(New)The Destroyer Nation (Needs Staff) Urgently

Donkey_Destroyer's Avatar Donkey_Destroyer11/2/12 11:57 pm
11/3/2012 11:35 am
KidneyKraft's Avatar KidneyKraft
The Destroyer Nation(Needs Staff)

Hi all I'm Donkey_Destroyer owner of The Destroyer Nation

We are in need of staff

Fill out this application

Redstone Skills:
Do u know how to install different worlds on this server:
Do u know how to install custom maps:
Plugin Skills:
Building Skills:
Previous Positions on servers and the ips:
Why do u want to be staff:
What will u provide for the server:
How long can u be on a day:
Have u ever been banned:
Position Wanted:
Will u advertise server and where:


The server has to be portfowarded which will happen soon

If u lie in application u will be automatically denied
Posted by Donkey_Destroyer's Avatar
Level 9 : Apprentice Ninja

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11/03/2012 11:35 am
Level 1 : New Miner
KidneyKraft's Avatar
Greetings, my name is Tyler! Most of my friends call me Diddy,heh. My main server CorruptCraft recently went kupoot (down). I have worked with the owner of that server for two years,two very long and painful years. Donations stopped coming and he couldn't pay the 80 dollars a month anymore,sadly. Since that terrible event I have been out of a job per-say. Naturally since the downgrade of CorruptCraft I needed to find a different server owner to help. I know there are many servers that require moderation or administration. So lets get this over with! Here are my credentials (template)

Name: Tyler L.
Age: Eightteen(18)
How long can you be online?: Since I recently just finished school I have a years worth of playtime before I head off to college. I usually pull allnighters and sleep from 10:00am to 3:00pm. Therefore I will be online everyday usually all day.

Experience with servers: I have been playing this wonderful game since before survival was implemented! And I have nearly two years of server and administrator experience. Also, I am not an illiterate! I know how to preform my job,and get it done.

What can I do for the server?: Easily answered! (if you read all of the statements above) I can provide great administrative and moderation for said server.

Banning, muting and kicking: Weather it's a racist,sexist,idiot,or hacker. I will easily,and fairly take care of hooligans that try to ruin peoples server experience. I do not tolerate racism,and I DEFINITELY DO NOT tolerate hacking. Weather it's xrays,invisible texture packs,or modded clients. These people are the worst in my eyes and they will be dealt with swiftly.

A friendly and competent staff is more than vital to having a successful server, as the staff is one of the main ways that the players view the server. A friendly staff that the players enjoy leads them to recommend the server to their friends thus increasing the server popularity and the cycle repeats which in turn raises the donation levels for the owner. I believe that I could benefit the server because I have experience as a barista in being friendly to the customers to keep them coming back and so that enjoy the coffee house experience. Just as important as a friendly staff is a competent one. This is important because the staff must be able to look at complaints and determine if they are valid or not. The staff must think on their feet and be able to deal with unforeseen complications such as a server crash or a person attempting to cheat the game.

I indeed have a skype! Just send me a request and I will give you more information.
The name is almightyelf123

My in-game account name is Flyingdiddy
Position you are interested in: Any staff position that you think I may be suited for. But I prefer the rank of Administrator.

Past experience with that position: I have been moderators on a couple servers, but most of them are no longer active because of an inability to pay for server hosting.

Are you actively holding this role on a different server? I am currently in the rank of "Police" on a server called "MaxBuild". But it isn't 24/7, so whenever it is up, I am stuck with some other boring servers, completely unlike this one.

Reason for applying/ Why should I pick you?: I don't want to be part of the staff team to abuse. I actually love to help people, and to make sure people have a good time. Proof of that is that I have my own server just so people can have fun. Not for my benefit. It doesn't even have any set up donation program.

What do you want to see from me, as a server owner?: From you, all I want is a owner who respects everyone, and one that doesn't make everyone part of his staff just because you know them. I am also looking for one who will let me have some time to enjoy the server, instead of working on it every passing minute.

Thank you for the time you took to read this! -Tyler/Diddy
11/03/2012 9:30 am
They/Them • Level 35 : Artisan Birb Birb
Karrfis's Avatar
so what is the ip and what can we do as mods
11/03/2012 12:41 am
Level 9 : Apprentice Ninja
Donkey_Destroyer's Avatar
Keep applying
11/03/2012 12:39 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
BarryTheCow's Avatar
Hey Destroyer can either PM me or post the Ip?
11/03/2012 12:35 am
Level 9 : Apprentice Ninja
Donkey_Destroyer's Avatar
Ace hornet ur accepted as admin(if yours is thè best admin application you'll get head-admin
11/03/2012 12:33 am
Level 9 : Apprentice Ninja
Donkey_Destroyer's Avatar
Ace hornet can u explain to me how to install plugins via pm
Barrythecow ur accept as mod
karrthus ur accepted as mod
11/03/2012 12:24 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
BarryTheCow's Avatar
Redstone Skills:8/10
Do u know how to install different worlds on this server:no
Do u know how to install custom maps:no
Plugin Skills:0/10
Building Skills:9/10
Previous Positions on servers and the ips:
Why do u want to be staff:I enjoy helping on servers
What will u provide for the server:good work with commands, good builds
How long can u be on a day:2h-3h
Have u ever been banned:no
Position Wanted:admin/mod/builder
Will u advertise server and where:mc server list
11/03/2012 12:23 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Explorer
AceHornet's Avatar
Ign: acehornet
Redstone Skills: I'm decent
Do u know how to install different worlds on this server: Yes i was the plugin manager for most of my server.
Do u know how to install custom maps: Yes
Plugin Skills: I was the plugin manager for alot of servers
Building Skills: pretty crap i like to stick to plugins
Previous Positions on servers and the ips: smp.tcservers.net i was plugin manager on that
Why do u want to be staff: Well i've been told i am very helpful and smart with config files.
What will u provide for the server: Plugin assistance / server mantainance
How long can u be on a day:3-10 hours
My skype: acehornet
Have u ever been banned: No never
Position Wanted: Head-Admin or CoOwner
Will u advertise server and where:
11/03/2012 12:23 am
They/Them • Level 35 : Artisan Birb Birb
Karrfis's Avatar
Ign: Karrthus1
Redstone Skills: 9/10
Do u know how to install different worlds on this server:ummm no
Do u know how to install custom maps: ish
Plugin Skills:0/10
Building Skills: 8.5/10
Previous Positions on servers and the ips: admin on marblestech ip-
Why do u want to be staff: i enjoy helping out people with the power of the op/mod/admin also its easy to enjoy a server if you are a high ranking person
What will u provide for the server: redstone big castles
How long can u be on a day:weekdays--about 4-5 hours weekends all the time holidays (school) all the time
Have u ever been banned: no no never ever ever been banned
Position Wanted:as high as you can get me [prefbly admin/mod
Will u advertise server and where: i can on this website as well has the official minecraft forums

is from the UK FYI
11/03/2012 12:17 am
Level 9 : Apprentice Ninja
Donkey_Destroyer's Avatar
We are in need of staff urgently
11/03/2012 12:03 am
Level 9 : Apprentice Ninja
Donkey_Destroyer's Avatar
We are in need of

Head- Admin
Planet Minecraft


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