Giving Due Credit

VladimirVolchenkov's Avatar VladimirVolchenkov10/30/13 9:35 am
10/30/2013 9:59 pm
VladimirVolchenkov's Avatar VladimirVolchenkov
Dear PlanetMinecraft community members,


I would like to acknowledge that blogging is something that some people do for a living and are very proficient at what they do. However the question that always seems to come into my mind is, do they get the credit they deserve? Often times, it is plain to see. A good indicator is from comments, and what he is expressing in his blog. Also by the coverage he gets, if it is linked, shared, and used elsewhere. Think about what you have done on here and see if you can reflect back on this blog.


To my surprise i end up seeing a failure from a majority of people on this website giving credit where it really belongs. As crazy as this might sound it is all around us even in the real world and to think that liking something and sharing it can be such a second thought is scary. You see on youtube sometimes how users who create music ask to take a second to view the video and comment, like, and subscribe to them if you liked it, and how doing just one of those actions can change his life. In today's society, i feel like we don't give a second thought and end up walking away.
Relating this all to PlanetMinecraft is easily done when you have hard workers who end up having multiple submissions to only get a few views here and there and a scraggle of diamonds; and a sparse amount of comments and feedback. I had friends who where on this website who had some great ideas and some got due credit, while others seemed to fall into a def crowd.

The chat lobby is a great way to try to find support for an idea or what you have posted recently. However, time and time again i end up finding myself looking at others, taking my time to write a good comment and encouraging him/her to do more and be proactive. I end up checking back a few hours later to see that i have a comment from them saying thank you and all. Now, to me that is what i expect, but also in the back of my mind i tend to be looking for a comment or a view from them that i can indicate is a respect and curiosity for what i have to offer. Sure i can end up turning the other shoulder on submissions others have posted, but where would i be as a person and community member on this website?

Now, in this area i might end up trying to do a reflecting piece. We all want to be a someone who is loved, cared for, and looked at without judgement of who they are. I ended up living like a outcast for several years of my life and i still end up coming back to the question of "Am i really someone who others can look at with a straight face?". I will end up figuring out the answer to that soon enough. PlanetMinecraft is a community, and is like that of a community in real life; although it is not a real face to face talk it still has a impact. I do not in anyway want to try to make this into a sad story of life and what not, i am just trying to help expose the users ability and how we should give due credit.

In the area of the staff, i do not intend to be harsh or against any of you in this but some of you seem to turn a shoulder to others. Now, i understand you have a lot of work that you have to deal with, but acknowledging the fact that they have made a submission and taking time in the future to take a full look is what counts and feedback as well. Some are more relaxed and enjoy their time being a staff and also want to help out the fellow community with feedback on submissions and giving credit where it can be applied. All submissions can have credit where it is applied, some just don't seem to see that part.

I enjoy this website and love the fact that i can blog all day long about things i love in life and on this website. However, i seem to find that i don't even receive some credit where it might be done. Now, in all honesty i might have ended up putting myself in that position; where i do not deserve credit, but let's be honest, everyone deserves credit.
I just hope this can help open some eyes to submissions that have been overlooked for some time and with the attention comes a sense of greatness that you did something good. But it all revolves around to the person who gave such a nice comment that they don't get a nice reply back.


Now i am not saying go around to everyones posts and diamond and subscribe to it. Look over the post and give it credit where it can be applied. Maybe someone or the same person will end up paying you back with a nice comment. I just want to see the community a bit more close together, where we all can pay attention to the good parts and to the parts that have been newly formed.
Thank you everyone, and i strongly encourage you to open your eyes and see the good submissions for what they are and start looking into the newly posted submissions that might want credit. Believe me some work extremely hard to get to where they are and others seem to fight just as hard and end up on the bottom. Be aware of what is going on around you is all i am asking!
Thank you very much,
- Will Breault
Posted by VladimirVolchenkov's Avatar
Level 13 : Journeyman Scribe

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10/30/2013 9:59 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Scribe
VladimirVolchenkov's Avatar
This thread has been moved a guess. Thank you for who ever moved it.
10/30/2013 9:52 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Geek
Z645's Avatar
Too much for me to read. But by the looks of the comments, it sounds like something good. XD
Unnumbered Tears
10/30/2013 9:33 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Artist
Unnumbered Tears's Avatar
I agree, and am impressed by your writing skills. If you continue to create quality work like this, then there must be great things in store for you
10/30/2013 8:19 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Scribe
Jetra's Avatar
Moved to Site Discussion and Support, wonderful job.

10/30/2013 11:31 am
Level 30 : Artisan Creeper
nabeelfarooqui98's Avatar
Wow,quite a lenghy post, +1
10/30/2013 11:26 am
Level 40 : Master Cake
aman207's Avatar
You know you can post this as a blog as it is related to PMC


Good job (way to lazy to read it all but that's besides the point)!
10/30/2013 10:11 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Toast
BreakfastPizza's Avatar
Once again, talent is shining in you.

10/30/2013 10:36 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Scribe
VladimirVolchenkov's Avatar
Thanks again man! I am making the most of the time on the forums as i can right now.
10/30/2013 10:05 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Scribe
VladimirVolchenkov's Avatar
Thank you very much for the feedback, i am glad you like what i had added, i will also be revamping this a bit int he future.
10/30/2013 10:01 am
Level 20 : Expert Taco
JodieAnneShort's Avatar
You really went full board with all of the information you added; I applaud you for that.
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