Small server about to open needs builders

GlambertGirl's Avatar GlambertGirl10/13/15 9:51 pm
10/13/2015 10:18 pm
xDepth_'s Avatar xDepth_
Hello, I'm Pecco and I run a small server called Cytris City that plans to open soon. We need builders and we can only take a selected few and I will provide the application below. Before applying please attach a picture of your work in building. Our server accepts everyone and if you have a problem with a certain sexuality or race, I suggest you not apply.

Minecraft IGN:
Are you good at building (be honest):
Are you good with new people?:
Can you play after you've finished building?:
How long have you played minecraft?:
Are you female or male? (Doesn't matter, I just thought I should ask):
Do you accept everyone?:

Thanks for applying and please comment your application
Posted by GlambertGirl's Avatar
Level 1 : New Explorer

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10/13/2015 10:18 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
xDepth_'s Avatar
Hello, My in game name is xDepth_. Yes, I am good at building and I have been building for a few years. And I am very pleased with my progress. I'm only good with new people, As a mentor if they are'nt bossing me around.
And Yes I can play after I'm finished with my work only if you give me permissions. I have played minecraft since beta 1.8 So I am very experienced and know whats going on. I am a male. If you mean accepting on the website, it depends if
there applications are on top. But If you mean accepting in to do something good
yes, certainly.

Skype frostyzgaming

10/13/2015 10:02 pm
Level 21 : Expert Ninja
Zypher_'s Avatar
Minecraft IGN: FrostyGoesHD
Are you good at building (be honest): Yes although I am not the best and there are others that are better
Are you good with new people?: Yes.
Can you play after you've finished building?: Of course
How long have you played minecraft?: since 1.4.7
Are you female or male? (Doesn't matter, I just thought I should ask): Male
Do you accept everyone?: Yes, everyone is equal to me so it doesnt matter what sex, race they are.
www.planetminecraft.com/member/siver_leaf/ those are all my builds.
my skype is Host.Heart
Planet Minecraft


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