I had fun. Lots of fun, but it's time to go.

Spokendog's Avatar Spokendog8/31/23 5:00 pm scheduled history
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9/1/2023 10:23 am
Ins0mn1a's Avatar Ins0mn1a
Hello, Hi! Some of you may already know me, from infamy or not - but I just wanted to leave a message for you, as I no longer wish to play Minecraft and wanted to say goodbye.

Thank you! All of you! This game has provided me with more fun than I ever could have imagined, and even though I may spite certain people for repulsive behaviors, I can't say I'm much better when it comes to being indecent, but if you know me at all, then you already knew that. For what it's worth: I had a great time playing this game! I met so many different and interesting people from around the globe that if compared my knowledge now to then, I'd look like an even bigger idiot. It's true I was always stubborn, but I really want to share my journey with you before I truly do stop engaging with anything Minecraft related, as I will have when you finally read this. Maybe you were there when these things happened!

At first I only watched from afar, I wasn't yet a part of the community. I was only an outsider who curiously watched videos about it and wondered what I was looking at, as these were the days when Matpat was a young man who had just made Game Theory, and Annoying Orange was just starting to fade out of relevancy due to a horrible TV show that thankfully flopped just a few years later. I think it was 2011 when my cousin showed me this game on his Xbox 360 which wasn't Minecraft, but looked like it, and I thought it looked so fun that I went ahead and searched for it online, only to find one of those virus infested ads featuring "MINECRAFT FOR FREE", and little did I realize that - back then - it wasn't actually lying to me! Minecraft had just escaped it's infancy, and was still simple enough for people to emulate it online, and that for the longest time was how I played the game. Until of course: I started watching videos showing you how to play with other people, finally making me want to get my own copy of it, rather than piracy.

At first I started with console edition, since bedrock didn't exist yet. After all, it was still 2013 and I was eager to play it. However, as it would happen, you couldn't play online without Xbox Live. So, being the idiot that I was, I continued to watch videos online until finally, in 2014, I got a copy for the game on PC, where I finally and immediately played the game online, and oh boy... what a journey that was!! I started out on ExplodingTNT's now shut down server, "mcorigins" I think. I don't actually remember the name and I don't care to, but that's where my first taste of online play was. It wasn't bad either, it had factions, skywars, creative, and a few other games I don't remember, but I do know one thing: that was where my slow and relentless hatred for P2W servers first boiled, as I had just been talked down to for not having a rank. That hatred would never end until August 30th 2023, the day I typed this out.

A few years later, and I had become comfortable with most of the popular servers. Mineplex and few others were all I played on. However, my deep hatred for P2W had not yet bloomed, so I still played that old server of ExplodingTNT's, where I finally realized what I ought to do. I wanted to be a griefer! A prankster!! Someone who toyed with others since I didn't like being pushed around. Little did I know however what trouble I was about to fall into, as I caused many a server owner to kick and or silence me for rampant and constant hatred for P2W servers as well as anyone who supported them. I had become an activist, and I sucked at it because no one could agree with me! I was too spontaneous and chaotic!

Flash forward a few more years, and I was lost. No amount of mods or resource packs could bring me joy anymore as I had fallen into a slump. Sure I was brave, but others were far more brave than I. They used mods and resource packs to hack on servers and cause chaos, when that's not what I wanted to do. All I wanted was change, and no one wants to listen to a barking dog if it's not going to bite. I never did. Going out with fizzle over a bang -- most of the time. I'm not saying this for pity however, I say it to teach a lesson! If you're going to raise hell; you had better be ready for push-back. For as many servers as I griefed, I did nothing to show why I was doing it -- and to the people who played on those servers; I was simply the bad guy! They were probably right.

Here I am now. The present and past. I've sailed to many servers and caused much unhappiness. Finally arriving at a server that held no P2W and welcomed me without question after I got banned for griefing yet another server. I thought about telling them what I did to that server, as well as how I stole on the one was I actively playing on, despite the rules forbidding it. However, at this point I don't care anymore. As even though I may be a failed activist, I still had fun -- and although some would call me a bad person for doing what I did, I wouldn't dare argue with them as you reap what you sow. Griefers are not respected, and rightfully so! We take and do not give; as even if I might call my cause noble, someone else could easily shut me down: calling me a self absorbed oaf without being wrong in the process -- and if anything I'd like to apologize. It doesn't make up for what I've done, but it does show that I have come to learn from my mistakes and will not repeat them again. You have my word. I'm not a griefer anymore. I refuse!

To some of you, I'm sure this isn't much of a shock. You've seen my work, and know how I've spoke when provoked, which is why I'm doing this. If I didn't make up for it then, let me make up for it now! I will stop playing this game, and you will never have to hear from me again. Well, maybe outside of war stories caused by me on certain servers, and to you Hypixel who I once got onto for being P2W and unfair to those who refused to give their money; although I may have been correct to believe that -- I don't at all think my actions were justifiable. As it's true your server is unfair, but it's my fault for thinking I deserved anything for a service that lets me use it for free. My bad, and goodbye.

Spokendog; logging off for good,
I lost a war that never needed to happen! It's all my fault.
Posted by Spokendog's Avatar
Level 15 : Journeyman Caveman

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09/01/2023 10:23 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Engineer
Ins0mn1a's Avatar
Bye then, best of luck in life
08/31/2023 5:06 pm
Level 25 : Expert Mountaineer
snakeslayer541's Avatar
Planet Minecraft


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