TechiBuilds Network - Need Staff Members

Bubbyfong's Avatar Bubbyfong5/17/15 2:22 pm
5/20/2015 8:34 pm
deenbayside's Avatar deenbayside


Hello!! My server network - TechiBuilds Network - is currently looking for dedicated staff members. The server is 24/7, for the most part, however, is not dedicated. I have ordered the hardware for a dedicated machine and will transfer the server files when i feel comfortable with the server. For me to feel comfortable transferring the server files, i need a team of dedicated staff members to help build, run, and monitor the server. The positions i am asking to fill, as well as requirements and descriptions, in order of importance, follow.

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You are my right-hand-man. You do all of the work and I take all of the credit, just kidding. You have a lot of responsibility on the server, some of which include helping out staff, developing the server, building, and making wise choices.

- Mature age level (i don't want to judge, but i have to for this reason)
- Skype
- Patience
- Prior experience
- Ability to judge
- Microphone for Skype
- Ability to chose sides
- Ability to run a server with minor help
- Knowledge of Essentials

Click to reveal
You are the under-dog of the Co-Owner. You run the server under his command, doing everything that he, as well as i do, every day. You will help out players as well as ban some at some times. You must have good judgement for this position.

- Mature age level
- Skype
- Patience
- Prior experience
- Ability to judge
- Ability to make high-level decisions
- Ability to choose sides
- Microphone for Skype
- Ability to run a server with help
- Knowledge of Essentials

Click to reveal
You monitor all the staff members below you. You have major control over every staff rank from Admin down. You have minor control over Head-Moderators and Sr. Admins. You will have to make big choices about the server's command. You will have to get permission from eater the Server-Manager, Co-Owner, or Owner to make super huge choices. You may promote and demote staff members from ranks Default to Sr. Admin.

- Skype
- Knowledge of Group Manager
- Prior experience
- Prior experience with promoting and demoting.
- Must be mature
- Microphone for Skype
- Ability to monitor a server
- Knowledge of Essentials

Click to reveal
Your the under-dog of the mods. You hide in secret inspecting their every move. You have the right to promote and demote anyone in the ranks Default to Moderator.

- Maturity
- Skype
- Minor knowledge of Group Manager
- Microphone for Skype
- Ability to monitor server staff
- Knowledge of Essentials

Sr. Admin
Click to reveal
You are the highest staff rank. All ranks higher than you are considered Operator or Administrative ranks. You are in charge of ranks default - Helper

- Skype
- Microphone for Skype
- Maturity
- Knowledge of Essentials

Click to reveal
As the under-dog of the Sr. Admins, you are in charge of the default rank of players. You go bossing them around, enforcing the rules, and make sure everyone is playing fair. You will be 'out in the field' much of your time, instead of just moderating chat.

- Skype
- Microphone for Skype
- Minor knowledge of Essentials.

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You moderate chat, spend some time with the players, but mainly just moderate.

- Skype
- Microphone for Skype
- Minor knowledge of Essentials

Click to reveal
You help out players. Without access to ban, you only have /kick and /mute. Good luck

- Skype
- Microphone for Skype.

Click to reveal
You build.

- Skype
- Microphone for Skype.

Minor ranks i am accepting - however not major, nor permanent, staff ranks:
- GroupManager developer
- Enjin website developer
- Plugin config editor
- Barnstormers

Requirements for all staff ranks:
- Maturity
- Mature age level for rank
- Skype
- Microphone for Skype
- Patience
- Minor knowledge of Essentials
- Ability to communicate with Administrative ranks of server

Staff Application:
- Keep in mind, this is a SMALL application as you will be interviewed through Skype by myself and another member of the Administrative board.
Click to reveal
First name -
Age -
Skype username -
Time zone -
Rank applying for -
A little bit about yourself -
Maturity [1-10] -
Do you approve of being interviewed through Skype? -

Thank you for applying. The IP will be given to accepted players. If you do not feel conformable applying on this forum, please contact me through Skype. Also, if you have any questions or concerns about this forum, the server, myself, or anything regarding this, please feel free to contact me through Skype, or make a reply on this forum. My Skype username is Bubbyfong, located in japan. Hope to hear from many players looking to become staff!!!

EDIT: Please apply on website link below
Posted by Bubbyfong's Avatar
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner

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05/20/2015 8:34 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
deenbayside's Avatar
Bump Still accepting staff applications
05/19/2015 5:28 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
Bubbyfong's Avatar
05/18/2015 6:28 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
deenbayside's Avatar
05/17/2015 6:32 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
Bubbyfong's Avatar

Skype: Bubbyfong [Japan]
05/17/2015 5:31 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Ranger
Foosky's Avatar
First name - Will
Age - 14
Skype username - edawg474
Time zone - EST
Rank applying for - Head-Admin and or Head-Moderator
A little bit about yourself - I am very nice, and I am a lenient person. I know how to take charge of situations and love helping out. I can joke around and be funny, but I also know when to buckle down and be serious too. I am a very good decision maker.
Maturity [1-10] - 8
Do you approve of being interviewed through Skype? - Yes
05/17/2015 5:05 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Ravensky's Avatar
My Application.
- Skype: Ronja5000.
- Microphone for Skype: Got the perfect microphone and headset.
- Minor knowledge of Essentials: I have gone through a lot of permissions for essentials and admin commands, I highly doubt i missed anything but i might have to write on notes to remember. No problems at all, I hope you consider me since i want to add some more to this.
The rank that i wanted: Admin.
Age: Fifteen years old.
Maturity: 97% (Might want to be a bit of a funny person but serious all the time.)
Hobbies: Helping players out in minecraft, Solving problems, Doing tasks, Looking out for people in trouble and solving it, Being friends with everyone.
* I don't slack in my job.
* I'm not mean.
* I'm very nice.
* I do my very best in the job.
* I don't like not helping people so rest assured you can count on me to solve that.
* I am active, Can be online 5-7 hours a day.
* If i'm in school i'll always come after school or later onto the server to help out and be online for a long time.
Thank you for your time,
- Ravensky15.
05/17/2015 5:03 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
keralis1's Avatar
First name - Brandan

Age - 13

Skype username - Brandaned

Time zone - GMT-07

Rank applying for - Sr. Admin

A little bit about yourself - I am a 13 year old, I try my best to help out servers, and have them succeed. I have lots of past experience in being staff, and I would love to help out on this one. I also a decent builder, I am truthful, and I don't always talk a lot =).

Maturity [1-10] - 9

Do you approve of being interviewed through Skype? - Yes

Thanks =) (By the way I meet all the requirements.)
05/17/2015 4:58 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
JML5673's Avatar
Mature age level (i don't want to judge, but i have to for this reason): 9-9.5 in my opinion also some other people have told me

- Skype: mrkinnggammer

- Patience - I have a lot but sometimes I can get aggrivated really quick. Im learning to stop that

- Prior experience: Owner of my own Minigames server with OP Prison that ran up for 3 months. Than I was also an owner on a friends server called "DiamondPVP" that was up for 6 months. I was also Staff Manager and Admin on a server called "TankPVP" for about 2 months. Than a Moderator on a server called "Royals" I

- Ability to judge: I can judge pretty well and since I was a staff manager I know whats good and what isnt.

- Microphone for Skype: Blue Yeti

- Ability to chose sides: Im more of a go with a flow kind of guy, but when I have to choose a side, I usually go with the more populated side since that side obviously has more potential and influence.

- Ability to run a server with minor help: That would be kind of easy since I ran my own OP Prison server and Minigame server and since I was Staff Manager and Admin on TankPVP with 30-55 players on every day with me being only Admin with no moderators or the Owner on, I think I can do it.

- Knowledge of Essentials: I know A LOT of it since I helped run a server with friends and my own prior experience with servers. I also helped another server with Essentials.

First name - Jordan
Age - 13
Skype username - MrKinngGammer
Time zone - CST
Rank applying for - Co-Owner or Server Manager.
A little bit about yourself - I am shy at first, but when I get to know people I can get very funny and outgoing. I help out at a homeless pet shelter for about 2 hours every night but other than that and football (Which is about to end) I can be on every day to help out with the server
Maturity [1-10] - 9-9.5
Do you approve of being interviewed through Skype? - Yes I do and I wouldnt mind at all
05/17/2015 3:52 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Shadowmaster3000's Avatar
Just showing I meet requirements

- Mature age level (i don't want to judge, but i have to for this reason): out of 10 a 9.5.
- Skype shadowlord2345_1 is my Skype I am usually on a lot.
- Patience I have a good amount of patience and it is always a good thing to have because it comes in handy in certain situations lets say hackers and you got a report of a hacker well you need to have patience while they are on the server to see if u can catch them
- Prior experience I have lots of prior experience I have been playing minecraft since 1.3 and staff since around 1.4 or 1.5 I have owned around 15 semi-successful server eaching getting in so many donations where as some were hubs with 4-5 servers and racked in around 100$ a week but then the hosting company went down and we didn't have a backup so we lost the hub and network
- Ability to judge: if you mean determine whats right and whats wrong I usually think of it as common sense. if someone asks you for a password you don't give it to them
- Microphone for Skype Yes I have a microphone and it works and so I use it
- Ability to chose sides I can choose sides but rather than choosing sides I prefer finding a compromise or way to solve a problem
- Ability to run a server with minor help That is easy once you get a server going it runs itself with a good staff team
- Knowledge of Essentials I have intermediate knowledge of around 75 plugins advanced of 10 and basic of around 25 plus I am a very quick learner so I can take on more plugins

First name - Isaac
Age - 15
Skype username - Shadowlord2345_1
Time zone - GMT -6:00 or united states central
Rank applying for - Co-owner is preferred but anything like admin or moderator is nice
A little bit about yourself - I am a gamer I have been playing minecraft since 1.3 I enjoy sports friendship and minecraft. I am so dedicated to the servers I get on I spent 288.68 hours on one server over a 1.5month period
Maturity [1-10] - 9.5
Do you approve of being interviewed through Skype? - Skype is a way of communication and as long as it is being used approprietly I approve
05/17/2015 3:38 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Artist
TheBumbliestBee's Avatar
First name - Drew

Age - 14

Skype username - drew6607

Time zone - BST

Rank applying for - Moderator

A little bit about yourself - I'm from Britain, as you can tell from the timezone, I make graphics fully as a hobby, I like to try different styles now and then, ranging from Pixel art to drawing to rendering. I'm very optimistic and Creative, I'm always looking for new ways to create and express myself whether that's making a game, drawing or writing.

Maturity [1-10] - 8

Do you approve of being interviewed through Skype? - Yes.

Thanks for reading my application.
05/17/2015 3:20 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
Bubbyfong's Avatar
05/17/2015 2:45 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
samgotskill's Avatar
First name -Sam
Age -14
Skype username -samtheman0901
Time zone -Mountain State Time
Rank applying for -Admin or maybe Sr Admin but could start out as a lower rank and earn a higher one over time
A little bit about yourself -I live in the U.S and go to the second hardest school in my state.I get out of school in 1 week (I will have more time to play minecraft) and I will be able to dedicate many hours to your server.I have owned a server but i had to shut it down because i was unable to find any trustworthy staff to help manage it.I love factions,prison, and tons of other game modes and I have played minecraft for 4 years.I know how to use tons of plugins.I also have some great ideas for your server such as how to set up factions and what plugins to use.
Maturity [1-10] -8, I stay on task but i make jokes and love to chill and create a community together.
Do you approve of being interviewed through Skype? -What ever is ok with you but i would prefer the chat until i get to know you a bit better.
05/17/2015 2:43 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
deenbayside's Avatar
- Mature age level:9/10
- Skype:Swagmunch
- Patience:9/10
- Prior experienceI have owned several servers in the past and managed many of them my specialty is Server managing
- Ability to judge:My ability to judge is very simple it isn't just the amount of time you play on the server that gets you staff or ranks it's the things you can offer the server and i always side with players that have potential
- Ability to make high-level decisions:I have a lot of knowledge of making high End decisions as i already said i owned server before and managed them i had to make difficult decisions like demoting staff and accepting staff applications
- Ability to choose sidesn my opinion there is only 2 sides Good And Bad, and players have to stick with the Good Side or else they will get punished
- Microphone for Skype:Yes
- Ability to run a server with help:I can run a server in a month i can make bungee it with your server to make it a hub. I am very experienced with making stuff like plugins and a little of building
- Knowledge of Essentials: On my own server i made my own plugins, I also know all the basic and advanced like configuring and adding Perms
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