to know name. And you don't need to know (yet).
Age: 19
Skype: truganort
About Yourself: Id give you my life story but you would be bored by the time I got to the age of 3
So anyway ill just say iv played since beta hosting multiple servers and helping even more I can play as much as I want.
Want to know anything else just ask
07/03/2014 3:42 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Warrior
andybug12's Avatar


skype barney purpledino

i am fun trying to have a good time iv always whanted to help a sever

what ever role
07/03/2014 3:24 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
rodneycancler's Avatar

Name: Rodney

Age: 15 1/2

Skype: rodneycancler1

About myself: Why should we pick you?: I've had experience with two of my servers that I have previously owed and editied myself with 10-20 players a day, I've been staff on successful server that are still running now and I'd love to be apart of yours as well! I love to play soccer, I love math and school and just I like to be interactive and to talk and be social and I think that's good for the server so that the players feel more social and interactive with me and the other players. I'm mature about things and I handle situations properly and being able to handle problems and having a good influence on the players. My time zone is EDT, I live in the US.

I thank you for your time and consideration

Best Regards,

07/03/2014 3:18 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Zurtelllll's Avatar

Application: Hi! I have had the urge to help run a server for quite some time, as i used to run my old servers which were pretty successful. I have been looking around on the 'Server Recruitment' page, and every single "Legit Server" that is recruiting is obviously unprofessional and made by young kids. This post caught my attention, as it looks like its professional and you know what you're doing. I would love to be your partner, as I know everything about running servers... The advertising, plugins, permissions, player base, donating, etc. I am very mature and feel like I'd fit the job. I am a student council leader at my school, and have very good sense with technology and computers. I am learning to code java in a few months, which would expand my plugin knowledge even more. I have great ideas for a great server. It would be an honor to work by your side!

IGN: Zurtel

Name: Levi K Brown



About Yourself: I am 16 years old, I live in Minnesota. I live in a normal house with 2 brothers who play sports in college. I play football and basketball. I am 6'2 and lightskin. I take sports very seriously but also make time for another passion, video games. I grew up playing both and they have both become a part of me.

Positions Left: 1
07/03/2014 2:50 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
omgitsme3's Avatar
About Yourself:Stuff u may need to know about me is that i have played minecraft sense 1.6.4 and i have learned alot and i have a lot of experience with staff i have been staff on several servers and they have all been Mod and up I have never been banned and always have had fun on servers that had people that were respectful. I have never brook a rule and have always followed them. I have never hacked spammed, griefed or anything i know how to handle stuff like when people spam servers grief or curse i always would ask the Owner and or handle it myself with a kick first asking them to please stop then a mute for 5 to 10 minutes if it keeps going on for a while. I can build very well for all the days ive played minecraft I had a mentor that was like a teacher that showed me the basics of building then when i had the basics it was time for the advanced which im still learning. I know how to use most plugins and which plugins u should have for which server u have. The last reason i suggest i should be co-owner is because i am very active about 5-7 hours everyday depending fi i wanyt to go outside or stay inside, sometimes i will go afk out of no where because my parents want me to do something or i just need to do something. I am also starting to develop a youtube channel for servers that are willing to let me and that respect me but before i make my youtube channel i need to learn how to use fraps and i need a microphone.
That was my app on why i want to be co-owner
If u have any questions in game msg me them or something
A application made by PriceLessSwag94
07/03/2014 2:16 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
BrutalMC's Avatar
07/03/2014 10:44 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Isabellacandy's Avatar
Just for Gfx Please
Name: Bellapup202 Real Name: Isabella
Age: 8 Years Old
Skype: Bella Arana
About Me: I Love To Build And my favorite mob is enderman i love them so much all the stuff they can do ALL of it & i also love to be your Gfx i don't mind if i don't get
Partner i just want Gfx & i don't build awesome things but you can help me. I would Love to be your Gfx.
07/03/2014 10:40 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
anarchylord2345's Avatar

Name: Isaac/Shadowlord2345
About Yourself: I Am very mature i know how to own run and develop servers aas well us trouble shoot make and run plugins and sites I am the all around technical guy a server needs i know ton of commands plugins and the right use for them I have owned serveral servers (factions prison hubs and skyblock) I am a builder and i know how to get donations coming in
07/03/2014 10:39 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Architect
Nexutron's Avatar

Name: Nexutron. If you want my in real life name, It's Ryan.

Age:I am currently Fourteen years of age.

Skype: Don't have one, and Don't plan to get one anytime soon.

About Yourself: Well, I like Animating, Minecraft, Building, I enjoy being a Creative person who comes up with Weird things to just 100% Awesome unique Ideas. I also like things like Building, Designing Logos and Such, and have an Interesting Personality that likes coming up with ideas.
07/03/2014 10:31 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Isabellacandy's Avatar
Or Admin
07/03/2014 10:30 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Isabellacandy's Avatar
Me for gfx
07/03/2014 10:30 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Isabellacandy's Avatar
Name: Isabella/Bellapup202
Age: 8 Years Old
Skype: Bella Arana
About Me: I would love to be a Co owner i imagine [Co Owner] Bellapup202 Hello Everyone And I Never Been One So i really want to be a co owner PLeAse i wont spam or anything! Ok? Please pick me as CO Owner
07/03/2014 2:55 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Crafter
R-Crafters16's Avatar
Your 8 dude so why u writing on here haah
07/03/2014 10:48 am
Level 30 : Artisan Mage
legowars96's Avatar
what happened to "Please i wont spam or anything!"
07/03/2014 10:18 am
Level 1 : New Miner
BrutalMC's Avatar
You have been accepted for position; partner.
07/03/2014 10:02 am
Level 1 : New Network
ImCookiie_'s Avatar
Hello, I will be applying for the position of Partner.


16 years old.


About Yourself:
I've been owner and staff of many servers and I love the idea of running a community. I would love to help with this server because I am currently on holiday therefore I have the available time to place all my efforts onto the server, if so accepeted. - I'll be more than happy to help with Graphics too if needed but I do understand if you would like other members to take part in that position.

I'm not too sure on what to say but if you need to know anymore, just add me on skype!

thankyou for taking the time to read this,
~ ImCookiie.
07/03/2014 10:01 am
Level 31 : Artisan Dragonborn
WTFshady's Avatar
Eh, if I could apply. But I'm too young...
07/03/2014 9:59 am
Level 30 : Artisan Mage
legowars96's Avatar
Name: Noah Miller
Age: almost 18
Skype: nmillz96
About Yourself: Ive helped host multiple other servers (they closed due to the owners losing the worlds and/or not remembering to pay to keep the server running), I almost always work well with others, I am very good at redstone, commands, and building. I try to make everyone happy and friends
Planet Minecraft


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