♛Strange Ways♛ (PrisonBreak) *NEED STAFF*

Goldisgolden's Avatar Goldisgolden12/14/13 9:00 pm
12/15/2013 5:21 pm
Goldisgolden's Avatar Goldisgolden
Server IP: Server Still in beta will be released to public later on.
How to get acces to the beta sign up below we are also currently looking for guards/ builders.

Strange-Ways Prison is a prison where the worst of sinners are sent to be locked up, and the only way out is to work hard doing various jobs.

Prisoners may begin by working in the mines to sell their findings or cutting down the large mushroom trees for deeds. The deeds earned may be used to buy more tools, weapons (if you know where to look) or a step closer to freedom, their next rank. Players progress through ranks and may eventually end up in the Omega ranking range where they are sent to the over world to work, and can even work their way up to the paradise lands where they have full freedom.

Getting Started
When you first join, you start out as an Obscene prisoner (C ranked prisoner, find out more under Ranks section). As an Obscene prisoner, you are the worst of the worst with very little good deeds ever done in your lifetime. To begin earning deeds, go through the Obscene Block portal which will take you to... well the Obscene block. From there on its your job to mine ores and cut down trees sell items to rank-up and even buy your own little cell. Take it up a notch by selling drugs and forming a gang to take on others. Think your tough enough now. Well lets see after you defeat the Don. In each block there is a boss.

[Starter] Obscene Prisoner (D rank)

• Access to mine featuring Netherrack, Logs and Nether Quartz Ore
• Small, confined block
• Access to a normal size Block/Mine
• A cafeteria!
• Various commands

[7500] Vile Prisoner (C rank)

• Access to mine with Netherrack, Nether Quartz ore, Logs, Coal ore and stone
• Slightly larger block
• Parkour (with rewards!)
• Access to Nether Wart farm

[15,500] Immoral Prisoner (B rank)

• Access to mine with all previous mine materials with higher percentages, diamond ore (very rare) and iron ore.
• New, fancy block.
• Access to rent small workshops.
• Cactus farm (cactus can be cooked and turned in to marijuana).

[35,000] Impure Prisoner (A)

• Access to mine with all previous mine materials with higher percentages and an additional ore (emerald ore).
• New, fancier block.
• Access to rent plot-sized workshops.
• Access to pig butchery.


Bannable rules:
• Do not abuse glitches, worm through loopholes or abuse bugs.

• Advertising other servers/communities is strictly not allowed.

• No excessive disrespect.

• Use common sense, no smart alecks or stupid questions.

• Cheats of any type are strictly not allowed.

• Staff have final say in everything.

• Do not spam.

• Respect all players (especially staff).

• No Hacks/hacked clients.

• No smuggling goods from the “free” world back into prison.

Prison-wide rules:
• Do no enter restricted areas in which your rank doesn't have access to! Doing so and getting caught on your first offence will result in a jail by a guard. First offence jail time is 10 minutes!

• No contraband! This includes bows, swords of all kinds, drugs (excluding brown mushrooms) and potions. If a guard catches you with any of the items listed above they will count to “5” to drop them. Not dropping the contraband item asked for by a guard will result in a 5 minute jail. If the player with the contraband is in a PvP area and the guard finishes his countdown he must battle the other player.. If you continue to break this rule over and over a guard may jail you for as long as they like (as long as it's a reasonable time). If a player leaves the server while a guard is counting down for the item it may result in a punishment such as a day-long ban! If a guard catches a player with contraband and the player stores it in a bank or a cell, the guard may jail the player for not giving them the contraband.

• PVP in the prison is allowed and we encourage it, just don't get caught! If you are caught engaging in PVP by a guard, he/she can (and will) kill both players on sight!

• Camping is strictly not allowed. We're fine with PvP, but killing players within any main areas is frowned upon, and if you are seen camping a guard may jail you for 10 minutes!

• No using drugs! If you are caught doing drugs ("Magic" mushrooms, Heroin, Marijuana, Cocaine) you may be jailed for up to 2 minutes! If you are caught holding any drug (excluding mushrooms) you may be killed on sight or jailed for up to 2 minutes! Don't do drugs, kids!

• No PvP abuse! This means that if you engage in combat with another player, you must finish the fight! This also means you cannot hop in and out of PvP-safe zones during combat! Guards will give prisoners a 5 second countdown to exit the safezone or the PvP abuser will face their punishment! If you are caught doing this, you may be jailed for 10-15 minutes! If you insist on doing it several times after you have been jailed for it you can be TEMPBANNED!

Prison Guards
Prison guards are the most feared and respected creatures in Strange-Ways prison. They are hired to keep all of the prisoners in-line, and if the prisoners aren't in-line they will be punished!

Prison guards are entrusted to enforce the rules of the prison and protecting prisoners from harm that isn't caused by themselves or each other.

Guards have access to the entire prison. They have kits (strength varying on rank) consisting of armor, weapons, and other various items. They also earn money for every 10 minutes they spend working.

If a guard is demoted, their inventories and chests will be checked to see if the ex-guard horded any guard kits. All items, excluding a few small items will be stripped from the player. The guard may also keep their money.


Guards also have Insta-eat. This means that they don't lose hunger, but their health doesn't regenerate unless they right click with pork in their hands.

Imp: Imps are the new kids on the block to the guards that have few additional powers beyond actual prisoners. They earn 100 dollars every ten minutes they work, and are responsible for teaching and helping the newer players. Death Knights and Overseers may promote (or demote) Imps according to their performance after several days. Imps do not have the power to jail prisoners, but they do have access to kits. These guards may only access the Obscene and Vile blocks of the prison.

Demon: Demons are one step above imps, and have all of the commands needed for keeping Hellbreak Prison in order. These guards earn 300 dollars every ten minutes pf working, and are responsible for helping the Imps out and enforcing the rules of the prison. These demons have the power to banish players to jails for certain amounts of time (depending on the crime). They may be demoted or even fired for not doing their job correctly by the Death Knights and Overseers.

Death Knight: Death Knights are the elites of the prison guard hierarchy. These guys are the right hand men of the Overseers and don't back down in a fight. They earn 1,000 dollars every ten minutes on duty. They must administrate guards lower ranking than them and attend guard duties. Death Knights may hire and fire guards lower ranking than them.

Overseer: These guys are the real deal, they're the head of all of the guards. They have the toughest kits around and aren't afraid to use them. They earn 2,500 for every ten minutes they spend working. Their job is to rule over all of the other guards including Death Knights and attend regular guard duties. Overseers may hire and fire Imps and Demons and can vote amongst each other to fire Death Knights. Pro tip: Stay out of their way.

Guard Application:

In-game name:
Time zone:
How much time you can dedicate per-day:
How long you have played Minecraft:
How long you have been with Hellbreak Prison:
Rank on Hellbreak Prison (Must be at least Vile):
Explanation why you will be a good guard:
Explanation of what this position is:
What ethics are required for this position:
Additional Notes:

Moderator/Builder Application:

In-game name:
Your name:
Time zone:

When did your Minecraft journey begin? What update did you start in?
Staff experience:
Users you have referred, or have introduced to Hellbreak:
Forms of contact (Skype, Steam, E-mail):
Additional Notes:

Posted by Goldisgolden's Avatar
Level 3 : Apprentice Crafter

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12/15/2013 5:21 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Crafter
Goldisgolden's Avatar
12/15/2013 11:19 am
Level 1 : New Miner
tomz123's Avatar

IGN: Tomz123
NAME: Tommy
AGE: 13
Time zone: GMT (UK)

HAVE YOU EVER BEEN STAFF?: Yes on about 5 other different servers
SKYPE: itz_tomz123
EMAIL: 12twatson@priory.lancs.sch.uk
OTHER: I am helpful nice, good with redstone and a decent builder.
12/15/2013 9:58 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Taco
Xx_ElfphieMC_xX's Avatar
In-game name: elfphie
Your name: James
Age: 15
Time zone: GMT

When did your Minecraft journey begin? What update did you start in? It began on Xbox :/ And I started in 1.7 Beta
Staff experience: Owner of 2, Admin of 5+ (Most shut down)
Users you have referred, or have introduced to Hellbreak: No one yet but I can invite my friend dsevan
Forms of contact (Skype, Steam, E-mail): Skype: Patrick.butler34
Additional Notes: Im bored :/
12/15/2013 9:43 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
AceMarkssman's Avatar
DEVELOPER Application:

In-game name: PossessedSkillz
Your name: Malcom Green
Age: 13
Time zone: Not Sure But USA :d

When did your Minecraft journey begin? What update did you start in? Minecraft Beta
Staff experience: Owner Of 2 Servers KitPvP, Teams
Users you have referred, or have introduced to Hellbreak: ? None
Forms of contact (Skype, Steam, E-mail): PossessedSkillz (Skype)
Additional Notes: Im a developer
12/15/2013 9:10 am
Level 20 : Expert Ninja
KDVII's Avatar
Guard Application:

In-game name: v4_Stuns
Age: 12
Time zone:Eastern Standard Time
How much time you can dedicate per-day:5-10 hours
How long you have played Minecraft: Ever Since 1.4.6 + Time On The Xbox MC
How long you have been with Hellbreak Prison: None
Rank on Hellbreak Prison (Must be at least Vile): None Atm
Explanation why you will be a good guard: i like being guard on prisons cause i wanna keep killing to a minimum and i have been guard on many prisons like Inchains and Dazemc and more.
Explanation of what this position is: a Guard is a person who looks for safezoners and contrabanned items like swords and bows.
What ethics are required for this position: To know rules and follow them and to know the guard rules and also follow them also not to abuse.
Additional Notes: I love playing mc and prison servers and helping out.
My Skype is StunsFX
12/15/2013 8:31 am
Level 40 : Master Electrician
-WaffleKing-'s Avatar
In-game name: dynamite2001
Your name: Adam
Age: 13
Time zone: GMT

When did your Minecraft journey begin? What update did you start in? 1.2.5
Staff experience: I have been Admin, Mod, Jr. Mod, Head Admin and Trusted.
Users you have referred, or have introduced to Hellbreak: thecooldude321, tman_the_epic
Forms of contact (Skype, Steam, E-mail): Just contact me on PMC
Additional Notes: Thanks for considering me as a valuable candidate.
12/15/2013 6:07 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Narwhal
inkstar's Avatar
Builder/Moderator Application

In-game name: Inky561
Your name: Dylan
Age: 14
Time zone: EST (Australia, Melbourne)

When did your Minecraft journey begin? About 1 1/2 years ago or so, I am not sure, but I played offline in I think, till my friend gave up Minecraft and gave me his account, which I am very greatful of.
What update did you start in? 1.4-1.5, Not so sure about it but I have been playing MC for 1 1/2 years and know a fair bit about Minecraft
Staff experience: Moderated on multiple servers which died down, admin on a couple and helper/trusted on most the servers that I actually stayed on.
Users you have referred, or have introduced to Hellbreak: No one yet, but will vote, share and get the word around about the server, if it is good, but from what you have said, it sounds like it's a one of a kind, because I haven't heard any of the new ranks or positions before.
Forms of contact (Skype, Steam, E-mail): Email, will tell you privately if accepted and maybe Planet Minecraft
Additional Notes: I am a pretty decent builder, have learnt from many people in creative servers, I can build yet very little things. Me and xPhAseD_BulLeTsx (xPhased/Adriel) have been going to different server to help them boost their gameplay and player rate, we help in anyway we can if they do not want any, we leave them to it, we were discussing about making a different path and not only helping PvP/Factions servers but to help Prisons, we hope to stay in this new prison server and help the experience with both staff and members of the server better for them and for us.

How can you benefit the server: I could benefit the server by putting others before myself and go out of my way to help me. I can support others who are in need.

Would I abuse my powers as a Moderator: No, if someone did something I should go investigate instead of banning/temp/mute straight off, because I could be wrong and the other person who reported it to me could've done it, who knows. Also if donors did something wrong Ii wouldn't be on their side, I would be in the right, not the bad, only cause they donated doesn't mean I am to be nice to them no matter what they did, also with higher prison ranks, doesn't matter if he is in C and the other is in A I would still go the person in the right.

Would I abuse my powers as a Builder: No, I wouldn't give out blocks to people who ask, I would actually temp ban for 10 minutes if they ask or let the owner decide what is best to do

P.S- If there are any spelling mistakes sorry, this was very long to write

Thankyou for taking your time to ready this, Inky
12/15/2013 4:19 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Crafter
Goldisgolden's Avatar
12/15/2013 4:18 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Crafter
Goldisgolden's Avatar
12/15/2013 6:07 am
Level 1 : New Network
xPhased's Avatar
Moderator/Builder Application

In-game name: xPhAseD_BulLeTsx
Your name: Adriel
Age: 14
Time zone: EST (Florida, USA)

When did your Minecraft journey begin? What update did you start in? Release 1.4
Staff experience: Staff on over a dozen of servers in my entire gaming experience. Currently in a "Staff Partnership" with Inkstar.
Users you have referred, or have introduced to Hellbreak: inky561, marina147, Milg8Minecraft
Forms of contact (Skype, Steam, E-mail): Skype: xPhased
Email: xPhasedBulletsxmc@Gmail.com
Additional Notes: As I mentioned above, I have had a partner, inky561 (Dylan), for around the past 2 months. We have gone from server to server, improving the server itself and the gameplay that it brings the best that we possible can. Lately, we have been tired from jumping from server to server as we usually do and we want to find a server that we could settle on for as long as we can. Then we thought about what type of server we should settle on. We came up with the type of server that we have done the least: prison servers. Inky and I would love to stay on your server as long as we can and help it blossom to it's full potential.

Thanks a lot for reading and considering! ~ xPhased
12/15/2013 4:19 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Crafter
Goldisgolden's Avatar
12/15/2013 12:47 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Crafter
Goldisgolden's Avatar
12/14/2013 11:04 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Crafter
Goldisgolden's Avatar
12/14/2013 9:10 pm
Level 29 : Expert Taco
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