▂▃▄▅▆▇ The Devil's Network! ⋘ ⋙ Recruiting! ▇▆▅▄▃▂

TehBreakerPanel's Avatar TehBreakerPanel11/2/14 2:24 pm
11/10/2014 10:54 am
TehBreakerPanel's Avatar TehBreakerPanel
The Devil's Network
Recruitment Thread

The Devil's Network started out as a small RPG/Survival server a few months back named "Glacier MC" after having a few weeks of consideration into making a network, We decided to make one. We are not satanic or anything in any way but we had a hell-ish theme to all our builds and wanted to have them link. So that is when we decided on this name. We are now looking for many staff and many players.


Web Dev
Requirements: Must be good with site creators like Enjin and XenForo
- Will be making our sites and such
- Available positions: 2

Graphic Designers
Requirements: Must have GFX that are clean and simple with style and detail
- Will make banners, forum icons, and server-icons
- Available positions: Unlimited

Project Manager
Requirements: Must be good in managing the network as a whole
- Will arrange events, judge builds, and make sure staff are doing their jobs
- Available positions: 1

BungeeCord Tech
Requirements: Must be an expert with bungeecord errors and setting bungeecord up
- Will link all servers and make sure they are stable for players to join
- Available positions: 2

Staff Recruiter
Requirements: Atleast 16 years old as we need people who are mature as possible. If you are below the age of 16 you will be denied. Also needs to be good at judging applicants.
- Available positions: 1

Requirements: Atleast on Minecraft 2 hours a day
- Gets access to Beta servers early to text bugs and stability
- Available positions: 5


Web Dev
Previous Work:

Graphic Designer
Will you want this position if it has high demand?:
Rate your GFX (?/10):
Have you done GFX work for servers before?:

Project Manager
Ideas for weekly events:
Ideas for making the network unique?:
Ideas on how to make events original:

BungeeCord Tech
Have you worked with bungee errors before?:
Do you know how to fix uncommon errors?:

Staff Recruiter
Minecraft IGN:
How will you recruit staff?:
Will you check this topic or make your own?:
What will your application look like?:
Why do you want this position?:
What makes you different from other applicants?:

Why do you want this position?:

I will be checking this forum regularly for the next 72 hours or so, If you don't get feedback within the hour of your post contact me on my skype (which is below).

Skype: MoistFalls
Posted by TehBreakerPanel's Avatar
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner

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11/10/2014 10:54 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
TehBreakerPanel's Avatar
Still recruiting!
11/07/2014 4:00 am
Level 68 : High Grandmaster Wolf
maniacheto's Avatar
Web Dev

Age: 14
Name: Martin
Skype: maniacheto1
Previous Work: I have a personal website on my computer and I'm still working on it. My XenForo websites are gone, because noone had used them and the host company closed them. I can work with HTML and CSS. I'm still learning how to work with PHP and Javascript. I have done several XenForo forums and made them with a minecraft theme. I can also work with Enjin.
Availability: I can be on my computer almost every day. I'm usually using my computer 3-4 hours from Monday to Friday. On Saturday and Sunday, I can be on for 5 hours.

Project Manager

Age: 14
Name: Martin
Skype: maniacheto1
Availability:I can be on my computer almost every day. I'm usually using my computer 3-4 hours from Monday to Friday. On Saturday and Sunday, I can be on for 5 hours. Some of the days, I won't be free, because I am going to build with Team Nectar.
Ideas for weekly events:
-The Lost Temple(There is a lost temple underground and you are supposed to find it using the gived clues and riddles);
-Herobrine's Challenge(A big dungeon. People have to team to get further in it. At the end, everyone who finished will get an award. The mobs will be hard with armour and weapons[custom].)
- I have more ideas, but some of them require custom plugins.
Ideas for making the network unique?: I have several new mini-game ideas.
Ideas on how to make events original: Every Saturday, It will be good to have a special event. Events should change every day.
11/06/2014 8:36 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
TehBreakerPanel's Avatar
We are recruiting, I have spoke with mist of you. If I haven't check your skype.
11/03/2014 8:11 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Pixel Puncher
Nakudan's Avatar
Staff Recruiter
Age: 16
Name: Darius Phillip
Skype: nakudan
Availabilty: nearly everyday
Minecraft IGN: n/a
How will you recruit staff?: Frequent Advertising, Recruiting, further methods to be discussed on employment
Will you check this topic or make your own?: Yes
What will your application look like?: Similar to this and Skype interview via either call or text chat
Why do you want this position?: To increase the Network
What makes you different from other applicants?: Experience in staff recruitment from various companies/businesses on a professional level
11/03/2014 4:02 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
iLunchBoxHD's Avatar
Project Manager
Age: 15
Name: LunchBoxHD / Chase
Skype: thisisntchase
Availability: Every day most days weekends i can be on whenever unless busy, school days 7-11 p.m. Practices
Ideas for weekly events: Best build, best original skin, leaderboard leaders (if you have one gets special prize, if the server gets enough donations that week a special drop party, best story (once a week give people around 20 minutes to make a poem/story winner gets prize, mob arenas if a goal is achieved or like once a week. Those are just some off the top of my head.
Ideas for making the network unique?: Don't be so OP diamonds aren't worth anything. Don't give diamond right off the bat; make them work for it.
Ideas on how to make events original: Build own arenas, ask the players what they would like to see. Randomly ask people questions on how to make the server better. Overall just give the people what they want that is reasonable.
11/03/2014 3:20 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
scruffenuff's Avatar
Web Dev
Age: 12

Name: John

Skype: scruffenuff

Previous Work: I designed a few Enjin websites for some servers before. They eventually closed down because loss of players and little donations. But, I definitely know how to work with any website manager. I enjoy every second configuring with it. I also began designing a server of mine's website, but since it was SUPER low quality and didn't have enough maintenance I just closed it all.

Availability: Weekdays probably 4-6 hours, and on weekends probably 5-7 hours.
11/03/2014 2:29 pm
Level 27 : Expert Artist
Tiger_10's Avatar
Graphic Designer
Age: 13
Name: Caitlin (or Volcano)
Skype: >>volcano<< OR healing.family1. They're the same account, just depends which is easier to find. Also, it's my personal account, my mum helped set it up and she put that name in...
Portfolio: to be honest, I'm not quite sure what you mean by this, but if it's artwork examples, I have a behance account www.behance.net/VolcanoTheDragon
There isn't much there since I've only signed up recently, and some of my art I haven't been able to get on there yet due to my occasionally rubbish internet connection.
Availabilty: 2/3 hours on weekdays after 3, pretty much all afternoon on weekends.
Will you want this position if it has high demand?: I honestly don't mind.
Rate your GFX (?/10): probably about 7. I'm much better with details than other styles.
Have you done GFX work for servers before?: No, but I got approached by someone to try and make a logo for an E sports team.

With equipment, I have a wacom bamboo tablet and pen, and I use Corel painter lite, and I have a 7a in art (7c end of key stage 3 target). If I get this 'job' I guess, I will do all I can to make whatever you ask me to do the best.
11/03/2014 10:47 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Princess
Faxwy's Avatar
Web Dev
Age: 15
Name: Blake
Skype: deathring117
Previous Work: Nothing I can show. I am using the demo for XenForo right now.
Availability: Usually 4 hours on Skype daily
11/03/2014 10:15 am
Level 1 : New Miner
KratosR's Avatar
I would like to be a beta tester

IGN: RayVidz
Age: 16
Name: Ray Johnson
Skype: ImskiIIFul (in lower case its imskiiiful)
Availability: 4-8 hours a day
Why do you want this position?: because i hate it when a good server comes out but then everything you do just laggs or its not playablo because of lags or anything like that so im hoping i can help change that and have good servers comming out bug free

PS: been playing minecraft since July 2009 so i know how to test for bugs and glitches
11/02/2014 11:23 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Architect
nemssi12312's Avatar
Age: 15
Name: nemssi
Skype: nemssi12312
Availability: I am available on a daily basis, when my Skype has the green icon it means I am there awaiting for someone to chat with me, if it say away, do not disturb, or offline, probably means I am not at the computer atm or I am busy playing Grand Theft Auto, but I am dedicated to what I do.
Ideas for weekly events: Ideally my ideas for weekly events are planned out well and associated with the theme of the server, in this case, my idea for weekly events would be all sorts of things, I have not actually figured what they would be about, but the theme would be evil, or hellish.
Ideas for making the network unique?: Mini-games, Factions, Survival, OP Factions, X-Run(if a plugin has been released).
Ideas on how to make events original: Make them look original rather than copying another servers event ideas.
11/02/2014 10:24 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
ANDREW65952's Avatar
Hello I would like to be beta tester:

Name: Andrew
IGN: andrew65952
Skype: andrew65952
Availability: From about 4:00 pm to 10:00 pm
Why do you want this position: I like to beta test things, and since I am available I am going to try and get a position somewhere, I can probably find bugs in beta (cause appear entry I always find bugs in games). I look forward to your response

11/02/2014 9:11 pm
Level 22 : Expert Warrior
KingVJoker's Avatar
Age: 19
Name: Eric
Skype: KingVJoker
Availability: Just about every day
Why do you want this position?: I want this position because I will like to help out in any one I can make the server even better for everyone. Also learn something new from a dev.
11/02/2014 4:23 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
TehBreakerPanel's Avatar
11/02/2014 4:02 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Crafter
YourMCGeek's Avatar
Age: 12
Name: YourMCGeek
Skype: YourMCGeek
Availability: 2-3 hrs per day
Ideas for weekly events: Spleef torney and such
Ideas for making the network unique?: Custom plugins
Ideas on how to make events original: Rename them and have plugins with extra "props"
11/02/2014 3:03 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
AwesomeDino04's Avatar
Age: 15
Name: AwesomeDino04
Skype: dont have it, if u deny me cause of this then ur a pussy
Availability: Mostly 2 - 6 hours daily
Ideas for weekly events: Best skins, make the best robot, Apocolypse survival
Ideas for making the network unique?: minigames?
Ideas on how to make events original: make it as little recognizable as possible
11/02/2014 3:59 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
TehBreakerPanel's Avatar
You were accepted til I briefly glanced at the fact you called me a "pussy"
11/02/2014 4:07 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Programmer
phase's Avatar
11/02/2014 4:11 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Ding_Dang_Dong's Avatar
Planet Minecraft


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