STAFF wanted for my NEW Server!!!

Charlie20132001's Avatar Charlie201320017/10/14 4:16 am
7/10/2014 11:14 pm
Charlie20132001's Avatar Charlie20132001
Hey everyone,
I am hosting a Server from my Computer. BUT!!! This is mostly for, Plugin Tutorials, and I would like some people to help me!!!

You must know a lot about Plugins.
You must have a YouTube channel or create one.
Must have Skype ( easier to talk and through the video )
Must WANT to do this
Must be mature!!!

Application Format

YouTube Channel:
Why should I choose you:

You don't have to follow that exact format, but its better to follow it

Please do apply, would really mean a lot. Only need 2-3 people!!!
Posted by Charlie20132001's Avatar
Level 3 : Apprentice Network

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07/10/2014 11:14 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Network
Charlie20132001's Avatar
Anyone who wants to come onto the Server, please join this IP:

BTW, if it doesn't work, please tell me through here!
07/10/2014 9:35 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Narwhal
Baconquake's Avatar
IGN: Thunder811
Age: 14
YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/baconquake (I haven't really made any videos lately, but I can change that!
Skype: rossredd10
Why should I choose you: I have lots of experience with servers and plugins. I am also very mature and handle bad situations very well. Also, it seems like I have the largest YouTube.

Extra: I am in CST. All of next week (Saturday to Saturday) I will be busy without a computer. Backcountry Camping and Hiking 50 miles. Pretty hardcore lol. I know intermediate photoshop.
07/10/2014 11:12 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Network
Charlie20132001's Avatar
You may be accepted. I will Skype you for more information.
07/10/2014 5:05 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
Will69201's Avatar
Name: Will
IGN: Will6092
YouTube: WNSGaming https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHOu0E ... v5shu9O2pA
Role applying for:Admin
Do you have Skype: Yes. Skype is will60923
Why I want to be staff: I have been on many servers now and every time I learn something new. I have been staff on 26 servers now Co Owner:3 Head Admin:4 Admin: 8 Mod:11. I want to know the owner and I want to help the server grow bigger and better. Over the times I have been staff on these 23 other servers I have helped them lots. I am "Highly Recommended".
Why I should be chosen over others: I am very independent and royal to all players. I am honest and always obey the rules. I am always willing to help out the regular players at all costs and staff if they need help with building/perms and much more.
Time Zone: Australia eastern standard time
Time per day available to moderate/build: Varies a lot of the time
07/10/2014 5:50 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Network
Charlie20132001's Avatar
I will think about you, add me on Skype @ brad.bryant67
07/10/2014 5:04 am
Level 27 : Expert Blockhead
Shady_Moma's Avatar
IGN: chickenmcchicken
Age: 14
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcjZcX ... NVH31P5PWg
Skype: mrmchicken

Why should I choose you: I can really help you with Plugins as I used to own a server with many plugins like [ world edit, I can't remember the name currently but a ranks plugin, morph mod, hide n seek, factions, survival games and survival just to name a few] I could really bring some good aspects to the server as I am a kind and Cooperative person. I can help with greifers as I am willing to help rebuild if something goes wrong

Extra: I have lots of free time BUT sometimes my mic will stop working and I can't talk to you. Hi Alex remember me....
07/10/2014 5:49 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Network
Charlie20132001's Avatar
Accepted, Skype me on brad.bryant67
07/10/2014 5:06 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Crafter
tinytin100's Avatar
Hi remeber you!
07/10/2014 4:20 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Crafter
tinytin100's Avatar
IGN: TinyAlex
Age: 12
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwrT_4 ... Kn1E_K1V0A
Skype: epicninjajames
Why should I choose you:
You should choose me because I have been configurating plugins for more than 1 year and a half. I can configurate many plugins but im best at groupmanager, worldguard and worldedit. If you ever need help with any configurating plugins, I will be the one to ask.
Extra: I can go on for a very long time.
07/10/2014 5:50 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Network
Charlie20132001's Avatar
Denied sorry.
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