priceywgl's Avatar priceywgl12/23/12 1:12 am
12/23/2012 12:06 pm
narwhalzrule00's Avatar narwhalzrule00


So Who Are We?

We are a brand new community, however we aren't all new to running big servers and meeting the community demands, we want the community to shape and form the world and help us build it up to be something big where players will love to come and just chill out and play some minecraft.

Immature players and staff will be banned.
Staff cannot kill new players at spawn
No hacks – No Xray, Reach Hack, Radar etc.
No asking for Creative, Admin, Mod, Op modes.
Respect Staff and we will respect you back!
No Whining, keep CAPS to a minimum.
All forms of Grief are allowed with the exception of deliberately trying to crash or slow the Server in any way.
People who break the rules will be punished! either by Jail or by being banned! depending on the crime.
In Jail you can be attacked! So try and stay out…..
Looting, Raiding, backstabbing are all encouraged!

So Who Do We Want Right Now?

Mature Minded players that want to commit to the server.

As well as staff (fill out an app and be in game active...)

Right now we are looking for like minded people to help run the community and build the starting area so we release to the public it can be a smooth as can be. We are looking for MATURE staff this is very key. A few rules that will be asked upon acceptance. So if you think you could help us out by becoming a:
Please fill out an application below applicable to the role you want.

Staff List

Owners: Pricey1992

Admin Application:

[spoiler]Areas marked with * please fill out at least 3-4 sentences

*Why would you like to be an admin?
*What experience do you have being an admin?
*Tell me about yourself?
*What can YOU bring to the server?
*Anything you would like to add?[/spoiler]

Moderator Application:

[spoiler]Areas marked with * please fill out at least 2-3 sentences

*Why would you like to be a Mod?
*What experience do you have being a Mod?
*Tell me about yourself?
*What can YOU bring to the server?
*Anything you would like to add?[/spoiler]

Builder Application:

[spoiler]Areas marked with * please fill out at least 2-3 sentences

*Why would you like to be a Builder?
*What do you like to build mainly?
Detail or Size?
*Tell me about yourself?
*What can YOU bring to the server?
*Anything you would like to add?
Posted by priceywgl's Avatar
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner

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12/23/2012 12:06 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Skinner
narwhalzrule00's Avatar
Name: Liam
IGN: narwhalzrule00
Age: 13
Timezone: EST
Skype: Narwhalzrule00
*Why would you like to be a Mod? I would like to be a mod because I am very responsible and have lots of time on my hands. I am good at enforcing rules and will not let people off the hook because they are my friends but I am also very understanding and need proof for punishment and can negotiate.
*What experience do you have being a Mod? I have been a mod on 3 other servers that have shut down
*Tell me about yourself? I am intelligent and understanding which is why I think i will be a good mod. I am a good fiend and a very welcoming person.
*What can YOU bring to the server? You should pick me because I have experience with the game and maturity when needed. I am fun but strict with rules. I am a good helper and a good friend and I think i have the commitment to really help out the server. I am a man of my word and very forgiving. I will never tell a lie or be mean to other players. I will keep an eye out for hackers and rule-beakers but i will not bring down the ban hammer unless necessary. I hope you consider my application and I will try my best if chosen
*Anything you would like to add? I hope to talk to you soon!
12/23/2012 10:34 am
Level 1 : New Miner
PLOXdiamonds's Avatar
please update the server
12/23/2012 10:31 am
Level 1 : New Miner
PLOXdiamonds's Avatar
Name: Turner Moczygemba
IGN: PLOXdiamonds
Timezone:United States Central
Skype: turnerpro1
*Why would you like to be a Mod? I would like to be a mod for the sake of helping others. I LOVE to be in player support, it is my favorite thing to do. I like to see that "thank you so much!" in the chatbox, it makes me fell good.
*What experience do you have being a Mod? I have bean mod on two different servers, the only one still standing is minecraft-craft.mirusgroup.net

*Tell me about yourself? I am a very creative 13 year old boy, I am in horizons and have many insiteful ideas about building, although i prefer player support. I live in Texas, am in all pre-ap and one AP class, in the 8th grade.
*What can YOU bring to the server? I can bring that feeling of good security to the server, and help those new to the server get a well start. I will do good for the server by advertising and expanding it as much as i can.
*Anything you would like to add? I would like to be in player support, that is about all. I will help build things if asked to
12/23/2012 10:17 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Explorer
pricey123's Avatar
Name: Pricey123
IGN: Pricey123
Age: 14
Timezone: GMT
Skype: Peter.price78
*Why would you like to be an admin? I would like to be a admin because i have alot of experience with minecraft servers and i know how annoying it can be sometimes. I would be able to enforce rules (i would do this if i dont get admin) and make sure players have a fun enjoyable time.
*What experience do you have being an admin? I have been co-owner (2) Admin (1) Mod (2)
*Tell me about yourself? Im a 14 year old boy who loves to play games and loves to get people involved in games. I like to help out servers to try and become big.
*What can YOU bring to the server? I can bring the knowledge and experience of being a admin, I can bring plugins and hopefully bring some enjoyment with being admin not just using if for my self.
*Anything you would like to add?
12/23/2012 8:22 am
Level 1 : New Miner
mada_man's Avatar
Name: Adam
IGN: mada_man
Age: 14
Timezone: EST
Skype: adam.sturza
*Why would you like to be an admin? I love helping out on new servers. I have a lot of experience on being an admin and following and enforcing the rules of many different servers. The admin position to me is like the right-hand-man of the server and they help out with all the things that people need help with. I would help out.
*What experience do you have being an admin? I am an admin on 3 servers currently, and was an admin on many more which were either shut down because of money problems, or it was griefed by an operator which the owner who trusted too much. Don't worry though I'm not the kind of person who gets op and then greifs and replaces everything with sponge and lava.
*Tell me about yourself? I love playing minecraft and I have been playing since alpha! I personally love building but what I love even more is seeing a server rise to be a great server. I am very mature in handling at server at times and at other times, i can fool around, which makes me a good admin.
*What can YOU bring to the server? I can bring new plug-ins, new fun ranks, and a few jokes too. I love helping out with other staff around me and guiding me through things I dont know, even though I do probably know a LOT about mine craft. I am also very creative and I can bring on my building skills if you need.
*Anything you would like to add? I hope I get the position and maybe I'll come on the server and check it out if someone updates it to 1.4.6. I hope the server is well and will stay up for a long time!
12/23/2012 1:33 am
Level 16 : Journeyman Ranger
ChuckNorrised's Avatar
Name: Grace
IGN: Evanfire
Age: 11
Timezone: PDT/PST
Skype: ChuckNorrised
*Why would you like to be an admin?: I would like to admin because I think it would be a great opportunity to see how it is being an Admin, not and Owner, Co-owner, or Mod. Not only do I see it as being a great opportunity, but also, I think I would be a good, positive role model for the members who play on the server.
*What experience do you have being an admin?: I have yet to have experience as being an Admin. I am a Head Mod on Kamocraft.no-ip.org, I owned StahpItCraft.no-ip.biz (It shut down when I moved), and I currently own my new server, which is still StahpItCraft, Node21.minecrafted.net:25582. I am staff on a few other servers, if you think I am lying, you can PM me for the IP's. Although I am not an Admin on a server yet, I may be an Admin on Kamocraft.no-ip.org since I am currently in position of Head Mod.
*Tell me about yourself?: My name is Grace. I am 11 years old and turning 12 on January 20th. I live in California and own an 80 slot server that's currently in construction. I am a beginner JavaScript coder and soon when I master JavaScript, I will begin to program Custom Plugins for servers.
*What can YOU bring to the server?: I can bring various things to your server. For one, I can bring it plugin and permission help. For second, I can bring it custom plugins when I finish learning how to code. For third, I can bring great role modelling and excellence citizenship across your server!
*Anything you would like to add?: As soon as I finish JavaScript I will begin to program plugins. I may consider programming plugins for servers for free under certain circumstances. When the time comes, I will program plugins for my server, and if you like one, I will give you a download link.
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