{TechnoBuild 24/7 SMP} Help Wanted

tylerhorton's Avatar tylerhorton6/26/12 8:54 pm
7/2/2012 9:45 pm
3dayblackout's Avatar 3dayblackout

I am Tyler Horton. I am the owner of TechnoBuild 24/7 Bukkit SMP server. We are in need of two admins, four Moderators, and five builders. We run multiple plugins, and have an experienced plugin manager. We want someone that would be very dedicated to TechnoBuild. If you'd like to apply, copy/paste the application below. Thanks, Ty.

Server IP:

Click to reveal
People accepted
Admins: OptimumGT
Moderators: IGotSwagga

[Simple Info] -

[Minecraft ID] - (The name that shows up in-game)
[Age] - (Ages 10+)
[Minecraft Talents] - (Any talents are great to know for the benefit of you, the players, staff, and the server.)
[Time in Minecraft] - (Months, and Years)
[Maturity Level] - (1 - 10)
[Grammar Level] - (1 - 10)
[Gender] - (Any type of gender can be accepted to be staff so don't count yourself out.)
[Personality] - (This is very important it's to tell what type of person you are.)
[Position] - (Position wanted)

[PM] - (If you get a PM from the owner, or co-owner you have been chosen to be staff, and if you don't sorry but your application isn't in the level the two owners where looking for.)


I may ask you a lot more questions before even thinking about accepting you.
Posted by tylerhorton's Avatar
Level 19 : Journeyman Architect

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07/02/2012 9:45 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Narwhal
3dayblackout's Avatar
[Minecraft ID] - (The name that shows up in-game)Fireuser67
[Age] - (Ages 10+)11
[Minecraft Talents] - (Any talents are great to know for the benefit of you, the players, staff, and the server.) resolving problems, building, being creative, advertising, helping
[Time in Minecraft] - (Months, and Years)Idk but I started when 1.5 beta came out
[Maturity Level] - (1 - 10)9
[Grammar Level] - (1 - 10)8 (my grammar right now may be bad because my iPod is very slow and it causes errors
[Gender] - (Any type of gender can be accepted to be staff so don't count yourself out.)male
[Personality] - (This is very important it's to tell what type of person you are.) I'm the kind of person who treats everyone how theyshould be treated, and I make sure no one breaks rules. I am very good at resolving problems and I'm kind to everyone
Position: admin or mod
07/02/2012 9:42 pm
Level 24 : Expert Nerd
Quzzar's Avatar
[Minecraft ID] - (whyundead3)
[Age] - (13 turning 14 in about 20 days!)
[Minecraft Talents] - (I'm great and doing server setup like permissions and junk like that. I'm pretty good builder. I'm good a redstone. I'm a great leader. (Please tell me if I missed something out it feels as if I did!))
[Time in Minecraft] - (2 years)
[Maturity Level] - (10)
[Grammar Level] - (8.5)
[Gender] - (Male)
[Personality] - (I am a truthfully good person, I enjoy helping and working on servers, I have never greifed a server nor will I ever (I hate greifing because I never like to get people very mad and hate me even tho I don't know then just to think that someone really hates me out there))
[Position] - (Admin)

I have been Mod, Head-Mod, Admin, and Head-Admin in many many servers, but servers go down too often so I've only really stuck with a few.
My friend runs a server and I sometime help him with his server stuff. (like files and config setups)
[Skype] (whyundead)
07/02/2012 9:34 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
DeathByAxe's Avatar
[Minecraft ID] - DeathByAxe
[Age] - 16
[Minecraft Talents] - I am a good builder, pm for pictures, I love to help people.
[Time in Minecraft] - 6-8 Months
[Maturity Level] - 10, I am very mature if I do say so myself.
[Grammar Level] - 10, I put meaning into everything I type, I never do "text" typing
[Gender] - Male
[Personality] - I am a serious person but I like to make a few laughs.
[Position] - Admin
07/02/2012 9:26 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Lumberjack
Kovren's Avatar
[Minecraft ID] - (The name that shows up in-game)burger1018
[Age] - (Ages 10+)15
[Minecraft Talents] - (Any talents are great to know for the benefit of you, the players, staff, and the server.)I love to build, and messing around with plugins/mods is my favorite thing to do.
[Time in Minecraft] - (Months, and Years)2 months, 1 year.
[Maturity Level] - (1 - 10)8. I am mature but I like to goof off.
[Grammar Level] - (1 - 10)9. Sometimes I forget to capitalize 'I' as in 'I am going to the store'
[Gender] - (Any type of gender can be accepted to be staff so don't count yourself out.)Male
[Personality] - (This is very important it's to tell what type of person you are.)I am funny, but sometimes I goof off. Other times I just lose my funny, and completely serious for a little while.
[Position] - (Position wanted)Either is okay, but Admin would be preferred.
07/02/2012 2:04 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
0stryker0's Avatar
admin, mod, builder

[Minecraft ID] - 0stryker0
[Age] - 16
[Minecraft Talents] - I'm an amazing builder, I just finished making a castle for another server. I am also very friendly and I know everything about Minecraft so I can help anyone. Last year I was voted best admin in a server, and I am currently looking for a new one and hopefully can make this one.
[Time in Minecraft] - Been with minecraft since 1.1 every day for 10-13 hours.. Minecraft has been my hobby, and its summer and i have like no life.
[Grammar Level] - 9 1/2 I am very good with grammar, I have exceeded every grammar class in school so far with astonishing grades.
[Gender] - Male
[Personality] - I am very respectful, helpful, and Tyler you probably remember me when we were building in the Nether World yesterday I gave you some tips about the server and what you should add!(: I would gladly help you for whatever you would need.
Hopefully I can make it and I am currently helping you build things in the Nether World, your server is awesome and hopefully I can become a part of it! Thank you so much,
06/27/2012 12:49 pm
Level 40 : Master Robot
BetaEdit's Avatar
[Simple Info] -

[Minecraft ID] - BetaEdit
[Age] - 14
[Minecraft Talents] - I know how to deal with rule breakers.
[Time in Minecraft] - I have been playing since 1.8
[Maturity Level] - 9
[Grammar Level] - 8-9
[Gender] - Male
[Personality] - Idk, I am serious when it comes to rule breaking. Sometimes I joke. Its not much to say.
[Position] - Mod
06/27/2012 12:41 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Architect
tylerhorton's Avatar
We need people badly.
06/27/2012 12:37 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Architect
tylerhorton's Avatar
06/27/2012 9:05 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Modder
IGotSwagga's Avatar
(Etheir moderator or admin)

[Minecraft ID] - (snivell)
[Age] - (12)
[Minecraft Talents] - (I am good with people , And I can stop fights , I can also build , But I'm not the BEST builder .)
[Time in Minecraft] - (I have played minecraft since late alpha)
[Maturity Level] - (10)
[Grammar Level] - (10)
[Gender] - (I'm a boy)
[Personality] - (I'm nice and I help out people alot!)

Aditional Info - I am experienced , I own my own server and I have been staff on around 30 servers!
06/27/2012 9:20 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Architect
tylerhorton's Avatar
Accepted as Mod
06/27/2012 12:53 am
Level 1 : New Miner
mattrox66's Avatar
I am a great builder and a good guy altogether
A little bit more than a year
Maturity level 9/10
Grammar Level 10/10
Calm and relaxed
I am a Moderator on a server and have been an admin on a server before.Also since it is summer I could spend a lot of time on the server and maybe even DONATE
06/27/2012 8:50 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Architect
tylerhorton's Avatar
Would you care to be a Moderator?
06/26/2012 10:14 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Architect
tylerhorton's Avatar
Guys, could you please edit with what position you are applying for. Thanks.
06/26/2012 10:17 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Skinner
OptimumGT's Avatar
woops sorry about that lol
06/26/2012 9:18 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Skinner
OptimumGT's Avatar
Admin, Mod

[Minecraft ID] - Loganhood
[Age] - (Ages 10+) 18
[Minecraft Talents] - Ive ran many server in the time ive played mineraft, ive also been on staff on alot of servers the only bad thing is they all shut down.... I would say im a standard builder meaning i can build whatever you want me too as long as i have time to work on it =D
[Time in Minecraft] - since first Beta
[Maturity Level] - (1 - 10) 8, No one is perfect
[Grammar Level] - (1 - 10) 10, English language should be a forte for how old i am
[Gender] - Male
[Personality] - I am a nice, humerous type of guy, i try to get along with everyone and i try to make everyone happy and laugh. Im easy to get along with and i love to help people
06/26/2012 10:20 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Architect
tylerhorton's Avatar
You are accepted as Mod, however, if not a lot of people apply, you may be moved up. Sorry to correct you, but I would love if you could use "I" instead of "i". LOL.
06/26/2012 9:15 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
mrhappyrulez's Avatar
Admin, mod, builder (I dont care) Better is better but i don't judge My talents are better for admin though.

[Minecraft ID] - mrhappyrulez
[Age] - 15
[Minecraft Talents] - Very good builder, and knows how to work with redstone.
[Time in Minecraft] - Been with minecraft since 1.1 (about 4 months) on minecraft every day for 9-12 hours (its summer and i have no life >.>)
[Maturity Level] - 8
[Grammar Level] - 9(i make stupid mistakes when typing fast >.>)
[Gender] - Male
[Personality] - Expressive, I act the way i feel in good terms. I have self control ,and i can crack some pretty good jokes. When im on a server, almost everyone knows it ^.^

I hope i get picked, i checked out ur server earlier today, and ya it looks new and i hope to be apart of making it better and watching it expand
06/26/2012 8:59 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
tinyxsniperV2's Avatar

[Minecraft ID] - TiNYxSNiPeR
[Age] - 13
[Minecraft Talents] - I'm a good pvper a good builder and a good builder.
[Time in Minecraft] - Since Pc gamer Demo
[Maturity Level] - 7
[Grammar Level] - 10
[Gender] - M
[Personality] - I am a patient fun person but i am serious when i need to be.
P.S What is your skype for the 3rd time lol
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