Towny server looking for content creators/event manager!

Zyrl's Avatar Zyrl4/23/17 6:55 am
1 emeralds 247 5
4/26/2017 8:42 pm
Zyrl's Avatar Zyrl

Hello everyone! First of all, thank you for visiting this thread and taking an interest. We're a relatively new towny server with a decent starting player base and continously growing. I'm the owner and I'm currently looking to forge partnerships with content creators as well as to look for an event manager.

Server Introduction

Our server is called "Tiny Towny", the idea behind the server was to create a relaxed environment for people looking to be a part of a creative and innovative community in a towny survival mode with added rpg elements to enhance their gameplay experience.

We have ranking systems, a growing server economy, player classes with passive and active skills, mini-boss systems, customized drops, area shops, pvp arenas and a lot more. We released the server earlier this month and as part of its development, we're looking for volunteers to create a partnership with our server to create content to be shared in social media and someone who can come up with unique and interactive events every month.

Content Creators

Content creators are creatives who are dedicated individuals that would hopefully, help our server connect to a bigger player base. These are youtubers, streamers, people who interact in social media in a regular basis. Understand that our server is currently in its beginning phase and as such, we're not looking into inviting extremely well known individuals with thousands of subscribers because we simply do not have the funding to compensate them.

Then who are you looking for?
We're looking exactly for the content creators like our server; the start up youtubers, streamers, etc. who has gained some form of momentum and are looking for servers to become a part of. Ideally, to give a range, we're looking for people who has around 100 - 500 subscribers in their respective social media accounts.

What kind of content do you want?
At the moment, I'm looking into people who are wanting to start a series, willing to upload trailers, stream events and help create additional promotional content like new feature teasers/trailers as we are constantly developing the server.

How about compensation?
Compensation wise, at the moment we cannot offer much by way of currency payment as the server has only started receiving support. However, if anyone is open we can discuss the possibility of the following if you are interested:

  • Design/graphic packages/help and/or support I can offer personally to make your content look professional and/or improve your projects. The link to my portfolio is here.
  • Being a part of our staff and receiving in-game compensation/recognition and/or supporter ranks.
  • Payment based on increased sales after your promotional materials were posted/placed.

Event Manager

We're also looking for an event manager; they are to be a permanent member of our staff and would regularly perform as a moderator but is the person in charge of creating events and coming up with unique ways to engage our community.

Who are you looking for?
Mature, imaginative and fun individuals who loves challenges and has excellent organization skills.

How do I apply?

If you are interested to apply, please see the following requirements before copying the form and filling it up.

Mandatory Requirement(s):

  • Must be 16 years of age or older.
  • Mature, fair, and honest.
  • Proficient in oral and written english.
  • Must use discord as the main communication line with the staff.

Requirement for Content Creator(s):

  • All the mandatory requirements;
  • Proof of ownership of their own youtube/streaming channel;
  • Their content/social following must be about online gaming or minecraft specifically.
  • Must have more than 100 subscribers for youtubers;
  • For other social media followings, we can discuss this.

Requirement for Event Manager(s):

  • All the mandatory requirements;
  • Experience with organizing events, not necessarily inside minecraft. It can be any kind of event online, in other games, etc. or irl.

Application Form: Content Creator
Minecraft IGN:
What kind of content creator are you?: (youtuber/streamer, etc.)
How many subscribers/following do you have?:
What kind of content would you like to publish in behalf of our server?:
Describe yourself in five sentences:
What are you passionate most about minecraft?:
What kind of servers have you promoted before?: (discuss your experience)

Application Form: Event Manager
Minecraft IGN:
Describe yourself in five sentences:
What are you passionate most about minecraft?:
Discuss your previous experiences with event organizing:

You can send your applications via private messaging me in discord or through our application section in our forums.

Posted by Zyrl's Avatar
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner

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04/26/2017 9:45 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Skype:Kaneki Ken Cornita Cornita
Staff Exp: I Have Been Staff On Other Server Mostly MY Rank Is:Admin Head Admin
i Really Need This Job To Help The Server And Catching Hackers mostly Helping PLAYERS And Staff Members
I Really Need To Be Seriously In This Job Cause This Job is Mostly Trusted Members.
Rank:Im Applying For Head Admin And Admin
Anti Cheats
Anti Spam
Auto Broadcast

Why Do You wanna be staff on our server?:I Really Wanna Help This Server Help Players Catch hackers duppers and more
Pls Accept I Made my Own Application
04/26/2017 8:42 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
Zyrl's Avatar
We're not looking for administrators. Declined.
04/26/2017 7:41 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
sirfredfacee's Avatar
Nickname: Pops
Minecraft IGN: Trimordial_Ceto
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Location: Perth, Australia
Describe yourself in five sentences: I would describe myself as someone who is comfortable in their own skin. I enjoy anything sports, mainly the sport only played in Australia (AFL). I pride myself on my social skills and always creating an enjoyable environment. I've been playing video games since I can remember with my firsts being The Lion King and the first Harry Potter game on the PS1. My favourite subject at school, if you can have one, is economics as the economical world just makes sense to me. (Year 11)
What are you passionate most about minecraft?: The thing I love most about minecraft is the communities you find while you're playing it. It's the reason why I'm still playing. All the connections you make with other people and smile on your face when someone says hey to you when you log in.
Discuss your previous experiences with event organizing: My experience so far is pretty limited obviously due to my age. However, I'm involved in some younger sporting teams which obviously need organizing. I'd love to be apart of a team of people which would enable me to grow and develop that skill. You have to start somewhere!
04/26/2017 5:46 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
Zyrl's Avatar
We still need youtubers!
04/25/2017 6:17 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
Zyrl's Avatar
Still looking for applicants!
Planet Minecraft


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