Tylerrr_7's Avatar Tylerrr_75/17/16 1:41 pm
5/18/2016 9:11 pm
Tylerrr_7's Avatar Tylerrr_7
Hello, my name is Tyler. I'm the owner of the new factions server: Voltage Factions.
We are looking for some good people to help our server kick start. We need varieties of staff and they are all listed below. Please take your time filling out the application and note that you must have Skype and you must be at least 13 years old.
I will Skype message you if you have been accepted and will tell you the server ip.

Positions Available:
Head-Admin: 0/1
Admin: 1/3
Head-Mod: 0/1
Moderator: 1/4
Head-Architect: 0/1
Architect: 1/6
(Architects are Builders)






Time Zone:

Position Applying For:

Experience In Position:


How Many Hours A Day Will You Be On?:

Please Explain Why I Should Pick You Over Others.:

Are You currently working for another server?:

Rate your builds from 1-10:
Posted by Tylerrr_7's Avatar
Level 1 : New Miner

Create an account or sign in to comment.


05/18/2016 3:36 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Dragon
Aimbqt's Avatar
05/18/2016 9:11 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Tylerrr_7's Avatar
Sorry. The positions are for ages 13 and up.
05/18/2016 2:59 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Tylerrr_7's Avatar
Staff Positions Are Still Available. Comment skype name.
05/18/2016 12:55 am
Level 21 : Expert Ninja
Zypher_'s Avatar
Add me on skype @nsjstark972
I would very much be interested in talking to you about you're server. I have some questions that I would prefer to provide over pm.
05/18/2016 12:46 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Tylerrr_7's Avatar
Click to reveal
Name: Joseph

IGN: Jewple

Age: 15

Skype: flarewings

Time Zone: EDT (Eastern Daylight Time)

Position Applying For: Head-Moderator

Experience In Position: I ran my own factions server (WickedFactions), I was Head-Admin on another factions server (CreeperCraft Factions), I was Moderator on yet another factions server (ElisionPvP), I was a Moderator on a prison server (SlamPrison), a Moderator on a mini-games server (GemCraft), and a Helper on another factions server (VortexFactions).

Maturity: On a scale from one to ten, I would put myself at a solid eight. When it's required, I'm serious and level-headed and can get things done. However that doesn't stop me from joking around now and again.

How Many Hours A Day I Be On: On weekdays, I can be online from 5 P.M. (EDT) to 12 P.M. (EDT). On weekends, I can be online usually from 11 A.M. (EDT) to 1 A.M. (EDT).

Why You Should Pick Me Over Others: I can enforce the rules and guidelines of the server and while doing so, keeping the server in a friendly and non-hostile environment that is fun for all players. I can also detect and get rid of hackers, spammers, and griefers. I've been a part of several Minecraft server management teams and I believe that I would be an excellent fit and choice for this one as well. I have plenty of experience with Minecraft, server management, commands, and player relations. I am mature and have no tolerance for those who break the rules and guidelines of the server. I have wondrous leadership skills and management skills. I've worked with several other servers for Minecraft, as well as several servers for other games. I'm somebody who you can rely on to get the job done and get it done correctly.

Am I Currently Working For Another Server?: Not currently. I've worked for many servers and once again, I'm looking for a line of work on a server. I want to help this server and improve it however I can. I can make sure it stays well-off and friendly to players.

- Email: lejwitz@gmail.com
- I also have Curse, Discord, and Teamspeak if you ever use those.
- I have quite a bit of spare cash, so I can occasionally make a donation or two and help the server thrive.

Alright. I skype msged 2 people who had "flarewings"
in their usernames so I should have msged you.
05/17/2016 11:17 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
_Gumballs_'s Avatar




Time Zone:pacific

Position Applying For:anything avalable

Experience In Position:none

Mature?:Of course! I'll do what ever you ask.

How Many Hours A Day Will You Be On?:3 to 4

Please Explain Why I Should Pick You Over Others.: I'm very lonely and need friends, I'm a problem solver, I can do anything you ask me to do.

Are You currently working for another server?:no

Rate your builds from 1-10:10
05/17/2016 10:36 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Toast
Lovescratch's Avatar
Disregard this post.
05/17/2016 2:49 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Bob_10123's Avatar
GN (Username): _j0ewhite

Name: Joe

Age: 15

Skype: joe.white172

Location: U.K

For about how much minutes/hours can you be on the server during a weekly day and a week-end day? I will be able to be on everyday. I will be very active to about 6-7 Hours each day.

Have you ever been reported on a server for a particular reason such as Trolling,SpawnKilling,Spamming,Hacking,or anything like this in servers?
Nothing and never will.

What you are applying for:

Why should we pick you over others:
Most people say when they apply stuff like, I will donate, help players, If a Player spamms = kick etc, they don't do it. But in my hands. I will. I love helping players and will be there to keep the chat clear and help the players in need.

My most experience is Co-Owner, I have had lots of experiences. I have had Co on 3 Servers. I know how to tell people what to do and send them to do stuff. I know how to pick the right people for the job, and if someone abuses it is a straight Demote. I am a Live-Chat Manager on another server, I was chosen for that because I know how to put people on shifts and who to send to who.

I am 15 and I am in high school. I am nice and easy to get along with. I am a Live-Chat-Manager and Site-Admin. I have played MineCraft for 4 Years so I know the Past of MineCraft. I play MineCraft alot in my spare time and like to Help people if there in trouble or need some help. I will accept orders from other Staff and Owners.

What will you do if people Advertise Spamm?:
If someone Spamms it's just a Basic kick for Spamm. But if they keep it up the punishments go higher. If a player be's mean then It is the same a Basic kick but if they keep doing it punishments go Higher, and the same with CAPS. But if someone advertises then it's just a full Ban.

What will you do for the server?:
If I get accepted I will most likely advertise on my instagram (1000 followers) . I will help out 24/7 and ask people to vote donate etc. I will be on the website alot (if you have one) and view the Forum posts and comment or tell them some advice. I will always be nice and if a player Needs Help about something I will tell them what to do. If players are spamming for me to help. Or people are like "How do I do this?" I will say Need help? Do /m _j0ewhite for a Question / People Hacking / Extra. Or if I am accepted as Staff-Manager , Head-Admin or Admin then I'll send one of the staff to go help, if none on I'll go help.

Past Experience:
I have been a Mod on a server called NeroPvp but quit for this Application. Admin on two servers Staff-Manager on 3 and Helper on one. Everytime I have been on a server this is what I do. OK, I see that some staff are doing some stuff that they shouldn't be doing. I am here to help that so I don't demote you. First of all, if a player needs help you stop what you are doing and go help them. OK, if a Player Spamms or does CAPS, you give them a Warning 1. Then if it continues you kick them saying Warning 2: Spamm. If it keeps on going you mute them for 1 minutes, 5 minutes, 10 minutes. Ok with advertising, you just BAN them for Advertising. Since Mods can't Ban, take a screenshot and post it on the forums. I'll be asking you guys questions for this, to make you good, if you get it right you earn 100$ if you don't you lose 100$ if you have got the questions wrong 3 times in a row, you'll be demoted.

My Special Ability:
My special ability is Managing that's why I got it on NeroPvp because I am not a soft person in managing but strict but in the same way not mean but nice. I know who to accept by the maturity in-game and how long the app is / age. I love managing people that's why I applied for the server and I'll be furiously active. I know what to add in formats for Applications so we get the right info we need form the certain application the player is applying for. I know who to send to who, for what is wrong. For example: Someone hacking, I would send a Admin, since they are higher and have the more commands then a Mod / Helper. But if someone needs help with a question I would send a Admin - . I know that if a Staff Abusers they'll be demoted due to what they abused on. I know who to decline from lack of in-activety, not helping in-game, not kicking / banning / tempbanning / muting / jailing the spammers | advertisers | cussers | etc. I know what commands to give to a rank so the person doesn't get really good commands if they are a Helper or on Trial so we can see what they are like. I will teach the staff rules and what to do everyday, how active they have to be, punishments a player will receive if the player Spamms | Advertisers | Cussers | etc. I'll be very active to manage / teach the staff and accept / demote staff / players if they deserve it or are abusing.

I Added More
GN (Username): _j0ewhite

Name: Joe

Age: 15

Skype: joe.white172

Location: U.K

For about how much minutes/hours can you be on the server during a weekly day and a week-end day? I will be able to be on everyday. I will be very active to about 6-7 Hours each day.

Have you ever been reported on a server for a particular reason such as Trolling,SpawnKilling,Spamming,Hacking,or anything like this in servers?
Nothing and never will.

What you are applying for:
Admin / Head-Admin

Why should we pick you over others:
Most people say when they apply stuff like, I will donate, help players, If a Player spamms = kick etc, they don't do it. But in my hands. I will. I love helping players and will be there to keep the chat clear and help the players in need.

My most experience is Co, I have had lots of experiences. I have had Co on 3 Servers. I know how to tell people what to do and send them to do stuff. I know how to pick the right people for the job, and if someone abuses it is a straight Demote. I am a Live-Chat Manager on another server, I was chosen for that because I know how to put people on shifts and who to send to who.

I am 15 and I am in high school. I am nice and easy to get along with. I am a Live-Chat-Manager and Site-Admin. I have played MineCraft for 4 Years so I know the Past of MineCraft. I play MineCraft alot in my spare time and like to Help people if there in trouble or need some help. I will accept orders from other Staff and Owners.

What will you do if people Advertise Spamm?:
If someone Spamms it's just a Basic kick for Spamm. But if they keep it up the punishments go higher. If a player be's mean then It is the same a Basic kick but if they keep doing it punishments go Higher, and the same with CAPS. But if someone advertises then it's just a full Ban.

What will you do for the server?:
If I get accepted I will most likely advertise on my instagram (1000 followers) . I will help out 24/7 and ask people to vote donate etc. I will be on the website alot (if you have one) and view the Forum posts and comment or tell them some advice. I will always be nice and if a player Needs Help about something I will tell them what to do. If players are spamming for me to help. Or people are like "How do I do this?" I will say Need help? Do /m _j0ewhite for a Question / People Hacking / Extra. Or if I am accepted as Staff-Manager , Head-Admin or Admin then I'll send one of the staff to go help, if none on I'll go help.

Past Experience:
I have been a Mod on a server called NeroPvp but quit for this Application. Admin on two servers Staff-Manager on 3 and Helper on one. Everytime I have been on a server this is what I do. OK, I see that some staff are doing some stuff that they shouldn't be doing. I am here to help that so I don't demote you. First of all, if a player needs help you stop what you are doing and go help them. OK, if a Player Spamms or does CAPS, you give them a Warning 1. Then if it continues you kick them saying Warning 2: Spamm. If it keeps on going you mute them for 1 minutes, 5 minutes, 10 minutes. Ok with advertising, you just BAN them for Advertising. Since Mods can't Ban, take a screenshot and post it on the forums. I'll be asking you guys questions for this, to make you good, if you get it right you earn 100$ if you don't you lose 100$ if you have got the questions wrong 3 times in a row, you'll be demoted.

My Special Ability:
My special ability is Managing that's why I got it on NeroPvp because I am not a soft person in managing but strict but in the same way not mean but nice. I know who to accept by the maturity in-game and how long the app is / age. I love managing people that's why I applied for the server and I'll be furiously active. I know what to add in formats for Applications so we get the right info we need form the certain application the player is applying for. I know who to send to who, for what is wrong. For example: Someone hacking, I would send a Admin, since they are higher and have the more commands then a Mod / Helper. But if someone needs help with a question I would send a Admin - . I know that if a Staff Abusers they'll be demoted due to what they abused on. I know who to decline from lack of in-activety, not helping in-game, not kicking / banning / tempbanning / muting / jailing the spammers | advertisers | cussers | etc. I know what commands to give to a rank so the person doesn't get really good commands if they are a Helper or on Trial so we can see what they are like. I will teach the staff rules and what to do everyday, how active they have to be, punishments a player will receive if the player Spamms | Advertisers | Cussers | etc. I'll be very active to manage / teach the staff and accept / demote staff / players if they deserve it or are abusing.
05/18/2016 1:02 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Tylerrr_7's Avatar
Alright Joe, Ive skype messaged you.
05/17/2016 2:47 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
HyperRelax's Avatar

IGN: HyperRelax

Age: 14

Skype: I Do Not Use Skype (I prefere to use teamspeak3) My TeamSpeak3 Name Is HyperRelax

Time Zone: uk

Position Applying For: Admin

Experience In Position: A Couple Of months ago I started my own server, I recruited a couple off staff and the minecraft server was going well, when I had my own server I had a lot of experience with writing commands and punishing a lot of players so I know what I'm doing and I have a lot of experience

Mature?: I am mature and can handle tough and difficult situations.

How Many Hours A Day Will You Be On?: I normally can play 2-4 hour per day (may be less on school days)

Please Explain Why I Should Pick You Over Others.: Because I have a lot of experience, I am hardworking, I am mature and I know how to run a server.

Are You currently working for another server?: no my old server had to unfortunately shut down since to connection issues.
05/17/2016 2:41 pm
Level 26 : Expert Network
X_1337's Avatar
Click to reveal

IGN:X_1337 (CrafterOfRealms)



Time Zone:Eastern Standard

Position Applying For:Head-Admin

Experience In Position:Moderator,Head-Moderator,Admin,Head-Admin,Owner,Co-Owner

Mature?:yes i consider myself to be mature and if you are reffering to age i'm 16

How Many Hours A Day Will You Be On?:4-6

Please Explain Why I Should Pick You Over Others.:I have years of experience working on servers as developer and high ranking staff i've mostly earned my way from bottom to top

Are You currently working for another server?:Yes i'm being paid to work on it
05/17/2016 2:18 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Dragon
Aimbqt's Avatar




Time Zone:uk

Position Applying For:head-admin

Experience In Position:I still have contact with 2 owners of servers I've been Mod/Admin on. I've been demoted only once due to argument with another staff which was more favored by owner since they'd been friends for a long time.I know most commands and learn very quickly. I am very accustomed with Enjin and am usually very active on the forums. When players ask for help with something they don't understand (i.e. Faction plugin) I'd help. If I don't understand how to do what they are trying to do either I ask another staff, and if not I always use the internet before giving up on helping them. I do this because I believe staff is made to help the players have a great experience playing online. No one gets special treatment even if I know them, because if they break rules they must face consequences. I am not going to be like one of those Admins that just do what the owner tells them to. If you want one of those, sadly I'm not your guy. I would like to help a lot. I want all admins to be sharing their ideas.

Mature?:Im very mature for my age

How Many Hours A Day Will You Be On?:4-5 hours

Please Explain Why I Should Pick You Over Others.:I think you should pick me, because I think I am reliable enough to make sure the server is at it's best and it will stay that way. If I did something wrong and I believe that I don't deserve a chance then I will demote myself and apologize, but I will keep playing the server.
I am a person who shares a natural obligation and heavy dedication to those in need of a correct moderation. I will be there to help them with confusion/questions for hours worth of time as well! My highest priority when it comes to staffing is that I focus on most is moderating over servers. I am not really a person who wants to dedicate themselves to formulating new structures or residing to head-to-head combat. I find it more intriguing to supply players with a jubilant sense of feeling from my overall performance. I would be sure to keep dissonance from progressing to ghastly circumstances. I would basically focus on the whole idea of my existence to staffing within this community, which is simply stated by pursuing a largely said portion of time spent on the server, encompassing the chat within a correctly moderated state, assuring the prosperity of attentiveness to answer all questions to my highest potential, keeping in touch with other fellow staff about suggestions/ideas/answers, and securing the server from all egregious irrelevancy.I am also special and different in lots of ways. First off, my mentality is basically to work hard and play later. I do everything with the best of my ability or at least die trying. My effort is genuine and I am a very nice and reasonable person. I treat people with respect and I take stands based on facts and evidence, not because they are my friends or I know them. I am also a very neat and organized person. I may be considered a neat freak but the results pay off. Everything will be organized and in tip top shape.
Are You currently working for another server?:No

Rate your builds from 1-10:--------------------
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