mrstupidpig's Avatar mrstupidpig3/19/14 11:43 pm
3/22/2014 10:26 am
Shinyespeon's Avatar Shinyespeon
Hello! I am opening a server with 5 GBs of RAM called Atlantic Kits. It's a new Kit PvP server that has an underwater based arena and special kits.



Have you owned a server:
Have you worked on any servers:
Do you know how to work with plugins:
Do you make plugins:
Timeframe on Weekends:
Timeframe on Weekdays:
Are you able to advertise:
Why do you want to work for Atlantic Kits:

Thank you for reading this application and message me if we can possibly make a server network. Questions? Add me on Skype: evilpotatoesptp
Posted by mrstupidpig's Avatar
Level 14 : Journeyman Narwhal

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03/22/2014 10:26 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Shinyespeon's Avatar
I cant join the server
03/21/2014 10:55 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Shinyespeon's Avatar
^ I can play on fridays
03/21/2014 10:55 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Shinyespeon's Avatar
Name: Anthony
In game name: Shinyespeon
Age: 13 (14 this July)
My skype: ShinyespeonPvP
Youtube: ShinyespeonPvP
Timeframe on Weekends: Honestly, A lot of time xD can't be specific about it though
Timeframe on Weekdays: None Can't play
Position: head-admin
Have you owned a server: No
Do you know how to work with plugins: Yes
Do you make plugins: Nope, not a coder :/
If this makes a difference I'm pretty good at soup pvp and can tell when a player is hacking

Time Zone: EST

How Will I help Atlantic Kits: I would help this server in any unique or crazy way that I could think of and no I idea would be too out of the ordinary, I can assure you of that. As a Admin I would first off help out the players with ANYTHING they needed as long as it's not unreasonable, Try to Increase the amount of donations that this server receives, Make sure that the players are ALL having fun on Atlantic Kits, Enforce the rules of this server, I will not be biased towards people Example: My friend breaks a rule and I don't punish them or make their punishment less severe as lets say another person who does the same thing, I will not put my own beliefs/opinion when it comes to other people and I will try to be as kind as i can to anyone on this server, even if I don't like them, I have Skype and a microphone. I would also help Atlantic Kits by Advertising this server and showing it to my friends. This is how I would help Atlantic Kits if I become a Admin.

Why I want to be Admin: I think that I could lend my assistance in the growth of this server, but more importantly become a "Family Member" In this community of people and hopefully together we can grow. I wan't to become the kind of staff member who is Relaxed and chilled out yet can also keep their responsibilities as a Admin and help out when needed to do so. I would have to say that my BIGGEST quality is the ability to be kind and helpful to others.I would say the my FAVORITE part of Minecraft is the new people that you meet every day that you play, weather they be very nice to me or very rude it's still my favorite part. I also understand that there are also a younger audience in Minecraft so I will really push to stop things such as Sexual content, Racial remarks, Ddos threats and Profanity will NOT be tolerated by me. Another problem going on in the world is the new way to harass people called "Cyber Bullying" now you may have heard about this and what has happened to people that were affected by Cyber-Bullying and I will not want Atlantic Kits to have anyone upset about ANYTHING that ANYONE has said to them on this server. I will help with Ban appeals and Hacker reports, help solve any questions that new players have, as a matter of fact even players that have been with this server since the beginning. I don't want to sound like a picture perfect person because My GREATEST weakness is if someone tries to anger me I can rage if someone was being really rude to me, but I wont let that happen If I think I will get really mad at a player the answer would be simple. Log off and log back online when I have calmed down to keep Atlantic Kits as User-Friendly as I possibly can.

Why should we pick you for Admin: I think that you should pick me to be the next Admin of Atlantic Kits because of the Qualities and experience that I hold. Most Importantly the fact that I can handle most situations with only a few problems occurring and that I would be kind to the players of Atlantic Kits. I also know how to use most commands and plugins, I would be able to help many players of Atlantic Kits with Any questions that they may have and even report to you via Skype or in a staff chat if you have one of every ban that I make.

The Situations:
Someone is spamming their Ip on the Atlantic Kits: First of all, I would mute the person for 30 minutes then consult to the owner for what I should do to this spammer, Ban, Perm mute or tempban

A player threatens to ddos: Immediate ban, ddos isn't a topic that I take can be a joke therefore I have no toleration with this either

If someone was raging: If a player was becoming really angry I would mute them for 1 minute and /msg them to calm down or It would become a 10 minute mute, if continued it would eventually resolve into a temp ban

A player being extremely rude to another player: If a player is using sexism,ageism, Racism, remarks about disability and religion that player would be tempbanned or banned depending on how serious it is

A hacker is on the loose: Well I wouldn't ban immediately, First of all I would examine this "Hacker" and make sure that they really Are hacking then I would ban.

A player is Abusing a glitch: If a player was abusing a glitch First of all I would report this glitch on the forums, then I would tell them to stop if caught again abusing a glitch it would be a 1 day tempban

A staff member/donator is abusing their rank: I would report this to the owner via skype immediatly and do as he tells me to or he might take it into his own hands, In the case he doesn't respond because he is busy I would have to tempban for 4 hours

A player was false banned: I would if the player hasn't already report this player was wrongfully banned, the owner would have to take it from there

A player is harassing another player with either a racial remark, Sexual content or rude names: I would have to give that person a warning and if I catch them again I would tempban as I have 0 Tolerance with Harassment

My Staff Experience: Moderator on Cyberkits, I have been a op on my friends server, Moderator on a Survival server with 10 -15 people, Mod on a other friends server, Mod on another kit pvp server called mcgalaxypro which closed unexpectedly and moderator on a OP faction server that had 15-20 players online, I know how to use World edit and other commands as well.

Extra Information: I'm in the 8th grade at the moment and a Solid B and above student. I am a decent builder

Hacks that I know of:

-Shinyespeon Thank you for the opportunity to even apply for this Staff position so even If this is declined at least I will know that I at least tried to apply
03/22/2014 10:02 am
Level 14 : Journeyman Narwhal
mrstupidpig's Avatar
BEST APP! Only problem, you can't play on weekdays.
03/21/2014 10:52 am
Level 14 : Journeyman Narwhal
mrstupidpig's Avatar
03/21/2014 10:46 am
Level 14 : Journeyman Narwhal
mrstupidpig's Avatar
03/21/2014 10:45 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Shinyespeon's Avatar
Is this a soup kitpvp server?
03/21/2014 10:38 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Network
McWolfServerHost's Avatar

Name:Joseph Kerber
Timezone:(UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Have you owned a server:Yes 2
Have you worked on any servers:Yes 5
Do you know how to work with plugins: Yes
Do you make plugins: No
Timeframe on Weekends: 5:00Pm-9:00Pm
Timeframe on Weekdays:10:00Am-10:00Pm
Are you able to advertise:no
Why do you want to work for Atlantic Kits:I always help inprove small server and help them become the biggest server ever
03/21/2014 10:33 am
Level 14 : Journeyman Narwhal
mrstupidpig's Avatar
03/20/2014 12:21 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Explorer
lilbitty011101's Avatar
Name: Most people just call me Snap
IGN: SnApDrAg0n011101
Age: 14
Skype: I will contact you through skype
Position: It really depends on what you need. Need a builder mod or admin?
Timezone: GMT (USA)
Have you owned a server: Yes (I couldnt afford to keep the server running anymore)
Have you worked on any servers: Yes (Lionheart, darkcraft and a few more)
Do you know how to work with plugins: It depends on the plugins. World edit, essentials, anything like that i have down but i can get used to new ones quickly.
Do you make plugins: No but im hoping to start learning
Timeframe on Weekends: Depends if i have to do things.
Timeframe on Weekdays: Usually from 4:30pm-11:00pm GMT
Are you able to advertise: Possibly, I can help with advertising on other server lists and I can make a banner if you dont already have one.
Why do you want to work for Atlantic Kits: Because I would really enjoy working on another server. I am currently working on a server but Im not that much of a help to them because they have many staff members already.
03/19/2014 11:50 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Explorer
GingerKiwi's Avatar


Skype: connor.armiger

Position: staff or builder

Timezone: Australian - eastern

Have you owned a server: no but i am part of a YouTube channel were we are port forward creating servers

Have you worked on any servers: multiple servers were i have been needed to make building but i was very close to becoming a staff member

Do you know how to work with plugins: sadly no but i am willing to learn

Do you make plugins: no

Timeframe on Weekends: ranging from 3 hours plus

Timeframe on Weekdays: 2-3 maybe more if lucky

Are you able to advertise: yes on the youtube channel when created

Why do you want to work for Atlantic Kits: because i have been interested in helping on a server for a long time now i have been building but i am wanting to do more, plus doing this server could maybe help me meet my minecraft heroes the Atlantic craft
03/19/2014 11:51 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Narwhal
mrstupidpig's Avatar
Can I see any of your work and the servers you've worked on? This applies for all applicants.
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