The Devil's Network | Looking For Staff | Apply Today!

TehBreakerPanel's Avatar TehBreakerPanel10/18/14 11:54 am
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10/19/2014 2:43 pm
TehBreakerPanel's Avatar TehBreakerPanel

Welcome To The Devil's Netork Recruitment thread

Looking for a server that will be sucessful and not last just a month?
Looking for a server that will take the players opinion first before making changes?
Looking for a server that was made for the community and not for money?
Looking for a server that has a group of dedicated staff?
Looking for a server that will actaully do all of those things and not lie about it? Well it isn't very common, That is where we step in and make a difference.

Now, Let's start off with a apology to The Cluster, We are extremely sorry for using your topic. My dev copied it and he is now no longer a part of our network.

Ok although you may have to apply, Almost ALL applications will be accepted.

Available Positions

Network Manager
- Makes sure the network is running swiftly

- Makes sure new players/staff are finding their ways throughout the network

GFX Artist
- Makes GFX for the website, advertising posts, and forums

- Good at HTML, CSS, and JS. (for web developer)
- Good at Java & Bukkit and/or BungeeCord APIs. (for plugin developer)

Beta Tester
- Test The Server For Bugs

Moderator (Not accepting right now)
- Make sure the server is clean of rule-breakers

Staff Manager
- In charge of making staff recruitment threads
- Recruit staff that have met our requirements

Skype is a must SORRY!
Making a lengthy application brings up your chances dramastically!


First Name:
Recent Networks Managed:
What ways can you help the network:
Will You Be Serious:
What Does This Position Mean To You:
What Do Are You Good At (Comp Skills like coding):
What Makes You Stand Out From Others:
Would you be active on the forums:


First Name:
Past Experience:
What were your previous staff ranks:
What else should we know about you:
Would you take the position seriously:
What would you do to keep the players informed?
Would you be active on the forums:

GFX Artist

First Name:
Have you done work for servers before:
What would you do in timed of high demand:


First Name:
Past Experience:
Would you be active on the forums:
What are you specialties (Config, plugins, coding, web dev):
What do you code with:
What makes you different from others:

Beta Tester

First Name:
Past Experience:
Why do you want this position:

Staff Manager

First Name:
Past Experience:
How will you recruit staff:
What will your recruitment process be:
What can you help with:
Why do you want the position:
Do you have time to recruit:

Interested in contacting me privately?
Here is my skype: MoistFalls
Posted by TehBreakerPanel's Avatar
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner

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10/19/2014 2:43 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
TehBreakerPanel's Avatar
Back online! Looking for more staff!
10/19/2014 10:41 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
TehBreakerPanel's Avatar
Back online! Looking for more staff!
10/18/2014 7:39 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Dally123's Avatar

First Name: Dallas
IGN: Dallygoesrawr
Skype: Dallygoesrawr
Age: 16
Past Experience: I was a server admin and Co Owner and the Owners of servers always had me teach new staff how to staff, watch over them when needed, and help new players learn how the server works.
What were your previous staff ranks: Helper Mod Mod+ Mod++ Mod+++ Head mod Admin Head Admin Co-Owner
What else should we know about you: Im very careful when it comes to servers, I have never griefed or raged, most players end up liking me and most staff end up liking me. Theres too much to tell so youll just have to get to know me.
Would you take the position seriously: Of course, why wouldnt I? A server isnt a good server without players and a good welcoming staff.
What would you do to keep the players informed? Post on the Forums reguraly, give them my skype so when they have questions they can ask me directly, and get on the server enough that they can ask me on there as well.
Would you be active on the forums: Yes, I would check the forums everyday and make sure everyones questions are met.
Consider adding me as a coordinator. The only issues I end up having with people are that they do something to their server that they shouldnt do. Like adding a staff back who has abused in the past or allowing players to do something bad, If this happens i will simply just leave without griefing or trolling. I am a sincere player so add me on skype if you want to know more.
10/18/2014 6:28 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
RAISINS lol's Avatar
Skype:frog nogs
Past Experience:a lot
Availability: a lot
Why do you want this position: its a good position
10/18/2014 5:09 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
TehBreakerPanel's Avatar
Still recruiting, Post below
10/18/2014 2:01 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Ethan_56's Avatar
Staff Manager

First Name: Ethan

IGN: ethancalhoun56

Skype: creeper_god

Age: 14

Past Experience: I own my own server that is down right now because i never really got it going and have been moderator on several servers. Have been admin about 3 times on other servers. Have been guard on 3 servers and warden on 1.

How will you recruit staff: I will look at the applications choose the best one ask the owner and all high ranking staff if he is the right fit for the job then msg him through skype or any other means of communication and tell him he is accepted.

What will your recruitment process be: My recruitment process will be if i am accepted you or the person finding staff with contact me through skype then you will tell me i have made the job and then i start going to work on applications

What can you help with: I can help the server grow and also give good feed back to other staff members. Also recommend new plugins and better ways to maintain the server. Help with applications for the server.

Why do you want the position: I am interested in joining a NEW server and applying my skills as a staff member. as i have never joined a server that just started. I would love to get a invite to the beta as well for i would like to see the server before the launch.

Do you have time to recruit: I have the time to recruit because I am a in the 9th grade with a lot of extra time on my hands.
10/18/2014 1:50 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Network
GRFZisMyName's Avatar
First Name: Kyle
Skype: grfzismyname
Age: 13
Have you done work for servers before: Yes tons
What would you do in timed of high demand: Start a list and get to work asap
10/18/2014 1:43 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Architect
Consiring's Avatar
Staff Manager Application!

First Name: Blake
IGN: db10man
Skype: FlamesGaming
Age: 16
Past Experience: ive been a Dev and im a really good Manager i can manager your staff cause i am Nice and not strict i will not be rude to your Staff and not be crazy with giving people ranks i will always ask your perm if i can promote someone to a very High rank like Co-Owner or Something i have been a Owner 3 times on servers that i made my 1st server was a long time ago so it really sucked but my server now has tons of Minigames and Factions and stuff like that!
How will you recruit staff: i will be on everyday so i can see if a certain player is doing fine and if he does ill let him try out first so me and you will know if he is a Safe Player and good for staff!
What will your recruit process be: same as i just told you if a Certain player is doing good ill let him try out and if he does good he gets a Rank
What can you help with: well i am good with organizing staff and There positions so we wont have too much staff and we wont have too little staff i will make sure all staff are working properly and not being bad or Rude to other staff or players!
Why do you want the position: Cause i feel like i can really help this server and work as hard as i can to work with the staff and just do a Job of a Staff Manager!
Do you have time to recruit: Yes, like i said ill be on daily to check your staff and seeing if there doing good!


RoboGamer44 or db10man

Good Luck on your server
10/18/2014 1:24 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
william10003's Avatar
First Name:
IGN: william10003
Skype: william.thompson844
Age: 17
Activity: Will be very active.
Recent Networks Managed: I have managed a few. One of them was my own, which was called unknown-nation which has a garrys mod server and a minecraft server. I have also played a big part in other server networks which are now doing very well.
What ways can you help the network: I am a experienced leader, with lots of experience. I am also able to make plugins and websites as i am also a experienced developer. I will make sure that i manage the network very well and keep in constant contact with the staff.
Will You Be Serious: Of course. But i will be a fun person to be around, (without breaking the rules.)
What Does This Position Mean To You: I think that i would be a good candidate for this position. I do believe that i could help lead this network and make it work. I have done it before many other times. It would be a pleasure to help.
What Do Are You Good At (Comp Skills like coding): I can code in, CSS,Html,Javascript and i have made many minecraft servers work.
What Makes You Stand Out From Others: I am a polite,well mannered, and mature individual who will make sure that the job is done. I will also be fun to be around.
Would you be active on the forums: of course.
Planet Minecraft


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