SpinxMC / Looking for all types of staff

Vigri's Avatar Vigri6/30/15 2:26 pm
7/9/2015 7:58 am
Vigri's Avatar Vigri
Hey all. I am an Owner of a new server called SpinxMC. The server will be factions and we're planning to try and make it unique as possible. Doing this, we also plan to recruit staff who can put the effort into this server, and contribute with whatever services they have. SpinxMC is also fantasy-base themed.

We are looking for moderators, and builders, and if interested in applying then please do apply.

We have the domain http://www.spinxMC.com and we're planning to design a whole site custom thanks to a designer from the community once we get the money.

Anyway, to continue, here are the requirements that you must have:
You must be over 12 years old to be an applicant.
You must contribute time and effort into this server.
You also must not curse towards our community.

Application Format
Applying for Builder or Mod?:
Past Experience:
A little bit about yourself:


The website is not designed. We only have the domain, not the server yet. We're receiving the money soon.
Posted by Vigri's Avatar
Level 18 : Journeyman Artist

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06/30/2015 2:31 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Network
Retric_Jacob_x's Avatar
Name: Jacob
IGN: Retric_Jacob_x
Age: 15
Skype: retrick_gaming
Do you have a working mic?: Yes, it's anoying
Position: Head-Admin (I know its alot but i am worth it i promiss)
Maturity: 1-10: 9
What makes you think you're good for this future server?: I think i am good and respectful. I help out in any way i can.. I wana be head-admin because i know alot about bukkit and mojang.
How often will you be able to get on and help out?: Im on mainly 14 Hour's a day
Describe your personality (what type of person are you?): Kind, Playful, Helpful, Entertaining, Knowledgeable
Do you work/play well with others?: Yes i do, In matter a fact i get along perfect!
I'm looking for someone who get be productive and get things done. Is that you? Yes that is me.. I am knowledgeable with Craftbukkit and mojang and pretty much any other types of server verisons!
06/30/2015 2:45 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Artist
Vigri's Avatar
Denied, didn't even follow application format nor read the post.
06/30/2015 2:54 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
PayshenceMC's Avatar
Name: Payshence May
Age: 16
Skype: Skelator.lokir
IGN: Skelator137
Applying for Builder or Mod?: Neither, in fact i am applying for a website builder.
Past Experience: Ever since i would say i was 12, i was building websites. I have been working on websites for my school, My fathers home buisness, and random websites for practice. I am very experienced, Creative, and i listen to what the website owner wants in his new site. I Do NOT charge , and it is alot of fun for me to be building these websites.
A little bit about yourself: I Have been Playing minecraft for about 3 years and i am very experienced. i know commands, and i am a very creative builder. (If i Do happen do be the one building your website, i would also like some sort of command alliance, to link it to the website, along with the announment moderation command power to also like that to the website.
Also, I am hardly ever on skype so if you contact me, contact me over email or direct message.
06/30/2015 2:59 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Artist
Vigri's Avatar
Hey there, thanks for applying! Can you by any chance provide anything such as a screenshot of one of your websites?
06/30/2015 2:56 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Network
Mancee's Avatar
Name: Andrew (Nice To Meet You! )
Age: 14(almost 15)
Skype: andrew.carras1
IGN: Carrasp
Applying for Builder or Mod?: Moderator
Past Experience: Well I have a very large background, I really started getting interested in servers about 2 and a half years ago and I ended up running multiple servers, at the time I had no idea what I was doing, after that failed I started going around on small servers and just helping with anything, I would do anything from permissions to a rules board, I would gain a rank, play for a while then simply leave. Now though I have recently held head-admin, co-owner, mod and helper, I now understand how to run a server and really contribute and help make it a nice and professional looking server.
A little bit about yourself: Well as I stated above I enjoy helping small servers and turning them around into the next big thing. I am looking for a new server to call home after I retired from the server I was head-admin on. I want to be apart of something big! I am very good with plugins and configuring them, I also utilize the plugin called Skript which I use to make things very similiar to plugins, called "Scripts" I am also now learning Java which I will use to make plugins for the server, once I am able to of course. I really enjoy being a leader an directing people, but I am also willing to follow.
Thanks For Reading! Even If I Don't Get Accepted, Good Luck!
06/30/2015 3:12 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Artist
Vigri's Avatar
Hello! We have decided to accept you to our team. You will receive a Skype request shortly
06/30/2015 3:26 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Emerald_Gamin's Avatar
Name: Skyler
Age: 15
Skype: Ealges_60
IGN: Eagles_60
Applying for Builder or Mod?: Mod
Past Experience: Ive work on my own server before, ive been a mod before.
A little bit about yourself: Hi, well ive been playing MC for about 2.5 years, on the servers i play on im very active on them for at least a hour a day. The number one thing i hate about Minecraft is hackers and cussing thats why i why i want to be a mod.
i know the command that i will have if im a mod, ive very good with plugins and can help out with them if needed. Im very easy to work with and im great with other people, i can easily adapt with the people i work with. and if there something i dont know like a command or something u need to do i will be happy to learn it to help u out.
06/30/2015 3:28 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
PayshenceMC's Avatar
two websites i worked on, my brothers friends website blog, very simple. He was happy with the product, so i was too.
And my old school, we contacted for extra curricular, along with three other students.

Sorry for the delay! i was having trouble with my computer!
06/30/2015 3:38 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Artist
Vigri's Avatar
two websites i worked on, my brothers friends website blog, very simple. He was happy with the product, so i was too.
And my old school, we contacted for extra curricular, along with three other students.

Sorry for the delay! i was having trouble with my computer!

Apologies but your proof is template made. This is not sufficient to be accepted. Thank you for applying.
06/30/2015 4:00 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
UnchartedidHellsArmy's Avatar
Hi there, Im Unchartedid. I was just contacting with a business offer. This of course is in relation with your Minecraft server. Add me if your interested! Skype: unchartedid_1023
06/30/2015 4:28 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Network
Aanndryyyy's Avatar
Your factions server must be really, I mean Really unique for it to work.

I wish you the best of luck!
06/30/2015 4:32 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Artist
Vigri's Avatar
Thanks. Although it doesn't matter whether it's unique or not.
06/30/2015 4:35 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
XKingReaperX's Avatar
Name: Michael
Age: 15
Skype: bloodyhell9252
IGN: XKingReaperX
Applying for Builder or Mod?: Builder (Or Dev)
Past Experience: Building since 2012, have SS. Will send through Skype
A little bit about yourself: I love building, playing Minecraft, and basketball. Most of my day is spent playing basketball. I don't play EVERY day, but on occasion I do. I play Minecraft whenever I'm not playing basketball. I am a dedicated builder/server developer. I get the job done right, no questions asked.
07/02/2015 11:06 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Artist
Vigri's Avatar
Please send Screenshots via Private message.
06/30/2015 4:48 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
AmazingMrPotato's Avatar
Name: James Songewald
Age: 15
Skype: AmazingMrPotato
IGN: AamzingMrPotato
Applying for Builder or Mod?: Mod
Past Experience: I have owned my own server which averaged 20+ players night and day. It shut down from lack of donations I have been Head-Mod On mythical craft 400+ players daily.... I quite from lack of disrespect.
A little bit about yourself: I have insomnia So I can stay up late! I have great people Skills and I always double check to make sure the right person gets banned for the right reason!
07/02/2015 11:08 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Artist
Vigri's Avatar
Denied. As a friendly suggestion as I also have insomnia, are you seeing someone about it? If not, you should. Although I thank you for applying.
06/30/2015 4:57 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Network
CowMan37777's Avatar
Name: Aidan
Age: 13
Skype: CowMan377
IGN: CowMan377
Applying for Builder or Mod?: Moderator
Past Experience: I used to own 1 server and I was Co-Owner, Head-Admin, Admin, Moderator, and Helper. I am very good with commands and I know how to use and how to install plugins.
A little bit about yourself: I am a fun person and love to have conversations with members. But when Force needs to be applied I drop the act and get on the problem. I know what to do in situations such as dealing with Cheaters or just a person spamming in the chat. I am always willing to help someone that needs it and I am just an overall nice guy, greeting and answering questions whenever possible. I love to interact with everyone anyway I can. The experience I have had prepares me for the job that I need to do and I am always ready, I play about 4-5 hours on weekends and 2-4 hours on Weekdays. Unless I have something important to do or something personal/family related. Loyalty is one of my big traits. I always stick with people till the end, if I work for that server that's the only server that is a priority to manage.
07/02/2015 11:08 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Artist
Vigri's Avatar
You're into consideration! Thank you for applying
07/01/2015 2:52 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
bbg123456789's Avatar
Applying for Builder or Mod?:Moderator
Past Experience:I have ran many servers in my time so i understand the type of people to come thru. Those servers are gone because of payment issues. I am very attentive and i can help the server in virtually anyway i can configure most plugins and i am very proficient in all commands of Essentials so essentiallly i can help everyone new player to minecraft I love to help and i think i can help this server aswell as the players in it
A little bit about yourself:I am a musician i play the saxophone and the clarinet i am a fun guy and i make friends easily and i get along with everyone. I can stop fighting and when i need to show authority i can. Overall im a not so outgoing but not shy guy im in the middle.
07/01/2015 5:36 am
Level 1 : New Miner
GlaxyNarwhalStar's Avatar
Name: Maria
Age: 14
Ing: GlaxyNarwhalStar
Skype: alenalazzaro
I really want to apply for helper,I love helping people so much even if it's not for me
I had a server before and i had over 40 people on it but i forgot to pay.Also this year i have worked as a builder to a server but it closed for some reason,And i also worked for helper, But the server had to close too..But i really want to work again as a staff.And why i think that we will make the community even better !!
I hope you will Choose me.
07/02/2015 11:09 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Artist
Vigri's Avatar
Denied. We're not accepting helpers and can roughly say you haven't read the original post. Which is in my opinion, what you have to do.
07/01/2015 10:07 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Explorer
SkaterPro8's Avatar
delete this one
07/01/2015 10:18 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
st6sniper1's Avatar
Applying for Builder or Mod?:Moderator
Past Experience: I have been admin on several servers and admin on others. All the servers have been some what successful. I can code C Sharp and I am currently learning java too
A little bit about yourself: I recently got excepted into a high school program called P-tech. P tech is basically collage for high school students. You take collage classes. When you graduate you will have a 4 year degree in computer science and engineering. The school will teach you how to code and much more, I can make custom banners and websites for the server. I have adobe photoshop and many more softwares to make them. I put 4-10 hours into video gaming a day and if I get accepted most of that time will go into the server.
Thanks for reading
07/02/2015 11:09 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Artist
Vigri's Avatar
You're into consideration! Thank you for applying
07/02/2015 12:42 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Explorer
SkaterPro8's Avatar
Name: Jake
Age: 14
Applying for Builder or Mod?: Mod or admin
Past Experience: Mod Admin Co Owner
A little bit about yourself: im a friendly person that knows how to deal with people. I will be strict if i have too
07/02/2015 11:10 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Artist
Vigri's Avatar
Denied. You're lacking a lot of information. Although thank you for applying.
07/02/2015 12:43 pm
Level 1 : New Network
ThatAnzDoee's Avatar
Name is Anz
IGN is ThatAnzDoee
I am 15 years old.
SKYPE - sk_anz

I use to be a moderator on a server and then got promoted to Head-Admin. I then got promoted to Co-Owner, but the server closed. The server name was Valkaria Network.
I also helped build server spawns for servers like Valkaria and Swiftcraft (A joint server with friends that I ended) which are no longer available.
I have worked on graphic designs for server logos and such.
I can bring great promotion as I am a new youtuber who makes great content and got 9 out of ten people saying that the content is hilarious.
- http://www.j.mp/ThatAnzDoee
I can also help build, promote the server, make a series and also make logos ect.

Building - 10/10
Redstone - 9/10
Maturity - 10/10
Overall - 10/10

Additional Information -
Youtuber - 3 Years
Graphics Designer *GFX* - 4 Years
Minecraft - More than 5 years.
07/04/2015 7:00 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Artist
Vigri's Avatar


Hey guys, Liam here and I just started working on my own private home-hosted server on LocalHost. I've managed to get a LOT done, here are some previews:

07/06/2015 10:07 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Artist
Vigri's Avatar
bump! Spinx is being discussed about turning a network ALREADY.
07/06/2015 12:37 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
iCrazycops's Avatar
Name: Ammar
Age: 15
Skype: CrazycopsCP
IGN: Crazycops
Applying for Builder or Mod?: Builder
Past Experience: I started making websites at the age of 11. I used to play this game called Club Penguin and I made a blog of my own - http://www.clubpenguindimension.com, the domain expired a couple of years ago as I don't play it anymore. However you can still have a look at the site - http://penguintoday1.blogspot.com/. Everything you see on the site from graphics to posts was done by me. It was a successful blog and I got noticed in the community so people wanted to hire me as a designer and blogger, so I have worked in many famous websites such as http://www.clubpenguincp.com, http://www.interestbuzz.com, andreylaur.com etc. I can give you a list if you want. I quit playing Club Penguin and start playing Minecraft nearly three years ago and have been continuing till date. I have worked on Minecraft servers such as TreeHubMC and NexusNetwork (both which don't exist anymore). I feel like I am capable of applying for staff to this server. Hope I get accepted!
A little bit about yourself: As I explained earlier, I am a blogger. I do graphic designing too (Photoshop). I make videos on my YouTube channel - http://www.youtube.com/betterdroid. (214 subscribers). You can see my Twitter @ http://www.twitter.com/CrazycopsCP
07/07/2015 5:43 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Artist
Vigri's Avatar
Can you provide some of your builds?
07/07/2015 10:25 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Network
Mancee's Avatar
Hello, you accepted me as a moderator but never sent me a Skype request
07/07/2015 11:32 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Artist
Vigri's Avatar
We did long ago.
07/07/2015 11:44 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Network
coonorlovesmiine's Avatar
Name: Connor
Age: 16
Skype: connor rozzi (lacrosse players as picture) Email is longislandstringin@gmail.com

IGN: coonor
Applying for Builder or Mod?: I am applying for Moderator
Past Experience: I have owned 2 servers of My Own ( BurstCraft and DripCraft) one of which is presently running. I Know a MAJOR amount of useful, fun, essential, and plain awesome plugins. I know that a large portion of players on my server currently running enjoy me as an owner and they know that I take suggestions. Being an operator, I know how hard getting to the bottom of a story is but I also find it a challenge, and I have been a part a lot of communities, thus I have matured and learned a lot from them. I understand what punishments should be distributed based on the offense. I showed the qualities required to be a helper on other servers (not directly but as an admin, mod, and owner) . I have watched players come and go and I, most certainly, will work my heart out to keep players on the server.I love to help out servers new or old! In addition, making sure work is getting done is my craft, and I possess many skills that help me achieve these goals. My forte is Staff/Server management, but I am also a fair builder, I know a good amount of about permissions(Semi coder), I can set up enjin sites (maybe even a non enjin?) very well, and I am very adept at solving problems between players. I assure you that if you accept me, you will not be let down. I am currently owning a server that has around 15 dedicated players. To add to the experience, I have been an administrator on 2 servers, one being play.corbacraft.com and another being mc.thel33t.com. My heart was broken when the "l33t" lost its community. In addition, my moderation experience (moderator) is another aspect of my minecraft "career" that I believe you and your team should look at in my application, for I have been, and still am on some that are still up, a staff position ranging from the simplest of helpers to the authenticity of admin and moderator. In my mind patrolling a server and making sure everyone is doing what they are asked, and having fun, is joyous in its own way!. In my previous years I have worked with tons of server owners. (I work in a wide-range of variety when it comes to staff positions.) Their servers consists of mini-games, factions, survival, rpg related content. My experience being a staff is very complex from what I do, I'am very dedicated to the things I do. I would like to use my talent and experience to be able to expand my knowledge and skills to improve to be able to work with full potential and commitment. I can adapt to certain types of communities so there's really no problem for me to be able to communicate and work with others. Let that set aside for a while, anyways I'm that type of person who looks for more possibilities and I really expect myself to progress and gain experience as I work with different people and certain things that can let me improve myself to be a better staff member. And as I gain those things, I try to put them and use them to good use so can be able to provide the best service that is available for me to handle and give.
A little bit about yourself: I believe Moderators are what keep the community clean and strong, and are essential to making any server a pleasant place to play. They should not only understand the servers rules and how to enforce them, but also be friendly, welcoming and provide players with any guidance they may need. I like to manage people's attitudes towards others, and make sure that the server can be a hack free, and bully free. So that way the community is going to be nice and happy. This is the reason why I would like to apply as Mod to be able to secure the server from people who can be young and immature which may perhaps cause future trouble and nuisance around the servers fun, friendly and mature community. Also I like to manage people's attitudes towards others, and make sure that our server can be a hack free, and bully free. So that way our community is going to be nice and happy. This is the reason why I would like to apply as Head-Moderator / Moderator so I can secure the server from people who can be young and immature which may perhaps cause future trouble and nuisance around the servers fun, friendly and mature community.
07/09/2015 7:58 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Artist
Vigri's Avatar
Denied. Copy and pastin'.
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