Zombie Server needs STAFF like Co-Owner

zariako's Avatar zariako11/28/12 10:35 pm
1 emeralds 148 9
11/29/2012 2:45 am
exotic14's Avatar exotic14
Hey guys. I am just starting a zombie survival server. I have made a couple buildings.. Like the empire state etc. But i really do need help. NOW what i am looking for is someone that is extremely good at making modern buildings OR, someone who can code plugins because we need someone that can code a plugin that i want to be made.
Here is the application for each of the jobs.
Other than mod and builder staff must be over 15 years of age.
A. Co-Owner
B. Admin
C. Moderator
D. MegaBuilder
E. Builder
A. Co-Owner
#1: Needs to be able to donate to the server and keep it up so that it can thrive, when it needs the money.
#2: Needs to be able to code some costom plugins
Can you donate?:
How old are you?
Why do you want to be Co-Owner?
Why do you think you deserve this?
What is your previous Experience?
How will you deal with staff that dont respect players?
How will you deal with players that dont respect staff?

B. Admin
Needs to be able to keep control and make sure people arent griefing or keep control of moderators
C. Mod:
Needs to be able to keep control of players and help them
D. MegaBuilder
Needs to be good with world edit an amazing with modern buildings
E. Builder
Needs to be good at building modern buildings
App for the rest/I decide
Can you donate?:
What position would you like?
How old are you?
Why do you want to be staff?
Why do you think you deserve this?
What is your previous Experience?
What is your time Zone?
Previous Build:
Anything else?

Server ip is
Posted by zariako's Avatar
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner

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11/29/2012 2:45 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Warrior
exotic14's Avatar
IGN: Kronixz_diamondz
Can you donate?: Not atm, but later on I will be able to
What position would you like?: Admin
How old are you?: 15
Why do you want to be staff?: I would like to be staff because I enjoy helping people out, and I dislike griefers very much
Why do you think you deserve this?: Because I m very skilled and mature
What is your previous Experience?: Fearnation - fearnation.mcph.co Warscraft
What is your time Zone?: AEST (10+ GMT)
Previous Build: look at my projects on my account wall
Anything else?: nah
11/29/2012 2:22 am
Level 47 : Master Princess
Whoever01's Avatar
Name: Rucka (Short for Ruck_Rucka Ali (ain't me))
IGN: Whoever01
Can you donate?: no
What position would you like? Builder/megabuilder/mod/admin
How old are you? 13
Why do you want to be staff? I can help stop griefers, build great stuff and make permissions
Why do you think you deserve this? I have practiced allot for staff positions
What is your previous Experience? 1 admin, 4 mod, 6 builder
What is your time Zone? UTC+10
Previous Build: I can't upload, I'll build a simple build on the server
Anything else? Nope
11/29/2012 2:01 am
Level 12 : Journeyman Ranger
TheThunderCrafter's Avatar
Hey, i can offer you a 24/7 server with a website an advertising campaign and more for a very cheap price *i don't make any money.
11/29/2012 12:46 am
Level 1 : New Miner
theFlyinHayn's Avatar
App:I would like to be an admin. I am awesome with griefers and spammers=BAN.
Can you donate?:maybe
How old are you?:13
Why do you want to be Co-Owner?:dont.
Why do you think you deserve this?:Because i could really help you out
What is your previous Experience?:I have a server of my own
How will you deal with staff that dont respect players?:i would jail them and ask them nicely to respect players
How will you deal with players that dont respect staff?:I would kick them and say be nice and if that dosent work temp ban for 24 hours
Time zone: Pacific. im from hawaii
11/29/2012 12:30 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
Iceember's Avatar
Name: Umm that is personal information... i don't just give random people that kind of leverage over me
IGN: Iceember
Can you donate?: No, sorry
What position would you like? Mod possibly admin but its your choice here...
How old are you? 17 years of age
Why do you want to be staff? I dunno saw an ad looked interesting now i am here
Why do you think you deserve this? Possibly but as i said earlier the choice is yours
What is your previous Experience? With moderating? Um in minecraft classic i have owned my own server for a short while (New router settings block my port forwards now...) On another server i am dubbed operator even though not alot of moderating goes on. I know alot about bukkit and keep up to date on that. I have experience with worldguard worldedit as well as core protect proficient. I know quite a bit about the technical side of running a server and have an idea of how i could deliver feedback to help better everyones minecraft experience.
What is your time Zone? -700 GMT or MST- Canada if you really would like to be specific.
Previous Build: Countless
Anything else? Not really other than i am looking forward to your response.
11/29/2012 12:26 am
Level 36 : Artisan Dragon
Capritorne's Avatar
Name: jonathan
IGN: jassassin11
Can you donate?: no sorry
What position would you like? Admin or Head-Admin if you need one
How old are you? 13
Why do you want to be staff? i want to help keep the server from falling to greifers hackers etc.
Why do you think you deserve this? i am a really helpful person to anyone who is nice to me and others
What is your previous Experience? im owner of 2 servers head-admin of a future server admin of 8 servers and mod on 3 servers
What is your time Zone? Usa central
Anything else? I am very helpful to the community and i try to help everyone i can and also i always find enough evidence that someone is breaking the rules not just here that someone is breaking them then insta ban
11/29/2012 12:18 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
BrooklynBabes's Avatar
Name: Brooklyn West
Can you donate?: yes if the server goes well
How old are you? 27
Why do you want to be staff? because i want to be a big part of a server and help it grow and moderate players and just have a good time
Why do you think you deserve this? because i can be honest and loyal if bad situations come to play.
What is your previous Experience? ive been a server co owner developer and admin
How will you deal with staff that dont respect players? i tell them to be more respectful the frist time then i will tell the owner
How will you deal with players that dont respect staff? i give them a warning and if they dont listen i will mute and or kick them
Warm Kittens
11/29/2012 12:13 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Warm Kittens's Avatar
Name: Ashley Jeremiah West
IGN: ajmac50
Can you donate? maybe if i played on the server and liked it.
How old are you? I'm 16. I was born April 7th 1996
Why do you want to be staff? Honestly i really would like to be apart of a new server and get to know the people. Also on a more professional level, i'd like to help the server grow and gain dedicated players.
Why do you think you deserve this? I would say i do but its not really my call whether i deserve anything.
What is your previous Experience? I've owned a server myself, been Co-Owner of around 4 servers, Admin Countless times, Mod Countless times.
What is your time Zone? Gmt -5 (New York, NY)
Previous Build: A lot of things. I'm better at Spawns, Houses, Windmills, Shops Etc.
Anything else? I would love nothing more than to be apart of your server. I hope to join soon?
11/28/2012 10:53 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
zariako's Avatar
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