Trinity Minecraft [Looking for staff and players!]

stinkingmars422's Avatar stinkingmars42212/26/14 3:34 pm
12/27/2014 2:03 pm
Goombs1's Avatar Goombs1
Hello! I am the owner of trinity networks! I am opening a new server on 1.7.10 it will be rank 24/7 now I will show you guys all the rank names and such, If someone could come on the private server and help me make a new spawn that would be great! here are the ranks!

Staff Ranks:

Owner: Stinkingmars422
Co-Owner: OPEN
Head-Admin: OPEN
Admin: OPEN
Admin: OPEN
Admin: OPEN
Head-Mod: OPEN

Donator Ranks:

Vip10 ($10)

Vip20 ($20)

Vip30 ($30)

Test-Mod ($60)

here is the application for staff:

Why do you want to be staff?:

What position are you aiming for?


Maturity Level

Why should we except you?

Any additional info?

Thank you all for reading this, Hope to see you on!
Posted by stinkingmars422's Avatar
Level 1 : New Miner

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12/27/2014 2:03 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Goombs1's Avatar
Why do you want to be staff?:
I like helping people

What position are you aiming for?
admin if im good

Maturity Level

Why should we except you?
I have do good builds and I love helping

Any additional info?
I'm a boy. my builds take time. I would like worldeit.(bukkit Plugin to build faster and easier. Thank you!
12/27/2014 1:55 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Pokemon
spongedog10's Avatar
Why do you want to be staff?: Because i like helping other players understand how a server works and it fun to answer their questions and help them with their problems and play with them

What position are you aiming for? co-owner/head-admin

Age? 14

Maturity Level 7.5/10

Why should we except you? Because I've owned a server ( Had at least 5 reaguler players and 5 staff, but i couldn't pay for it anymore) And I've been staff on other server ( All ended to)

Any additional info?i have a youtube channel : spongedog, i play Minecraft a lot so i can come on often, and my gmail (Email) Is : spongedogfive@gmail.com
12/27/2014 1:19 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
stinkingmars422's Avatar
Server is open and winter sale is going on, join today! Server IP trinityminecraft.mc-srv.com
12/27/2014 12:28 am
Level 1 : New Miner
stinkingmars422's Avatar
Server is open, donation ranks are on, website http://trinityminecraft.enjin.com/home
12/27/2014 12:27 am
Level 1 : New Miner
stinkingmars422's Avatar
12/26/2014 6:08 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
CallMeLoveable's Avatar
Why do you want to be staff?:

Well, I was a moderator on a server but I was promoted to co-owner for being active for most of the day and always helping new and old members no matter how big or small the problem was.
If someone needs help, I'd help them. I feel that if you leave someone alone with no idea what to do, they are going to make a commotion disturbing all the other players by spamming "pls help pls, i am new pls" and then possibly getting a ban for spamming when someone could of helped them. Also if I did help someone, sometimes they wouldn't notice where as if I was a higher rank, they'd most likely listen. I can also help advertise the server, keep the players safe and most of all, make the server fun! The players come first, right?

What position are you aiming for?: I'm aiming for either head-admin or admin. ^.^

Age?: 13.

Maturity Level: 9. I'm saying a 9 because I can be funny and fun but serious when I need to be

Why should we accept you?: On some servers I've played on, staff members just sit around and act if they're the best and what they say, goes and if you make an opinion about it, they'd either mute, kick or even ban you. Where as I will listen, care and help everyone no matter what! I'm a dedicated, helpful, trustworthy, truthful, active and caring no matter what.. okay, sometimes I can get angry but doesn't everyone have their moments?

Any additional info?: My IGN is CallMeLoveable and my Skype is callmeloveable
Thanks for reading and hopefully I get in :3 -Loveable xox
12/26/2014 6:12 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
stinkingmars422's Avatar
You can have mod, for now later if you do good you get promoted
Keycraft join
12/26/2014 5:55 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Keycraft join's Avatar
Why do you want to be staff:I want to be staff to help this server grow and become a popular commnutity i will fully help you with anything anytime.I am on alot i am available almost all the time i love helping people, i infact love helping people! I am respectfull, responsible, trustworthy and i will do anything to help!

What position are you aiming for:Head-Admin or admin Please mainly admin


Maturity Level:8.9/10

Why should we except you?:Because im hard working i can really help out alot,i can do whatever you want me to and i know alot about servers i really think i can take this job and i hope you think i can also take this job!

Any additional info:My skype is edward.salgado7 my Ign:DONT__BE__MAD i do have experiance with helping because i help alot.i am fun to play with and other people think that to i hope!I hope you accept !

Thank you all for reading this, Hope to see you on!
12/26/2014 5:54 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
stinkingmars422's Avatar
Keycraft join
12/26/2014 5:54 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Keycraft join's Avatar
Why do you want to be staff:I want to be staff to help this server grow and become a popular commnutity i will fully help you with anything anytime.I am on alot i am available almost all the time i love helping people, i infact love helping people! I am respectfull, responsible, trustworthy and i will do anything to help!

What position are you aiming for:Head-Admin or admin Please mainly admin


Maturity Level:8.9/10

Why should we except you?:Because im hard working i can really help out alot,i can do whatever you want me to and i know alot about servers i really think i can take this job and i hope you think i can also take this job!

Any additional info:My skype is edward.salgado7 my Ign:DONT__BE__MAD i do have experiance with helping because i help alot.i am fun to play with and other people think that to i hope!I hope you accept !

Thank you all for reading this, Hope to see you on!
12/26/2014 5:44 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
stinkingmars422's Avatar
XxReeedxX's Application

Key: Red Colored Text = Questions in the Format


First Name:

What position are you aiming for?
Head-Admin (If Possible)

Why do you want to be staff?: I wish to be staff, mainly the Head-Admin rank, because of my extended experience in the field. I have been many ranks in my past, including:
  • Co-Owner (3)
  • Head-Admin (2)
  • Admin (2)
  • HeadMod (1)
  • Mod (3)
  • PreMod (4)
  • Helper (1)

I also wish to be staff because of the abilities I have. I am learning the ropes of developing plugins, and I am a master at plugin configs. I am great with groups, and if need-be, I am experienced in developing good-looking Enjin websites.

What plugins are you experienced with:
I am experienced with MANY plugins including, but not limited to:
  • WorldEdit
  • WorldGuard
  • Essentials
  • GroupManager
  • PEX
  • PerWorldPermissions
  • PerWorldPlugins
  • BungeeCord (Not really a Plugin)
  • ... and many more!


Maturity Level:
I would personally give myself an 8 and 1/2 out of 10 Maturity level because I am fairly mature, but who doesn't have a giggle every now and then at something funny. However, I am not so immature that I will laugh all the time or make inappropriate jokes.

Why should we except you?
I believe that you should accept me because of the same reasons that I wish to be staff; I have the experience and abilities to get the job done. If I can't do something, I will find a way to do it.

Any additional info?
Skype: xxreeedxx.thegreat
Email: xxreeedxxinminecraft123@gmail.com

I like it, you have been given the rank Head-Admin
12/26/2014 5:32 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Modder
DeJay's Avatar
First off, co-owner should be someone you trust from real life, also "accept" is wrong, the way you wrote it means to leave out.
(XxReeedxXMinecraft did a good job BTW)
12/26/2014 5:38 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Network
XxReeedxXMinecraft's Avatar
12/26/2014 5:25 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Network
XxReeedxXMinecraft's Avatar
Removed. No Longer Head-Admin.
12/26/2014 5:04 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
stinkingmars422's Avatar
Ip: trinityminecraft.mc-srv.com
12/26/2014 5:03 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
stinkingmars422's Avatar
I was fixing something
12/26/2014 4:51 pm
Level 1 : New Network
oovercraft's Avatar
12/26/2014 4:51 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
stinkingmars422's Avatar
Oovercraft removed from our server.
12/26/2014 4:41 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
stinkingmars422's Avatar
I just got it back up
ip will be pmed to you
12/26/2014 4:29 pm
Level 1 : New Network
oovercraft's Avatar
I have to go in 2 hours IM sorry for pushing but IP?
12/26/2014 4:24 pm
Level 1 : New Network
oovercraft's Avatar
Is that better @aceops23_Pixelmon
12/26/2014 5:04 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Explorer
aceops23_Pixelmon's Avatar
well, you didn't use the correct format but sure lol
12/26/2014 4:23 pm
Level 1 : New Network
oovercraft's Avatar
My In-Game Name = RebelKnox
My Age = 13 (I am very mature)
Skype Name = buffalosean (No caps)
Time Zone = GMT
Plugins I Know = (I own a server I know a variety) Essentials, Towny, Factions, VoxelSniper, WorldEdit, WorldGuard, GroupManager, Permissions EX, and A LOT MORE!!! ;D
Why I think I should be Co-Owner = Over the past years I have had Minecraft, I have developed a very strong sense in need of having a server. I got my very first server May 2nd, 2012. I have had over 30+ servers. (Not exaggeration) I think that the position 'Admin' is a very high and honorable rank. I understand if I step one, only one foot out of line, I will get demoted to member. I know the consequences. I happen to be 13, but I am very mature. I can Skype most of the time. I can usually play MC for about 5 hours a day! (I know, thats a lot!) I have a joke every once and a while. Otherwise, I stick to what my duty is! To protect the server from harm, and not be a jerk and strict all the the time, but to make players have a pleasurable time. No need to worry about advertising! I've got it all from here! I have already advertised! (I will still advertise even if I don't get a rank) Co-Owner is a responsibility that takes over 6 months of experience, and it also takes courage and bravery! I believe this rank would fit me from my experience. I have a MAC OS X 10.8.4 I usually do not have lag. If something goes wrong, I will fix the problem, and then somehow immediately report it to you! There is so much more i want to include but its just so amazing i would have to tell you in words! I can tell. If you keep up the hard work, and keep what your doing, You WILL.. Have a successful server. I guarantee! I now have stated my point on why I would like to take the responsible, honorable, and high rank called Co-owner. Thank you for a pleasurable time on your server! I hope to see on my stats of becoming a new Co-owner. Have a great day, and Yours truly,

NEW:: I will make this server better by providing help to others in need. If a player is having trouble or there is a fight, I will fix the problem and make everyone happy! If there is a problem with a plugin, NO NEED TO WORRY! I have a server, I make my own plugins too! If you would like Marketing tips or and other help, i would be willing to offer you a hand! (Like, a helping hand.. not cutting it off... Just joking!!) Say some players aren't happy or need a friend. If i get permissions to /gm 1 /gm 0, I will go in survival and mine, or build with them! (not spawning items. That is against staff rules.) Also I can tell some jokes to make everyone happy! I have some very nice traits to my personality. I think everyone is quality and no one, is trash, You believe in yourself and not in others. You are you. And you will always be you. Don't take someone else's opinion or judgment to your hair, or MC skin. That doesn't matter! If they make you sad, well say to them : "I am who I am. My personality is mine and I know that I am quality and not trash!" You stand up for yourself and have a great time! Just remember, If you need help I'm here! I will always be here for you and I will always help you no matter if I am sick, in the hospital, or even close to dying, I will be there for you and your friends! That who I am! Family and friend come first in my life. I come last because, I want to help. You guys will make a huge difference one day! You guys are amazing! Thanks for being there for me, supporting me, and being my friend! For now on, you all are family to me! ( I have been bullied for years. 6 or 7 now. I know how it is to get hurt feelings. So if you have a question, or opinion, come to me! Im there for you.) I have a poem for friendship.

A friend wears a smile
When the world wears a frown.

A friend will lend a hand
To help when you’re down.

A friend knows when to listen
And when to give advice

A friend is there without condition
Any time, day or night.

A friend is what I’ll be,
Just as you’ve been to me.

Thats how everyone should be, and if they are not, Don't yell and scream! Just go over and say "Are you having a bad day, what will make it better. I know! A smile on your beautiful face!" Thank you! I will hopefully see you as 'Admin!'

RebelKnox ;D

NEW:: Since I have my own server, I will continue enforcing the rules, and making sure everyone is having a good time. So Thanks for reading I will add more awesome features and options soon! -Rebelknox ;D
12/26/2014 4:16 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
PikachuMaster999's Avatar
Pikachu's Staff Application

Why do you want to become staff:

Helping People: This might sound very “cheesy” but here I go. I like helping people. I always imagine someone who is having trouble online having trouble in real life. If they are confused online, they are probably confused in real life. By instinct I want to help, but sometimes I can’t since they won’t listen to me. I think if I was a higher rank, I would be able to get them to listen to me, and I would be able to help them properly.

Being the Victim: One thing that helped me want to become staff was becoming victim. One day I was on this server, a skyblock server to be specific. I loved the server so much that I played on it so long that I had full diamond armor. Suddenly, a person came to me and offered to repair my tools. I asked in chat if he was trust worthy, and one of his alternate accounts said yes. Convinced, I happily gave the guy my items (All my tools and armor), hoping to get them back. Right as I dropped my last tool, he asked, "Is that it?". I replied saying "Yep." and he left the server. At first I was confused thinking he might have lagged out of the server, but then I realized he scammed me. I looked at the donation packet he had, and he didn't even have that permission. I cried out in help, yet no staff member replied except one. The staff member grumpily said, "You were dumb enough to give him your items idiot." From then on, I decided I wanted to be a good role model for players as a staff member.

What position are you aiming for?
I'm aiming for Co-Owner, Head-Admin.

Age?: 14

Maturity Level: 9/10.

Why should we accept you?
Helping: Well, there are many reason why you should be pick as an applicant. Ever facing un-active staff, or some staff aren’t living up to their job? Well that’s where I come in. We need someone who is active, caring, and live up to his or her promise as being a careful a dedicated staff applicant. That’s who I am. I try to act like a staff member, helping and answering question to the new incomers. I’m not saying other people applying won’t do this; in fact, I may not even be the best. The thing that separates me from others is that good isn’t good enough. I aim to be the best, and if I am the best, I aim to be better. I never stop trying, and I never stop trying to help. This sounds quite odd since humans have the tendency to be greedy by nature. I’m different though, I like giving, more than taking. I also work hard. Once I got my eye on something, I don’t stop trying, and I don’t give up. Other applicants might give up, but not me.

Anytime Else?
Skype: PikachuMaster999

Thanks for taking your time to read this =)
12/26/2014 4:04 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
stinkingmars422's Avatar
Will pm in a minute
12/26/2014 3:58 pm
Level 1 : New Network
oovercraft's Avatar
12/26/2014 3:49 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
stinkingmars422's Avatar
If you are a staff member friend me here on PMC
12/26/2014 3:46 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Network
ReptileDev's Avatar
Why do you want to be staff?: Im wanting to be staff because im looking to be staff on a server that i can be dedicated to helping out and becoming a huge community with lots of donators and players.

What position are you aiming for? Head-Admin / Admin

Age? 15

Maturity Level: 10/10

Why should we except you? You should accept me because im dedicated and hard working. I don't mess around when it comes to doing jobs and making the server popular. I always make sure that none of the staff members or players are abusing any of there powers that they have been granted. I also make sure that the staff are playing fair and not using any kits that the players don't have access to using. I also worked for multiple hosting companies, so i should be able to help you with anything that you need help with on the server.

Any additional info?
Skype: Chris22470
12/26/2014 3:48 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
stinkingmars422's Avatar
I like your application too, Given the position admin, if you do well and help out, you get Head-Admin
12/26/2014 3:41 pm
Level 1 : New Network
oovercraft's Avatar
Why do you want to be staff?: I would like to be an affiliate because I feel I was meant to be a second owner / second helping hand. I can assist you on any problem, as I have owned a few servers. I will help advertise, build, keep player safe, make the server fun and awesome, and most of all be the best of what I am!

What position are you aiming for? I am aiming for Co-Owner.

Age? 13

Maturity Level- You would have to decide that but maybe out of 10, 8 or 9 because I like to joke around some times.

Why should we except you? You should except me because I have had successful servers and I believe I can help you! I also and looking forward with working with you. Thank you for reading this!

Any additional info?
Not really! (I can also help you install or work plugins)
12/26/2014 3:45 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
stinkingmars422's Avatar
I like your application and you have been given the rank of co-owner, I will pm you the ip soon.
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