PMC Site Suggestions

WolfTroop's Avatar WolfTroop1/14/14 9:26 pm
1 emeralds 177 2
1/14/2014 9:55 pm
Giggimish's Avatar Giggimish
- Site Form
Site Form
- Im thinking PMC should add another form tab in the forms area.Sites users can now adverstive their sites without getting banned Like me -.- ......ANYHOW players will be able to show off their server sites , Do you think this is a good idea?
-.- well i hope you enjoyed reading this and i hope you reply below of what you think about each topic!! : D
Posted by WolfTroop's Avatar
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner

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01/14/2014 9:55 pm
Level 40 : Master Artist
Giggimish's Avatar
I'm not sure what you mean with the first two, so I'll talk about the third suggestion.
All of the moderators besides Paril do work voluntarily (he gets paid for developing features of the site). We other moderators take time out of our day to sit in chat, or the forums, or the site to make sure it's useable for the percentage of users that actually want to enjoy the site. We all have lives outside of PMC. Some of us have school, some us us have jobs, some of us have both. This means that there will be times where there are a small number of moderators online, while the majority are not. However we try our best to be there to help for as long as we can but as I said above, we all have lives to attend to.
01/14/2014 9:44 pm
She/Her • Level 58 : Grandmaster Grump Pokemon
Azie's Avatar
- Better Way To Live Stream: I can't really give input on this one since I don't LiveStream, nor do I watch streams.

- Site Form: This site isn't so people can upload their spam and get free advertising. If you want to show off your server site, put it in your Server submission/thread where it belongs.

- More PMC Staff: We have a ton of staff and are able to moderate quite effectively. I don't know when you're checking the staff list, but a good portion of us can be reached regularly throughout the day, myself included, and there is always at least one person online. We aren't terribly overburdened right now and have held off on promotions because we don't need more staff. Just because a member of staff cannot help you right this second doesn't mean we're understaffed. PM someone on the staff team and we'd be happy to help when we can.

Your math on how many staff we have is also terribly wrong as we have 64 staff members, not 24, however I do see your point that there are a lot of members compared to staff. Is your suggestion then that we should have 1 staff member to every thousand users? Every 100 users? Every 10? The US government doesn't have a few million people in the white-house because it's inefficient. With a smaller staff team, we can collaborate on a lot of things outside of what you see as someone who uses the site.

Also, please post things in the correct section. be as specific as possible when choosing a section in which to post your thread. Moved to Site Discussion and Support.
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