-=- UnknownGaming -=- Needs Staff 150+ Slots

TypicalBIgGuy's Avatar TypicalBIgGuy2/28/16 12:55 pm
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2/28/2016 1:27 pm
TypicalBIgGuy's Avatar TypicalBIgGuy
Hello I would like to thank you for visiting this forum post and by that you are showing interest. The name of the server hasn't been created and all the people who get accepted will give ideas and we shall all vote on them. I have always wanted to create a minecraft community because everyone who plays miniecraft is awesome. Unfortunately every time I have attempted to make a minecraft server I have failed. The reason I have failed is because I don't have the help I need to create this community, so this is where you come in I need players for certain positions like Community Manager, Developers, Builders, Graphic design, Admin, and Mod. I will give a description of each job next to the applications.

Community Manager- The community manage will be in charge of creating events and making sure the community will have a enjoyable experience. More information will be given if you are accepted into the community
Needed: 1 to 2 people

Click to reveal
Community Manager Application:
In Game Name:
Experience (Proof If Any):
Examples of events you could plan:
What is our Server Name:
Skype: (Yes/No)
Mic: (Yes/No)
How long have you been playing Minecraft?:
What makes you stand out from others?:
Any information we should be informed about?:

Developer: As a developer you will help with any plugin issues, website issues, and created plugins. More information will given if you are accepted to the community.
Needed: 2 to 3 Developers

Click to reveal
Developer Application:
In Game Name:
Experience (Proof If Any):
What can you contribute to the server?:
What is our Server Name:
Skype Name:
Mic: (Yes/No)
How long have you been playing Minecraft?:
What makes you stand out from others?:
Any information we should be informed about?:

Builder: You must be able to builder cool exciting things that have never been seen before. For example mini games, spawn, and anything else. If you are accepted into the community you will be given more information.
Needed: 4-7

Click to reveal
Builder Application:
In Game Name:
Experience (Proof If Any):
What can you contribute to the server?:
What is our Server Name:
Skype Name:
Mic: (Yes/No)
How long have you been playing Minecraft?:
What makes you stand out from others?:
Any information we should be informed about?:
What do you prefer to build?:

Graphic Design: You need to create items that will make our server look professional.
Needed: 1-2
Click to reveal
Graphic Design Application:
In Game Name:
Experience (Proof If Any):
What can you contribute to the server?:
What is our Server Name:
Skype Name:
Mic: (Yes/No)
How long have you been playing Minecraft?:
What makes you stand out from others?:
Any information we should be informed about?:
What software do you use?

Admin: As a Admin you will look over all the staff members under you and make sure they are doing the correct things. If staff members aren't following procedure you will report them a superior who has not been decided.
Needed: 2-3

Click to reveal
Admin Application:
In Game Name:
Experience (Proof If Any):
What can you contribute to the server?:
What is our Server Name:
Skype Name:
Mic: (Yes/No)
How long have you been playing Minecraft?:
What makes you stand out from others?:
Have you ever been banned?:
Why have you been banned if you were banned?:
Any information we should be informed about?:

Mod: As a mod you help control the players and make sure they have a enjoyable experience.
Click to reveal
Mod Application:
In Game Name:
Experience (Proof If Any):
What can you contribute to the server?:
What is our Server Name:
Skype Name:
Mic: (Yes/No)
How long have you been playing Minecraft?:
What makes you stand out from others?:
Have you ever been banned?:
Why have you been banned if you were banned?:
Any information we should be informed about?:

Owner: TypicalBigGuy
Head Developer: ShadowwGaming
Posted by TypicalBIgGuy's Avatar
Level 5 : Apprentice Explorer

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02/28/2016 1:10 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Blacksmith
Panda2014's Avatar
Admin Application:
Age: 20
Name: Sadik Yilmaz
In Game Name: Panda2014
Experience (Proof If Any): Had my own survival server for about 1 year after that changed to faction which i had for 2 years but i have some experience being staff or just playing from before having my own server.
What can you contribute to the server?: Since i had my own network i already know the basics such as plugin management and teamspeak server management but im open to learn anything.
What is our Server Name: The server/community dosnt have a name yet which is why everyone should give their ideas so we can vote for which one to be the name.
Skype Name: I really want to give you my skype name but only in private message.
Mic: (Yes/No) Yes.
How long have you been playing Minecraft?: Atleast 3 years.
What makes you stand out from others?: My experience.
Have you ever been banned?: No.
Why have you been banned if you were banned?: Never banned.
Any information we should be informed about?: I can help you with the communication thing instead of using skype but thats something we can talk about in private. And im from Denmark so i may not be the best to English but i do my best.
02/28/2016 1:26 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Explorer
TypicalBIgGuy's Avatar
Please PM me your skype name!
02/28/2016 1:05 pm
Level 21 : Expert Ninja
AznNinja_'s Avatar
Community Manager Application:

Age: 15

Name: Cha

In Game Name: AznNinja_

Experience (Proof If Any): I have owned multiple servers such as a server called CrowPrison and made about $1000 USD(Buycraft website http://crowprison.buycraft.net/) and recently turned off my server called VoidPrison(MinecraftMarket https://voidprisonmc.minecraftmarket.com/) due to IRL situations but its working out well now. Also i've been helping many other servers through out my minecraft career and been playing MC since version 1.2.5 so i am quite experienced with managing a community.

Examples of events you could plan: DropParty, HideNSeek, PvP Tournament

What is our Server Name: UnknownGaming

Skype: (Yes/No): Yes

Mic: (Yes/No): Yes

How long have you been playing Minecraft?: since 1.2.5
What makes you stand out from others?: What makes me stand out from others is I've owned multiple servers and been quite successful for most of the time until IRL situations are always interrupting the business but what also makes me stand from others is not just because i've owned a server before, but because I have a positive attitude towards others and I am a outgoing talkative guy who loves to mess around but I am also able to take my job seriously and complete my job.

Any information we should be informed about?: Nope
02/28/2016 1:27 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Explorer
TypicalBIgGuy's Avatar
Can you send me your skype name
02/28/2016 1:04 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
SKULL_M0NK3Y's Avatar
Admin Application:
Age: 14
Name: Ben
In Game Name: SKULL_M0NK3Y
Experience (Proof If Any): I've had experience on multiple servers - WynCraft (Administrator) Eclipse Towny (Moderator) StarWorldMC (Administrator) and others.
What can you contribute to the server?: I can bring new players, new staff and hopefully some donators
What is our Server Name: UnknownGaming
Skype Name: skull.m0nk3y1
Mic: (Yes/No) My mic is functioning at the moment but it may cut out every ten minutes or so
How long have you been playing Minecraft?: I've been playing Minecraft for 4 years
What makes you stand out from others?:
Have you ever been banned?: Yes
Why have you been banned if you were banned?: I was banned for "shadey shit" I quote from a server that I was moderator on?
Any information we should be informed about?: Not really but I hope the server does well
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