Vanilla Server! (24/7) (1.7.2) (Anyone can join!)

TheCrazyPanda's Avatar TheCrazyPanda10/26/13 9:31 am
11/3/2013 2:15 pm
ARK3r_iz_b0z's Avatar ARK3r_iz_b0z
Hey, this is TheCrazyPanda.
I have decided to make a vanilla 1.7.2 Mindcrack/Hermitcraft based server.

Anyone is welcome to join, Let me give you some info.

Click to reveal
- It is 24/7!
- Anyone can join!
- Mindcrack/hermitcraft based!
- Community Events!
- No youtube required.

The applications
Click to reveal
What is your real name, nickname or preferred name? :
How old are you? :
Timezone? :
Ingame name? :
Skills? (like building, redstone and such on a scale of 1-10) :
Anything extra you want me to know? :
Do you accept the rules? :

The Rules
Click to reveal
(1) No Fighting without the other persons consent.
(2) No Pranks which are to hard to repair for the other person (So know explosives.. lava.. etc)
(3) Don't be a dumbass, no griefing, stealing, pissing people off..
(4) No exploiting anything.

Please appreciate I can keep this server going, and it's not a problem, I don't want donations or anything but I do need players or theres no point. Thanks!
Posted by TheCrazyPanda's Avatar
Level 12 : Journeyman Network

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11/03/2013 2:15 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
ARK3r_iz_b0z's Avatar
What is your real name, nickname or preferred name? : Alex is my real and preffered name. Though it is ok to call me Ark
How old are you? : 13
Timezone? : EST (Eastern Standard Time)
Ingame name? : ARK3r_iz_b0z
Skills? (like building, redstone and such on a scale of 1-10) : Building: 4 Redstone: 8
Anything extra you want me to know? : I am a dedicated player. If you add me I will send my Skype username (not now because of stalkers and creeps -.-)
Do you accept the rules? : Yes I do accept.
10/28/2013 12:11 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Explorer
silorne's Avatar
What is your real name, nickname or preferred name?: silorne (Preferred.)
How old are you?: Just turned seventeen a couple months ago.
Timezone? : CDT (Central standard time zone.)
Ingame name? : silorne.
Skills? (like building, redstone and such on a scale of 1-10) :
Building 6-9 (Depends on what the structure is, The time, And amount of materials.)
Redstone 4-5 I know the basics but do not use it much, How ever I am a rather fast learner.

Anything extra you want me to know? : I can be rather cynical at times But will apologize if I think I have actually offended someone.
Do you accept the rules? : I accept the rules.
10/28/2013 3:12 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Pony
TheButterGodzCrafted's Avatar
What is your real name, nickname or preferred name? : Owen, Oj or Orange_Juice
How old are you? : 14
Timezone? : GMT/BST
Ingame name? : ojw8
Skills? (like building, redstone and such on a scale of 1-10) :Building: 7 Redstone: 4
Anything extra you want me to know? : I like oranges?
Do you accept the rules? : Yes!!
10/28/2013 12:07 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Diego22525's Avatar
What is your real name, nickname or preferred name? : Diego, Ingame call me Diego too
How old are you? : 13, But im mature
Timezone? : (UTC-03:00) Buenos Aires
Ingame name? : Diego22525
Skills? (like building, redstone and such on a scale of 1-10) :
Redstone: 7/8 (I know how it worksand im learning the redstone comparator)
Building: 9/10 (I LIKE BUILD, im excellent because i make very nice maps)
Anything extra you want me to know? : My skype is Diego22525, i was moderator in combustible lemons (http://www.mineshaftersquared.com/server_list) and i know what do in a grief case
Do you accept the rules? : Yes
10/27/2013 11:44 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
verybigfish09's Avatar
What is your real name, nickname or preferred name? : Luke, call me Fish
How old are you? : 13 but I am quite mature.
Timezone? : Mountain Timezone
Ingame name? : Verybigfish
Skills? (like building, redstone and such on a scale of 1-10) :
Building: 6/7
Redstone: 8
Resourcefulness: 8
Communication Skills: 10
Maturity: 8
Anything extra you want me to know? : My Skype is verybigfish9 please add me and tell me if I am accepted there
Do you accept the rules? : Yes
10/27/2013 11:40 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
creepypasta1's Avatar
What is your real name, nickname or preferred name? :My real name is Randy
How old are you? : I am 14
Timezone? : PDT
Ingame name? : creepypasta1
Skills? (like building, redstone and such on a scale of 1-10) : Crafting 9.9 PVP 4
Cooking 10 Parkour 5 etc.
Anything extra you want me to know? : People are cyber dudes.
Do you accept the rules? :Seems fair. Yes.
10/27/2013 11:29 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
jcarne's Avatar
What is your real name, nickname or preferred name? : Josh
How old are you? : 17
Timezone? : Eastern Standard Time
Ingame name? : jcarne
Skills? (like building, redstone and such on a scale of 1-10) :
-Building (9)
-Redstone (7)
-PVP (8)
-Mining (10)
-Farming (10)
Anything extra you want me to know? : I am very good with people of diverse backgrounds, opinions, and thoughts.
Do you accept the rules? : Yeees
10/27/2013 11:02 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
sadfaic's Avatar
What is your real name, nickname or preferred name? : Jared
How old are you? : 15
Timezone? : EST
Ingame name? : sadfaic
Skills? (like building, redstone and such on a scale of 1-10) : I'm okay with technical stuff like mob farms and little redstone things like maybe a 6.5 but with actual building and interior designing and things I'm a lot better like 8-9
Anything extra you want me to know? : I'll probably play more during the week than weekends
Do you accept the rules? : oh yeah sure
10/26/2013 10:40 am
Level 1 : New Miner
heavycakes1992's Avatar
What is your real name, nickname or preferred name? :
How old are you? : 21, duuuuh
Timezone? : EST
Ingame name? : Zelda1314
Skills? (like building, redstone and such on a scale of 1-10) : I like to redstone lights, and I've built for a server called "Lavacraft". (6-8 if you'd see.)
Anything extra you want me to know? : Can't take skype calls, my little brother can if you need.
Do you accept the rules? : yush
10/26/2013 10:34 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Crafter
MikaTheTroller's Avatar
What is your real name, nickname or preferred name? :My real Name Is Mika
How old are you? :10
Timezone? :CET
Ingame name? :Mikathebest323
Skills? (like building, redstone and such on a scale of 1-10) :Crafting/Cooking 10 (If thats ok?)
Anything extra you want me to know? :Hi
Do you accept the rules? :Yes!
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