DoomXV's Avatar DoomXV7/13/12 5:42 pm
1 emeralds 107 7
7/13/2012 10:03 pm
DoomXV's Avatar DoomXV

Server ip: mc.d00mcraft.com:25665

About us:

Home site:


Some features:

Slots (40)
Ram (3Gb)
Unlimited map size!
Anti-grief system!

*Hardcore pvp with factions (comming soon)
And so much more for you to discover...

What do we need you for?

We need you for:
Your plugin skills
Your ability to control players
Your time online
We need fun and mature staff
Your experience


If you want this position on our server, please post in the comments why we should choose you. Please don't forget to add you minecraft name and your age. Give us many reasons to choose you!

Example Form -
In game name:


Country you live in:

Have you ever been banned?

Have you ever hacked?

How long have you played minecraft?

Are you good with plugins?

Are you a good builder? (just some more info):

Have you ever owned a server? (if yes which one).

Have you ever been part of a server's staff? (if yes which one)

Do you know how to set up and config plugins on a server?

Can you control a server alone if no other staff online?

Contact Information (Skype)? -

If you have any further information to give please do:
Posted by DoomXV's Avatar
Level 4 : Apprentice Mage

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07/13/2012 10:03 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Mage
DoomXV's Avatar
We are still looking for some sort of IT or Plugin manager.
07/13/2012 8:22 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Pixel Painter
BlackHawk185's Avatar
In game name: BlackHawk185

Age: 13

Country you live in: USA

Have you ever been banned? No.

Have you ever hacked? DOUBLE no.

How long have you played minecraft? A year,

Are you good with plugins? I own 2 bukkit servers

Are you a good builder? (just some more info): Again, I own 2 servers and have built everything on them.

Have you ever owned a server? (if yes which one). AGAIN, I own 2 servers

Have you ever been part of a server's staff? (if yes which one) Yeah. Oh darn. Lost the IP. Forget it.

Do you know how to set up and config plugins on a server? LOL this is getting funny. I own 2 servers, so yes.

Can you control a server alone if no other staff online? Most of the time I do, yes.

Contact Information (Skype)? - stephenmichaud@ymail.com

If you have any further information to give please do:
07/13/2012 8:21 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
mrvanhalen93's Avatar
In game name: dmb32693

Age: 15

Country you live in: america

Have you ever been banned? no

Have you ever hacked? no

How long have you played minecraft? 2 years

Are you good with plugins? yes

Are you a good builder? (just some more info): somewhat im alright

Have you ever owned a server? (if yes which one). yes its mine i made i dont have it anymore cause i had Verizon and now i got xfinity now i cant portfoward and it wont work so yea i called it russiancraft cause my friends russian and im part russian so yea also the old ip was if you dont believe me it just dont work anymore

Have you ever been part of a server's staff? (if yes which one) yes some server idk what is it is but if you want the ip for proof here also i was moderator on it: i was mod on a server called true ledgends and now i could be one on imperial craft

Do you know how to set up and config plugins on a server? yes depends which ones they are like world guard or world edit or whatever

Can you control a server alone if no other staff online? yes

Contact Information (Skype)? - helloman697

If you have any further information to give please do:i would like to join you guys cause i want to beable to help people i can provide 24/7 support for them like all day and all week support for everyone i would anwser all there questions and help them in any way i can.I would love to have the opportunity to build a great server suitable for all types of players and I think this is my chance to do so. I will not live down to expectations and promises and I hope to pass them on our way to the top. I know that I can help you and the rest of the staff make this a GREAT server, I just need you to give me the chance to do it. You will find me as a great fellow staff. I have experience with WorldEdit, WorldGuard, Essentials, EssentialsSpawn, EssentialsChat, Factions, Lockette, and many, many more. I hope you choose me and can see that I qualify for the positon. Thanks! also i want to be able to help people in there time of need i will help anyone who needs help and provide as much support as possible and i will dedicate my life to the server i will be on everyday and never leave the server i will be the best mod you ever had you wont regret it i promise also i owned a server before and i am a mod on 2 servers so i have alot of experiences with servers i hope you pick me bye thanks. i am applying for mod or admin to
07/13/2012 8:09 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Thor2k4's Avatar
Age: 26

Country you live in: USofA

Have you ever been banned? no

Have you ever hacked? no

How long have you played minecraft? since beta

Are you good with plugins? yes, have decent knowledge about plugins and how to use them ingame.

Are you a good builder? (just some more info): fairly decent, am better at helping others.

Have you ever owned a server? (if yes which one). i ran one from my computer for about a month, just for a friend and i.. but nothing serious.

Have you ever been part of a server's staff? (if yes which one) yes, coverworld.com (moderator for about a year and a half, till they had to shut down the server due to a lack of $$), then various others for friends.

Do you know how to set up and config plugins on a server? no, but if needed i can learn.

Can you control a server alone if no other staff online? yes

Contact Information (Skype)? - nitsud2k4

If you have any further information to give please do:
im mature, a good team player.. em about having fun, but it comes to business i can be serious and do what i have to do.
IGN is Thor2k4
07/13/2012 8:07 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Outlander19's Avatar
In game name: Outlander19

Age: 13

Country you live in: America

Have you ever been banned? No

Have you ever hacked? No

How long have you played minecraft? 1 year

Are you good with plugins? not really

Are you a good builder? (just some more info): yes I can build many things

Have you ever owned a server? (if yes which one). Yes it is a private server for me and my brother

Have you ever been part of a server's staff? (if yes which one) No

Do you know how to set up and config plugins on a server? No

Can you control a server alone if no other staff online? Yes

Contact Information (Skype)? - Planet Minecraft

If you have any further information to give please do: I am a good leader, I am responsible, I can take care of any problems on the server, and I am a nice guy.
07/13/2012 7:41 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Mage
DoomXV's Avatar
Still looking guys.
07/13/2012 5:44 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Psychoshield's Avatar
In game name:psychoshield


Country you live in:canada

Have you ever been banned?no

Have you ever hacked?no

How long have you played minecraft?3.5 years

Are you good with plugins? yes

Are you a good builder? (just some more info): a little can make a playboy mansion lol

Have you ever owned a server? (if yes which one). Yes ran one for 3 years till i lost my job

Have you ever been part of a server's staff? (if yes which one) My own

Do you know how to set up and config plugins on a server? yes

Can you control a server alone if no other staff online? yes

Contact Information (Skype)? - Infectedsoul87

If you have any further information to give please do: Lets be the best
Planet Minecraft


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