Staff Needed(ASAP)

NinjaPyon's Avatar NinjaPyon7/12/12 3:23 pm
7/17/2012 8:46 pm
assassinzurcaled's Avatar assassinzurcaled
Staff Position
Admin(need 3)
Mods(need 2)

age(I don't judge):
Why u want to help:
What can u do:
Posted by NinjaPyon's Avatar
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner

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07/17/2012 8:46 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Miner
assassinzurcaled's Avatar
Rank admin:
IGN: assassinZurcaled
Experience: I use to be operator on imperial craft
age(I don't judge): 14
Why u want to help: i like to help servers and im pissed with imperial craft and i want to help protect the server from nodus and session stealer.
What can u do: i can build do some redstone and good in configs and plugins
07/17/2012 6:10 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Djmichael1's Avatar
Administrator/Operator App:

Rank: Admin/Op
IGN: Djmichael1
Age: 15
Experience: I have experience building spawns, tall complex buildings, WorldEdit, plugins, mods... Everything.
Why you want to help: You need help, so I'll help you.
What can you do: Build, moderate, anything.
07/12/2012 10:34 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
mrvanhalen93's Avatar
Rank: mod or admin
IGN: dmb32693
Experience:owned a server a mod of a server now
age(I don't judge): 15
Why u want to help:i am experienced, highly-qualified, a good builder, loyal, trustworthy,and responsible and im good with plugins and i can be on all day
Anything else you think that I should know that might help be accepted:I would love to have the opportunity to build a great server suitable for all types of players and I think this is my chance to do so. I will not live down to expectations and promises and I hope to pass them on our way to the top. I know that I can help you and the rest of the staff make this a GREAT server, I just need you to give me the chance to do it. You will find me as a great fellow staff. I have experience with WorldEdit, WorldGuard, Essentials, EssentialsSpawn, EssentialsChat, Factions, Lockette, and many, many more. I hope you choose me and can see that I qualify for the positon. Thanks! also i want to be able to help people in there time of need i will help anyone who needs help and provide as much support as possible and i will dedicate my life to the server i will be on everyday and never leave the server i will be the best mod you ever had you wont regret it i promise also i owned a server before and i am a mod on 2 servers so i have alot of experiences with servers i hope you pick me bye thanks also i am experienced, highly-qualified, a good builder, loyal, trustworthy,and responsible and im good with plugins so im basically good with plugins and i can help the server 24/7 i can be on all day and night even on weekends and through out the week and i would like to join you guys cause i want to beable to help people i can provide 24/7 support for them like all day and all week support for everyone i would anwser all there questions and help them in any way i can i hope you pick me took me awhile to type this i am just so exited to get mod or admin maby. btw i love your server i just used this cause i dident want to type this all again it took me awhile i hope you pick me bye also this could be why i wanna join my strenths and other things you might like bye i hope ya pick me.
What can u do: i am just going to copy and paste what i said in here cause i am not typing all that again so here:i am experienced, highly-qualified, a good builder, loyal, trustworthy,and responsible and im good with plugins and i can be on all day
Anything else you think that I should know that might help be accepted:I would love to have the opportunity to build a great server suitable for all types of players and I think this is my chance to do so. I will not live down to expectations and promises and I hope to pass them on our way to the top. I know that I can help you and the rest of the staff make this a GREAT server, I just need you to give me the chance to do it. You will find me as a great fellow staff. I have experience with WorldEdit, WorldGuard, Essentials, EssentialsSpawn, EssentialsChat, Factions, Lockette, and many, many more. I hope you choose me and can see that I qualify for the positon. Thanks! also i want to be able to help people in there time of need i will help anyone who needs help and provide as much support as possible and i will dedicate my life to the server i will be on everyday and never leave the server i will be the best mod you ever had you wont regret it i promise also i owned a server before and i am a mod on 2 servers so i have alot of experiences with servers i hope you pick me bye thanks also i am experienced, highly-qualified, a good builder, loyal, trustworthy,and responsible and im good with plugins so im basically good with plugins and i can help the server 24/7 i can be on all day and night even on weekends and through out the week and i would like to join you guys cause i want to beable to help people i can provide 24/7 support for them like all day and all week support for everyone i would anwser all there questions and help them in any way i can i hope you pick me took me awhile to type this i am just so exited to get mod or admin maby. btw i love your server i just used this cause i dident want to type this all again it took me awhile i hope you pick me bye also this could be why i wanna join my strenths and other things you might like bye i hope ya pick me.
07/12/2012 9:58 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
penutpj's Avatar
Rank: Admin
Ign: penutpj
Experience: I've hosted my own server and and been a head mod on a server
Age: 13 Mature
why you want to help: I want to help because i like to help i can help building im ok with redstone though and help with lots of griefers
What can i do: I build and i want abuse my powers. I like to help. I can help you with anything mostly.
07/12/2012 9:53 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
coreyyoda's Avatar
Experience:i'v been on 3 servers and i have built a lot of structures
Why you want to help:i'd like to have space to build,make friends,and improve the community
What can i do:i can build mine and settle arguments quickly
07/12/2012 7:50 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Network
wpd123's Avatar
Rank: Admin
Experience: i have managed plugins for 1/2 a year
age(I don't judge): 13
Why u want to help: i need some things to fill time
What can u do: i can do ANYTHING plugins, perms, or command related
07/12/2012 6:13 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Modder
IGotSwagga's Avatar
Staff Position

- App -
Rank: Admin
IGN: snivell
Experience: I have alot of experience , I have been a member of a lot of servers , run my own and have been staff on around 30 servers due to hamachi
age(I don't judge): 23
Why u want to help: I want to help to help a server grow!
What can u do: I can stop griefers and build very good!
07/12/2012 6:01 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Yanksfan125's Avatar
Rank: Mod
IGN: Yanksfan125
Experience: Alot, I have been a mod on 3 different servers, including a tekkit server.
age(I don't judge): 15
Why u want to help: I am always playing Minecraft (4-6 hours, unkless on vacation), and always look to help.
What can u do: I can Build, I can help look out for Cheaters. I am also good with the computer, so I can help in that aspect.
07/12/2012 5:54 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
xatu180's Avatar
Rank: Admin/Mod
IGN: xatu180
Experience: Owner and op and helping out the staff on a few servers
age(I don't judge): 12
Why u want to help: Because it's fun helping out a server.
What can u do: Build, manage, think of plugins, punish.
07/12/2012 5:32 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Artist
johnnybuns's Avatar
Experience:i've been op in 3 server
age(I don't judge):14
Why u want to help:i enjoy helping others and i love bring a part of something
What can u do:creative buildings/ideas, and plugins
07/12/2012 5:26 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
ElectricSky's Avatar
age(I don't judge):15
Why u want to help:I Can Help This Server Become Fun For All Helping People Is My Special Talent And Seeing This Server Become Better By The Day Would Be Amazing I Would Report Griefers Xrayers And Hackers Why? Because I Believe EVERYONE Has The Right To Have A Fun Time And Enjoy Minecraft
What can u do:I Can Detect Hackers Xrayers Griefers I Can Also Make A Server Blog And Help Your Build Im Am Very Good With World Edit, Essentials , ANd MANY More Plugins Thanks If You Wish To Contact Me Please Feel Free To Add Me on Skype julio.3697 Thanks
07/12/2012 4:03 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Miner
anonpmc337468's Avatar
07/12/2012 3:47 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Midnight115's Avatar
bout 6 hours a day. I wont be able to much next Wed-Sun (im going on vacation) but before and after that I can play bout 5-6 hours.
07/12/2012 3:44 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
NinjaPyon's Avatar
how long can u play
07/12/2012 3:43 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
NinjaPyon's Avatar
hey midnight115 hey how long midnight115
07/12/2012 3:41 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Midnight115's Avatar
Rank: Either
IGN: Midnight115
Experience: Admin
Age: 14
Why u want to help: I want to help make the server better, and to gain more experience.
What can u do: I can help look out for rule-breakers and make sure that everything stays in line. I can also help with building. And I can be on as much as needed. I will also stay very dedicated to the server, and also help bring in more players.
07/12/2012 3:40 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
NinjaPyon's Avatar
come join the server unkownperson
07/12/2012 3:28 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Modder
unkownperson's Avatar
Experience:owner co owner admin 2 mod 3 times
age(I don't judge):13
Why u want to help:i wnat to hlep make ur server amazing plus i like small servers and waatching them grow
What can u do:i am amazing builder freindly i am crazy good with redsotne i can go on about 5 hours a day and i am very deticated
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