TheLabUnit's Avatar TheLabUnit9/11/14 2:03 pm
1 emeralds 172 4
9/11/2014 5:30 pm
FayeleeDarkclaw's Avatar FayeleeDarkclaw
Hey guys I am Luke from Twisted Realms, I am looking for really good (Professional) staff for my server. As I mean I want mature players with a high experience of being staff, that will be, Active, Friendly, Social, and Trustworthy. I expect the most out of people to help me build a good server for what people will use as entertainment, maybe even stuff like a lets play video.

I want, Custom maps, around 8 servers (I only have Prison for now but plan on having a hub) the most sensible staff that do NOT, Swear, Hack, Spam, ETC.

What I expect: Good attitude, Good personality, Professional Experience, And a enthusiastic Staff!

NOTICE: I am not paying for these jobs!


1. DO NOT disrespect any staff or any player!

2. Do NOT abuse staff powers!

3. Be friendly.

4. Don't ban players for no reason such as. (Players killing you in pvp)

5. Link to number 4. If so you will lose you're rank!

We Currently Need:

Moderators: 0/5 - 14+

Chat-Mods: 0/7 - 13+

Builders: 1/10-20

More may be added later on!

Chat-Mod Application Format:

Ign (Minecraft Name):


Skype Name (NEEDED!):

What servers have you had experience on?(I need proof!):

What makes you suitable for this rank?:

Do you have a mic? (Might be needed for staff talk etc):

Out of 10 what would you rate you're self?:

Builder Team Format:

Age of you're build team (Example 12-15):

Out of 10 how good are you at building?:

Images of what you have built (Needed!):

Skype Name (Needed):

GFX & Web Development (Enjin):

Age :

Out of 10 how good are you're skills?:

Images of what you have done (Needed!):

Skype Name (Needed):

Want to contact me on skype: mc.lukebarker

Good Luck Guys.

From Luke, Owner of Twisted Realms.
Posted by TheLabUnit's Avatar
Level 1 : New Miner

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09/11/2014 5:30 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Princess
FayeleeDarkclaw's Avatar
Chat-Mod Application Format:

Ign (Minecraft Name):FayeleeDarkclaw

Age: 32

Skype Name (NEEDED!): Fayelee_Darkclaw

What servers have you had experience on?(I need proof!): Vox (Realmsofminecraft.dyndns.org) the others are no longer active

What makes you suitable for this rank?: I've been admin on severs before (but there no longer active) I'm mature, fast leaner and just want whats best for the sever)

Do you have a mic? (Might be needed for staff talk etc): yes

Out of 10 what would you rate you're self?: 9
09/11/2014 4:16 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
hbindon's Avatar
Position Applying For:builder
Age:14 and im very mature
Do i have a mic: yes
Ign: coolblueisosm
Previous Experience: I have been Co-Owner on 2 servers, i have been head admin on 2 , I have been admin on 5, and I have been mod on 5 servers!

What Skills You Bring:What skill set would you bring to the server staff team*? The skill set I will bring is mostly Honesty and patience. whatever I see I will report to head mod or deal with it myself. I will not use lies to cover up the mistake that I have done or someone else has done just to save mine/his/her's job. I can be patient with all of the other staff members so if one moderator doesn't know a command that I do know I will go over it with him/her until they understand it no-matter how long it takes same as players on the server. Because I think the most valuable skills are Honesty and Patience.And also im a Good builder but that would have to be agreed from your eyes.

Why We Should Choose You:I am a reliable, trustworthy, and honest mincrafter. I have never been banned from any servers, I have experience in minecraft, and will use it to help out with the growth and development of the server! I am also a good leader and a team player, so I can work well with fellow mods/builders/admins, and even regular players. I will enforce rules and help stuck players.

Top Three Builds You Have Made (Links, please):Will send via skype
Can You Advertise (How?):I would post via pmc and skype as i do have alot of mc friends on skype
Answer in a Short Paragraph:
If you saw someone breaking the rules of the server, spamming or griefing for example, what would your response be? Please outline what you would say and do. What if they continued to do it?

My punishments work in order like this:
griefing once=warning
griefing twice=temp ban(24h)
griefing three times=permanent ban.
breaking serious rules once=temp ban(48h)
breaking serious rules twice=permanent ban.
hacking once=permanent ban.
Position Applying For:builder
09/11/2014 4:10 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Mage
KingVinol's Avatar
I applied on your current post. Is it alright though?
09/11/2014 3:39 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Architect
DarkOdin's Avatar
Age of you're build team (Example 12-15): 18

Out of 10 how good are you at building?: 8

Images of what you have built (Needed!): http://jzpimpin101.imgur.com/all/

Skype Name (Needed): DarkOdin/Joel Zimmerman. (the period at the end IS required)
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