Staff Needed!

boxturtle_27's Avatar boxturtle_274/5/14 2:31 pm
4/5/2014 2:40 pm
PriorBobi-x's Avatar PriorBobi-x
I am a new server owner looking for good staff who have experience visit boxcraftsystems.webs.com and visit the blog for criteria on the application, you can also pm me or reply with staff application:

IP: 1087863.mc.mpgs.co

Name (ign):
Age (Optional):
Why you want to be staff?
Why should we pick you as staff?
Do you prefer any position?
Do you have any strongpoints or skills?
Any other comments:
Posted by boxturtle_27's Avatar
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner

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04/05/2014 2:38 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
PriorBobi-x's Avatar
04/05/2014 2:37 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Warrior
preston7791's Avatar
Name (ign):preston7791
Age (Optional):13
Why you want to be staff? so i can help ur server get bigger and get more donators
Why should we pick you as staff? cause i am very loyal mature and deticated i will get all of my friends on the server from skype minecraft and real like ect. I have a very out of the box adventerious and creative building mind. i follow and obey all of the rules that are instructed. When new people join the server i say welcome to the server and enjoy your stay. When people leave the server then join back i say welcome back to the server
Do you prefer any position? helper or moderator
Do you have any strongpoints or skills? yes with world edit catching hackers and stuff like that
Any other comments: no
04/05/2014 2:36 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Nerd
UnderscoreZeroLP's Avatar
Hello boxturtle!

I would like to apply for a moderator spot on this server. I have no template for my application so I can put more information in my application. Here we go:

My name is Markus and ingame people call me Zero. My timezone is GMT +1 and I'll be able to attend for about 1 to 3 hours daily, except Saturdays. I believe that age is just an illusion that supports the figment of maturity, and I don't feel very comfortable sharing it online. I have A LOT of server experience. As a server staff, as a plugin manager and configurer and just overall I'm really good at working with the technical and moderative side of servers. In terms of statistics I have owned 3 private servers and I have attempted to make them public, but all 3 failed due to people who gain artificial happiness from ruining other's hard work. This is one of the main reasons I want to be a moderator; I want to rid Minecraft of these types of people. I have been playing Minecraft since beta 1.8.1, so that's nearly 3 years. The main problem with servers I become staff on it the fact they close down from lack of donations. I am looking for a stable server with determined staff like me and quality players that I can help filter with my moderating skills. I would like to be staff to make use of such a great oppurtunity for such a great server.

Thank you for reading my application and I hope this server reaches it's high goals.
04/05/2014 2:35 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Hunter
Aarnini45555's Avatar
My Application

IGN - Aarnini45555

Age - 13, I know I may seem young but I am quite mature for my age and most people think I'm too young but I am hoping that will not affect my chances.

Timezone - GMT +0, I think there are not enough active T-Mods their to stop the hackers so I hope I can help this continent too!

What time are you most often on? - I am usually on around 4 PM - 9 PM on weekdays and on weekends, All day basically. With my studies though I will not be able to keep this time table up until a month but I will still be active a lot.

When did you first play Minecraft, how often do you play? - I started Minecraft around 2 and a 1/2 years ago and loved it ever since, I actually saw SkyDoesMinecraft play it and I was eager to try it grin.gif and I usually play 6 days a week guaranteed. I started around 1.3 I believe but I ain't a 100% sure on that.

Have you ever been banned or temp banned on another server? - Well I am not going to lie, and be dishonest, When I just bought Minecraft I was not sensible and I just spammed and cussed at owners and it brought me no where but ban so I have been banned on a good few servers but I have definitely matured from then and I am much more responsible now for such a big job like this. I know I have developed and matured so I hope that that will not affect my chances.

Do you know any coding? (HTML, Java, C++) - No, I don't really know anything about coding but I am eager to learn as youtube videos are much more evolved and difficult. But if someone could teach me here I would be extremely grateful to them.

What is your previous experience in any type of moderation? - I have been moderator on a handful of servers, They are very small but I think that I have gained so much experience from them even though they where all not popular, I know they were always just as professional smiley.gif I have been Moderator on BladeCraft, It was a quite enough popular server about a year ago getting 70-150 people daily, They are the ones that changed my attitude towards servers and they where extremely helpful to me and has improved my skills. I would be a good addition because I have a handful of skills and I am a good leader, As well, Most people know me on Nations so I think I get along well with people.

How many hours can you contribute per day? - I can guarantee 3 hours at least to this server a day and with any of my free-time I will join. I have a lot of studies going on at the moment so I won't be able to give as much time as I will in about a month.

What advice would you give someone who had to deal with people younger than them? - I usually do not judge people by they're age but by their personality, For Example, if younger people than me where spamming I would give him/her a warning about it and don't do it again. If they continued I would give them a 2nd warning saying that this is your last chance to stop it. Then if they finally continued I would have no option but to kick them from the server. Also I think younger people do not always understand there surroundings all the time and they need extra attention but I would give them some empathy, As well, you where that age too at one stage so I think they need someone to look out for them.

Do you have skype? - Yes I do, I will give the username if someone needs to skype me, I have to add them because my name has around 50 other people with the same name.

Are you able to record? Do you use a microphone? - I used to use a Mic until I broke it and I have never got around to buy a quality new one. I would be willing to get one though. I just haven't been able too meanwhile but I will be buying one shortly.

Anything else we should know? My name is Aaron Grant and I am from the republic of Ireland, I like sports as well and I would love to be a Helper on your server, I know who hacks and who is who on Nations as I know all the active players on it. I would l hope if I could be given a chance and I hope you like this and here is some more INFO ;
Personal information.
Minecraft username:Aarnini45555
Skype:Aaron Grant

Country:Ireland (Europe) Greenwichmeen Time

Position? Admin/Manager!

My Overall experience:
Managing: 10/9
Helping people:10/8
What are your skills?:
Worldedit,plugins,solving problems without making consequenses,Being loyal,Being reasonable,responsible,creative,respectfull,listening,patient,doing as i've been told, and generally be a Nice guy with alot of potential.

My experience:I have a lot of experience in moderating servers In doing so, I have collected skills To drive A server forward in there development as well as solving problems,managing alot of stuff and helping with some plugins. I've been staff On about 7 servers And in other games as rune-scape and others.

what makes me different? I've got alot to offer your community, as well as i'm a experienced staff with alot of past experience in a variation of games, I'm also patient,mature,reasonable,responsible,I can handle things without making concequenses,I know alot of plugins (those who i don't know i'm willing to learn), And i'm generally a helpful and a nice person with a lot of potential.

I want this position to help assist the server in its development process and to be apart of the development process, interact with players on an official basis, Make a good community and making sure the rules are obey'd by all players,Stopping rulebreakers,glitchers and abusers so i could drive the server in to a bright future and make sure everyone enjoy's there stay and making sure they get the best of it.

What can you do to help the server?
I can stop rulebreakers aswell as glitchers and abusers,create a good community,Making sure everyone follows the rules,advertising,building And driving the server forward in its development, and making it go as far as it could go.

What do you think is a good staff?:
A good staff is one who Helps players,listens to the owner,doesn't abuse their powers,Isn't disrespectful,Good grammar,be polite,is responsible,reasonable,good at managing,good at solving problems.

How long can you dedicate to the server each day?:
My dedication to this server would be 4-6 hours each day more on weekends, ill try to be more active but 4-6 is basically how much i could do on a normal day.

Extra Information for you:
I'm a 13 year old Irish guy that loves to help/developing servers and players, i'm plugin experienced i'm As mature as you could get in my age, and I love if I could help your server so don't hesitate! PICK ME NOW!
Thanks, Aarnini!
04/05/2014 2:40 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
PriorBobi-x's Avatar
Thats copied app.. not even in right format.
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