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MiracleWhip's Avatar MiracleWhip6/5/14 11:51 pm history
1 emeralds 324 9
6/6/2014 7:50 am
Posted by MiracleWhip's Avatar
Level 5 : Apprentice Hunter

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06/06/2014 7:50 am
Level 1 : New Miner
MrZIGGS's Avatar
Hey this is my app, made one custom if ok

Name: James

Age: 15

Position Applying for: Co Owner would be great!

Skype: dpad29

IGN (in-game-name): stewie29

Have you ever owned a server: Yes I have owned two of my owned servers before! So I have a lot of experience with what to do, plugins. config many..many things. I have also co owned before, and have had great success!

What experience do you have with plugins: I know how to work a lot of plugins, and know how to install them, the basics and some advanced things. I have use survival games, towny (plenty of times), shops, factions, many more.

How long have you been playing: I have played since the alpha stages! So for a very long time, I know basically all commands, and everything about the game.

Do you have any coding experience: I don't have too much experience with coding. I'm more a good manager for the server,and a plugins type guy, and helping set up networks, etc.

Do you know YML: I have some former experience with this, as every server owner should. I know a lot of the basics with nodes/config etc. I can be of use with this as well. But not the most advanced.

What ideas do you have for a server: I think adding towny would be great with factions. We could have people have towns, be mayors, but it should be like town wars, or faction wars, where you can raid towns, pvp etc. I also used to own a medieval server, which was fun. I have many great ideas for the server, and would love to talk more.

How active are you: I play minecraft a lot. I can be on every day.

in what area do you live: Canada, so Eastern Time!

Thank you for giving me the opportunity, I hope to work with you
06/06/2014 7:36 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
timr1234's Avatar
06/06/2014 4:10 am
Level 20 : Expert Ninja
iskillzi's Avatar

Skype name: iskillz1

About me:

I'm 17 years old, I have tons of free time now that I'm done with highschool (only for a year tho because I'm going to college next year). I've been working on a server I was going to host on my own pc for a little while now which I would love to transfer over to your server, it's a WoW-like RPG server.

I've also got previous experience owning servers, I've hosted probably 3 or 4 now that all lasted at least 3+ months.. I can figure out how to setup and use any plugins on my own and I can create the entire server alone if needed but it's faster with others obviously.

Oh and I've got quite a bit of experience with most popular plugins already so there won't be any learning curves


Also it'd be nice if you could help me with the initial recruiting for the server if you end up choosing me, I always find that to be the hardest part..
06/06/2014 12:51 am
Level 31 : Artisan Geek
Z645's Avatar
Assuming you want us to post here. I'm not gonna post a silly app, just describe myself.

Started Minecraft Beta 1.6 or 1.7, can't remember. But I joined a server, played on that one continuously. Fairly large community. I had been Admin and a Mod on it for quite a while. Then I started a server of mine. Which ran very successfully. (It was called Zcraftia - some user stole the server, so yea). Then I started another server, planned it out really well, it ran for a year or something. Then I decided it's time for quits and time to move on. So I shut it down. (This was one that I paid from my pocket for - I didn't ask the community for any donations). But other than that, I can learn any plugin very easily, I still know a lot of them, I can keep a server secure and properly implement correct actions on it when an incident appears. I work well with other users, help them out with questions they have, guide them along, newb-friendly too. Also if there's any shortage of money, I'm always available to throw a few coins in to boost the server for the time being. Uhm. I think I've given everything I needed to. If you do need more, I can add on. :3

Edit: skype- Oblivion997
06/06/2014 12:47 am
Level 38 : Artisan Caveman
jakesoboy01's Avatar
If you think Minecraft is a way to get money, you are surely wrong. To be a successful Minecraft server is the only way to get your source of income and it is RARE to get successful. If your server is boring and has the same plugins as every other server, you are sure to fail. Just letting you know now.
06/06/2014 12:56 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Hunter
MiracleWhip's Avatar
Thanks, but I don't really care to be honest. If the server succeeds and doesn't bring in cash then I've accomplished something. Whoever becomes the owner can decide the fate of the server. I would just prefer to see a return on my investment eventually, and I assume that pay would be a decent incentive. I appreciate the feedback.

(New)Additional Information -
Just post your Skype name next to a brief background about yourself, in order to apply. If I find that your background suits my needs, I will be in contact with you.
06/06/2014 12:35 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Explorer
Tjtheunicorn11's Avatar
I would love to apply, tomorrow I will get Skype, it will be tjstwertnik.
06/06/2014 12:30 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Network
ResoluteWears's Avatar
Can I apply??
06/05/2014 11:52 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Hunter
MiracleWhip's Avatar
Planet Minecraft


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