Time Warp [Vanilla] {Whitelist} {Beta 1.3_01} {18+}

AnimeFan1234's Avatar AnimeFan12348/6/19 3:23 am
8/7/2019 6:18 am
djkaye's Avatar djkaye


We are a small whitelist community looking to re-capture some of the
magic from the glory days, join our server and take a trip down
nostalgia lane!

We even plan to update the sever every once in awhile to a new version to fully see how the game has developed over time!

If you're interested in joining leave a comment with your age and why you would be a perfect fit for our server!

Server info:

  • Beta 1.3_01

  • Vanilla

  • Active Admin

  • New world! (The server is only about a month old.)

  • Mature community

When will we update the server?

Once we get enough people to join we will update the server every month.

Will the world be deleted upon updating?

We plan to keep the world save throughout the entire journey, so you
do not have to worry about loosing your builds! We will even provide a
manual zip file backup of the world upon updating for you to download
in the event the server ever goes down, or you want to check out your
builds in single player!

Our rules:

No griefing, stealing, spamming or cheating. If caught doing so you will be banned.

How do I join?

You can join our Discord server here: https://discord.gg/5KMSrZb
Posted by AnimeFan1234's Avatar
Level 15 : Journeyman Network

Create an account or sign in to comment.


08/07/2019 6:18 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
djkaye's Avatar
but the generated world if kept will be in the previous version? Will it generate the new structures or be compatible with it? If you're trying to recapture from old nostalgic time why not a version such as 1.7 or 1.8?
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