If your server needs staff please look here!

DarthRoar's Avatar DarthRoar8/17/12 2:19 pm
8/17/2012 2:26 pm
DHX7's Avatar DHX7
Sorry if you hate posts like this, im not begging but I think this is a way that I could help a server.

Ok so here is me:

IGN: DarthRoar

Skype: Darth-Roar

Age: 12. But remember just because im a little young doesnt mean that I am immature.

Experience With Servers: I have been staff (Admin/Mod) on at least 6 servers. I have been Co-Owner on 2 servers and have owned a small server for a short period. I worked hard to earn these ranks!

Experience With Plugins: I can set up permissions with groupmanager! I know all about Essentials, LWC, McMMO, Factions, LogBlock, Coreprotect, Worldedit and many, many more interesting plugins! I know how to configure them all.

But Why Should You Choose Me: I can be online for longer than the usual player. I know how to fix problems with the server if they happen. I respect and enforce the rules! I know how to advertise so you can get about 10 new players, only a few minutes after you go public!

So if you need a plugin expert, a permissions guy, an advertiser, a mod or and admin then just contact me through my skype, I can help!

Posted by DarthRoar's Avatar
Level 28 : Expert Toast

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08/17/2012 2:26 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
DHX7's Avatar
I would love to have you as a limited admin (Can't just give everyone full op and expect my server to survive) on my server! I was just looking for more staff too! You sound like you know what you're doing, so please, check out my server if you'd like!

It's RealmOfMyth.us.to

I'm DHX7 by the way, and my skype is Darkhellxrx
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