[Naruto RPG Recruitment]Shinobi Craft - Ninja reformed

ShinobiCraftTeam's Avatar ShinobiCraftTeam2/3/13 12:38 pm
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2/12/2016 11:43 pm
puppyafro's Avatar puppyafro

.:Short Pre-Teaser:.

30 years ago, the Fourth Shinobi War came to an end. "The War of all Wars", as it was commonly named. The war had aligned the villages to fight against a greater threat: The Akatsuki. Hundreds of thousands of shinobi fought and perished honorably. Fathers, mothers, husbands, sons and daughters sacrificed themselves to protect their village, their loved ones and their way of life. But has their sacrifice given the shinobi world a wake up call? Was the destruction of the Fourth shinobi
War not enough to satisfy the villages' lust for power and wealth? Only YOU can influence the shinobi World. Will you band together with your fellow shinobi and spark a new war or revolution? Or will you fight tooth and nail to maintain the peace, and defend your way of life? Whatever your motive, whatever your goal; big or small....only YOU can make it happen.

We present,

A combination of Minecraft and the Naruto World
A whole new level of gameplay, ShinobiCraft will be a fun-filled Naruto RPG server that is coming your way, never seen before.

The team consists of dedicated professionals that come together from around the world

We will need:
Builders (Urgent)
Interior Designers
Texture pack Degisners (most probably in HD to provide better experience)
Mod makers (experience preferred)
Lore writer

Not sure what some of the jobs are? Refer below

We require a large amount of builders to help build the main structures of the universe e.g. houses, monuments, gates etc. Buildings are to be according to images found in Naruto, if not it can be based upon the village/country and be built accordingly. Builders built exterior structures.

Interior Designers:
In-charged of designing interior of buildings made by builders with reference of existing images (if applicable), if not, a good sense of architecture is possible.

Texturepack designers:
A good texture pack would be needed for best server experience. Those texture packs found around the internet are usually over exaggerated, what we want would be something in-between realism and naruto world. Items would have to be customized to fit the universe theme.

Mod Makers:
Generally, mod makers will make plugins/modifications to help the server fit into the Universe. Jutsus, Clans, Bloodline Limit etc.

Lore Writer:
Since ShinobiCraft is a RPG server, a lore is required to give a life to it. We require good lore writers to come out with great background, create stories etc. to make the server more interesting to play in. Good command of grammer and vocabulary is a must!

Skype: (Recommended to make one for communication purposes)
Experience: (in the job you are choosing)
Samples builds/writings: (related to chosen job)
Self intro:
Why you love Naruto:
Ever been banned?:
What will you bring to this server: (Relate to your job would be appreciated)

Before being accepted, you must agree to go through a short test and try out. You will be accepted if you are deem worthy to be part of our team.
Good luck and may you be part of the ShinobiTeam

***Some qualifications are needed for certain job scope as we want a team of professionals to maintain this world and the future of Naruto Shinobi RPG.

Website: http://shinobicraftofficial.enjin.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ShinobiCraft/

Apply now!!
Posted by ShinobiCraftTeam's Avatar
Level 47 : Master Ninja

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02/03/2013 12:43 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Architect
alemaly's Avatar
MC IGN:alemaly
Job:Builder or lore writer
Experience: (in the job you are choosing) I wrote 3 storys and I build a house every day
Self intro: (Optional)
Why you love Naruto: Everything about it
Ever been banned?:once or twice
What will you bring to this server: (Relate to your job would be appreciated) ​Fun creative builds AND FUN!!
02/03/2013 1:07 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Mage
Tutto200's Avatar
Name: Tui
MC IGN: tutto200
Age: 13 (please do not judge)
Country: Western Aus
Timezone(GMT): West standard
Job: Lore Writer
Experience: Writer in a project called 'Revenge of the Zombie Pigmen', 'Kingdom Craft', "Rise of Myths'.
Self intro: I am a writer outside and inside the game. I love literature especially reading and writing. I am currently reading 'A Game of Thrones' half way through and loving it. I'm a fan of RP/RPGs and go on quite a few forums dedicated to that purpose.
Why you love Naruto: To be honest I don't know much of this show however I did watch it when I was little.
Ever been banned?:Yeah a few times except all were mistakes.
What will you bring to this server: Ideas, stories, twists, interesting lore, discription, RPG!
02/03/2013 11:38 pm
Level 47 : Master Ninja
ShinobiCraftTeam's Avatar
02/04/2013 3:58 am
Level 32 : Artisan Mage
Tutto200's Avatar
Cool where do I start?
02/04/2013 4:18 am
Level 47 : Master Ninja
ShinobiCraftTeam's Avatar
Right about now! ip
02/03/2013 1:08 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Architect
alemaly's Avatar
tutto come on our server ur admin
02/04/2013 11:01 am
Level 47 : Master Ninja
ShinobiCraftTeam's Avatar
02/04/2013 6:39 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
trustworthyspy's Avatar
Name: Edward
MC IGN: Trustworthyspy
Age: 16
Country: US
Timezone(GMT): GMT -5
Job: Builder, Interior Designer, Lore Writer
Experience: Experienced with red stone building, Have built multiple clan bases, including many clan bases in [NARUTO RPG SERVER] :: [24/7] :: [CUSTOM JUTSU] :: [CLANS], no experience in lore writing, but I read a lot, and know a lot about Naruto, so I think I could be great at it.
Self intro: I love geometry, I am in an engineering program at my school, in this program we create 3-D designs and use photoshop, so far these skill have been transferable to minecraft.
Why you love Naruto: I have watched it ever since it started coming on air in the US, I haven't watched it in a while though, but I still read the manga, and am almost finished with the series (in manga form).
Ever been banned?: What does getting banned mean?
What will you bring to this server: The best clan buildings, houses, and shops you will ever see.

Village/Country: Preferably Hidden Sand/ Land of Wind, If there are too many builders there, anywhere is fine.
02/05/2013 3:30 am
Level 47 : Master Ninja
ShinobiCraftTeam's Avatar
02/05/2013 3:56 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Prince
KillerPro's Avatar
kype:killerpro1232 Feel free to add/message me!


Maturity:9, I like to throw some jokes out there once in a while.


Why should we pick you:I respect the Owner for maintaining such a big server and i want to support him to the best of my ability. I feel like the owner is a genius for keeping a server like that and i have full respect to not do anything that may hurt the server severely. Trust cant be said as much as done. I can only promise you so much, I need to show you in order for a trust to build.

What are you good at?:I'm good at being the organized staff member in a server. I think of myself as a leader, and as a leader, I always need things to be running smoothly. When it comes to discipline, I do not believe in permanent bans, because I always believe in second chances.

Can you be trustworthy: Yes!, this is a question that almost everybody will answer as yes. When I say yes, I am saying that i will only allow myself to do what the admins allow me to do. I will not cross the Owners line of what not to do. I always hated when my own Admins would do anything that has not been said by me. I have had many complaints of Admins abusing their powers and having their fun with it. You need to do what's best for the server and do not abuse your powers.

How can you help the server:I can help the server by possibly donating, because this topic looks very serious and you look like your actually going to keep the server running, so I most likely will donate. I can also help the server by popping by every player every once in a while, just to make sure that they are not X-raying, modding, hacking, flying, etc. I am also pretty experienced in plugins, WorldEdit, McMMO, MobDisguise xD, WorldGuard, Hawkeye, etc.

Can you be helpful to any higher ranking people:Ofcourse! I can also be a help to lower ranking people aswell. If I happen to know something that a higher or lower rank doesn't know, I would gladly help them with their situations.

Can you help people if they have questions:Ofcourse! I'm always open to questions and comments. I do not get annoyed easily, so If another player is getting annoyed by something, I would help them resolve their question/problem until it is SOLVED.

How many hours are you on:I can be on for 3-4 hours per day on the weekdays after school, and 6-10 hours a day on the weekends. Varies from what I'm planning later.

Email (Optional):tejaswiku@rocketmail.com feel free to add me as a contact and message me!

Any other details (Optional):I am on top of my game. I know whats going on in the minecraft world and I am not only familiar with a few world edit command, I know this game inside-out. I am willing to do anything to make a server great! Not only that but i am addicted to minecraft and will have all my skills projected onto the server along with my server mates to build a great server. I have a strong feel for a profound community that will improve the overall quality of the game. I know what the server needs to strive and be as successful as needed. I am more of a person of action, let my talent be implanted in this new server.

My grammar is in great shape and can be used in serious situations if needed to. I usually spell all my words right and i am sort of like a grammar nazi myself. Grammar nazi is when a person get weery due to wrong use of grammar or spelling. I don't take anybodies speech strong unless it has unity and strong base grammar.

I am a really social guy and always greet all the newcomers on my own server, I really like to communicate with my server mates as i will be playing with them and that's how you build a strong solid community. Community is key to a great minecraft server as it allows the player to have more than themselves to rely on and communicate with. This allows for more players on the server and a strong based system to be implied.
02/05/2013 8:55 am
Level 47 : Master Ninja
ShinobiCraftTeam's Avatar
Just making sure, did you post on the correct thread? If yes, then I'm afraid that
YOU HAVE ONE OF THE BEST APPLICATION! Well, but a bit unrelated to Naruto. Well I accept you as one of us
02/05/2013 4:06 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
TurretKing101's Avatar
MC IGN:zehn_master
Timezone i dunno? adelaide time does it matter... sorry i have no idea about time zones...
Experience: Ive played minecraft for AGES and have loved building the most
Self intro: (Optional)
Ever been banned?: once because i was pissed about getting de-ownered :O and kept talking about it
What will you bring to this server: buildings when u dont expect it like a ninja :O lol lots of buildings I LOVE TO BUILD like a boss
02/05/2013 8:59 am
Level 47 : Master Ninja
ShinobiCraftTeam's Avatar
02/05/2013 8:52 am
Level 1 : New Miner
trustworthyspy's Avatar
trustworthyspyName: Edward
MC IGN: Trustworthyspy
Age: 16
Country: US
Timezone(GMT): GMT -5
Job: Builder, Interior Designer, Lore Writer
Experience: Experienced with red stone building, Have built multiple clan bases, including many clan bases in [NARUTO RPG SERVER] :: [24/7] :: [CUSTOM JUTSU] :: [CLANS], no experience in lore writing, but I read a lot, and know a lot about Naruto, so I think I could be great at it.
Self intro: I love geometry, I am in an engineering program at my school, in this program we create 3-D designs and use photoshop, so far these skill have been transferable to minecraft.
Why you love Naruto: I have watched it ever since it started coming on air in the US, I haven't watched it in a while though, but I still read the manga, and am almost finished with the series (in manga form).
Ever been banned?: What does getting banned mean?
What will you bring to this server: The best clan buildings, houses, and shops you will ever see.

Village/Country: Preferably Hidden Sand/ Land of Wind, If there are too many builders there, anywhere is fine.


Cool, when would you like me to start?
02/05/2013 8:59 am
Level 47 : Master Ninja
ShinobiCraftTeam's Avatar
trustworthyspyName: Edward
MC IGN: Trustworthyspy
Age: 16
Country: US
Timezone(GMT): GMT -5
Job: Builder, Interior Designer, Lore Writer
Experience: Experienced with red stone building, Have built multiple clan bases, including many clan bases in [NARUTO RPG SERVER] :: [24/7] :: [CUSTOM JUTSU] :: [CLANS], no experience in lore writing, but I read a lot, and know a lot about Naruto, so I think I could be great at it.
Self intro: I love geometry, I am in an engineering program at my school, in this program we create 3-D designs and use photoshop, so far these skill have been transferable to minecraft.
Why you love Naruto: I have watched it ever since it started coming on air in the US, I haven't watched it in a while though, but I still read the manga, and am almost finished with the series (in manga form).
Ever been banned?: What does getting banned mean?
What will you bring to this server: The best clan buildings, houses, and shops you will ever see.

Village/Country: Preferably Hidden Sand/ Land of Wind, If there are too many builders there, anywhere is fine.


Cool, when would you like me to start?

At anytime You are whitelisted! IP:
02/06/2013 2:32 am
Level 47 : Master Ninja
ShinobiCraftTeam's Avatar
02/06/2013 4:27 am
Level 32 : Artisan Mage
Tutto200's Avatar
Zac I don't seem to be catching you online (server looks awesome by the way) is there any other way we can communicate?
02/08/2013 9:19 am
Level 47 : Master Ninja
ShinobiCraftTeam's Avatar
Yes sry but I'm really busy with chinese new year and my exams are round the corner. Give me about 2 more weeks and I'll be FREE!
Add me on skype zhen_chun01 and i'll get in touch with u there!
02/06/2013 8:03 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Pokemon
GoldzakiHD's Avatar
Name: Zaki
MC IGN: trans08
Age: 14 getting 15 in april
Country: Belgium
Timezone(GMT): Europe GMT 0+
Job: Terrain builders
Experience: I'm good at making big biomes but i'd be happy if i could use world edit
Self intro: (Optional)
Why you love Naruto: I Already watch it for 2years love the manga
Ever been banned?: once by breaking 1 block in spawn :S
What will you bring to this server: Awesome Biomes, Dungeons Caves, Snowlands etc.
02/08/2013 9:19 am
Level 47 : Master Ninja
ShinobiCraftTeam's Avatar
Finally a terrain builder! Accepted, add me on skype zhen_chun01
02/06/2013 11:46 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
Joexv's Avatar
MC IGN:I have 2 oXSparkyXo and Joexv(this one only if the server is cracked)
Timezone(GMT):pacific -8:00
Job:Building, interior design
Experience: They're just fun to do in minecraft
Self intro: (Optional)
Why you love Naruto:Because its amazing.
Ever been banned?:only with Joexv and I didn't do anything wrong to get banned
What will you bring to this server: The cooler the buildings and the cooler the mods are is what gets me.

And I don't have a high rank on this site cause I'm hardly on here anymore..
02/08/2013 9:20 am
Level 47 : Master Ninja
ShinobiCraftTeam's Avatar
Accepted! Add me on skype zhen_chun01
02/06/2013 11:49 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
Joexv's Avatar
Forgot to post the villages
I would like to be in the sand village or the leaf village. And if those are full the village hidden in the mist.
02/06/2013 12:09 pm
Level 26 : Expert Geek
tmplumber's Avatar
MC IGN:tmplumber
Age:12 ( do not judge )
Country: UK
Job:Building, Interior Design
Experience: I used to build on a server, but they said I was not the best at building the outline of structures, so I have decided im going to do the interior, EG the ramen shop
Self intro: (Optional) I have been playing minecraft since before minecraft 1.7.3 and I make skins, build ( a little )
Why you love Naruto: Because I love the setting, my fave scene is in the first episode where they explain the red tailed fox
Ever been banned?: Most were mistakes or abusive admins
What will you bring to this server: A interior that fits in with the lore...
Village/Country: Im most familiar with the leaf village, I also have the game Naruto Rise Of A Ninja, if we want to make it more accurate
02/08/2013 9:21 am
Level 47 : Master Ninja
ShinobiCraftTeam's Avatar
Accepted! Add me on skype zhen_chun01
02/06/2013 6:33 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
CrypticVR's Avatar
Name:Nick Flores
MC IGN:CrypticVR
Country:United States
Job:Builder or Interior Designer
Experience: Veteran Minecrafter since alpha, worked on many servers, a lot of RPG gameplay
Self intro:
Why you love Naruto:Naruto is an amazing anime and manga that I have watched and read for many years. I love both the original and Shipuden but I am still working my way through Shipuden. I love the story and the unique characters and find the setting to be so diverse and open. I find it a really interesting cross be between many different parts and the different lands.
Ever been banned?:I was banned from a hunger games server once because I killed the admin and he was annoyed at me because I killed him yet he was playing in the game.
What will you bring to this server: A positive attitude towards all gameplay aspects, a loyal builder who can work for a few hours every day, a leader and team player and a Naruto fan who wants to build to what the actual animie and manga show.

Village/Country: I'd like to be a part of the Hidden Cloud /Lightning and I can work on Konoha
02/08/2013 9:21 am
Level 47 : Master Ninja
ShinobiCraftTeam's Avatar
Accepted! Add me on skype zhen_chun01
02/10/2013 11:30 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
Joexv's Avatar
I will start on Monday. I don't have a Skype is that ok?
02/10/2013 5:59 am
Level 32 : Artisan Mage
Tutto200's Avatar
Zac I sent a request.
02/16/2013 11:24 am
Level 47 : Master Ninja
ShinobiCraftTeam's Avatar
04/28/2013 3:19 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
ninjaboy3232001's Avatar
Name:Sanan Rao
MC IGN:ninjaboy323
Job:I would love to be a builder. I'm quite a experienced builder i have build lots of things and will be willing to build anything u ask me to build. I also have a little bit of experience in modding and can maybe make a mod for u depending on what it is.
Experience: I have alot of experience in building, I will build the hidden sand village. Also can work on the hidden leaf. And if u need help on another village i will also help on that
Self intro: Well i always respect everybody unless they dont respect me. I have always done my best to help any server i have donated on lots of servers as well.
Why you love Naruto: I love naruto because the story line, the action, and the setting in general. I have been watching naruto for a while now and am aware of the setting, and the story line.
Ever been banned?: Nope!
What will you bring to this server: I will bring cool buildings maybe some cool mods also a awesome experience for new comers. I will help the the server develop and grow into a nice and respective community. Soon i will be getting a new computer and recording i can get the server on youtube and get more people

Village/Country: Hidden leaf, Fire
Village: Hidden Leaf
Country: Fire

-Sanan Rao
06/16/2013 1:39 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Eviktion_Zlash's Avatar
[11:35:19 PM] Eviktion_Zlash: Hello

IGN: Eviktion_Zlash

Age: 15

Country: Canada

Timezone: Mountain Time

Job: Admin, Server Helper, Plugin helper, Permission helper

Experience: Was Co-Owner on violationcraft and create my own server HeroCloud. I also setup Paperweightserver

Why?: Im asian and that my life

Ever been banned?: Nope, To boss

What i can do the help?: I know plugin metrics, coding, & permissions nodes. I am also pretty chill ask darkprodigy1
Team Ham
07/19/2013 9:27 am
Level 37 : Artisan Network
Team Ham's Avatar
Name: Arslan Amir
MC IGN: manzeezsman_p00h
Age: 15
Country: United States of America
Timezone(GMT): New York, New York.
Job: Mod Maker
Experience: I have made many mods from adding more items to adding shrurikens. I have also added tailed beasts to minecraft through mods. I have an extensive knowledge of magicalspells and can make any jutsu you need.
Ever been banned?: No
What will you bring to this server: A good staff member and great jutsus.
My skype arslan.amir6
07/28/2013 7:08 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
TheMinecrafter23's Avatar
Name James
McLgn TheMInecrafter23
Age 12
Country America
Timezone Central
Job Builder
Experience Built Houses A Water Slide and A very advanced cave system
self intro I watch Naruto on Narutonine.com I'm on episode 45 or 46 It's the when Neji and Hinata Face off
Why you love Naruto I love the Music Characters and Jutsus
Ever been banned no
what will i bring Beatifully designed houses and villages
Village Hidden in the leaves
Country Konahongakure/Fire
10/07/2013 12:10 am
Level 1 : New Miner
pugmaster07's Avatar
Name: Jessica. M
MC IGN: pugmaster07
Age: 16
Country: Australia
Timezone(GMT): Eastern Standard
Job: Builder and/or Interior Designer
Experience: I have worked on various servers but I see this as a great opportunity to expand my knowledge and well-being. I am experienced with world edit.
Self intro: I am a 16 year old female minecraft player, I am strict and will be an asset to a server. I am experienced with world edit and have owned minecraft for about 5 years now.
Why you love Naruto: I love the background and creativeness of the jutsu and fighting. My favourite character is Temari because I like her attitude.
Ever been banned?: Yes, for a couple things, nothing serious.
What will you bring to this server: Great builds, a love for naruto, a strict an efficient staffmanship.
06/13/2014 7:51 pm
Level 47 : Master Ninja
ShinobiCraftTeam's Avatar
Complete Map Revamp
06/13/2014 7:59 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Prince
FlameAV's Avatar
ZacAwesome are you guys looking for staff members such as Admin/Moderator?
06/15/2014 1:59 pm
Level 47 : Master Ninja
ShinobiCraftTeam's Avatar
No those ranks are people who deserve them. They are given through promotions
02/12/2016 11:43 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
puppyafro's Avatar
Hay when will the server really be open to the public and how do I make my way through the ranks to become an admin.
Planet Minecraft


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