[Request] Proper MC-Query Protocol for server verification

itsatacoshop247's Avatar itsatacoshop2473/24/13 3:25 pm
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3/27/2013 9:38 pm
Paril's Avatar Paril
My server 'CookieBuild's IP has changed to cookieslap.net:25567 - except I am using BungeeCord, it means that all client connections to 25567 are dropped (TCP). However, you can use the Minecraft Query Protocol (UPD) just fine on cookieslap.net:25567 and it will still show the MOTD and players.


It appears that PlanetMinecraft does not use the MCquery protocol properly and this means I can only add my single main server on 25565, when in-fact I have 3 completely different servers to post.
Posted by itsatacoshop247's Avatar
Level 32 : Artisan Modder

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03/27/2013 9:38 pm
He/Him • Level 88 : Elite Scapegoat Programmer
Paril's Avatar
When and if we change any of these things, we will be sure to post an announcement about it. At the moment they aren't viable but they may be in the future.

03/27/2013 9:15 pm
He/Him • Level 88 : Elite Scapegoat Programmer
Paril's Avatar
Hi there.

No, we don't support the UDP query protocol because it is disabled by default on servers; it is an optional component. We only support the mandatory TCP query. When/if Minecraft drops the TCP one or makes the UDP one enabled by default, we will shift to it, as it is a better alternative, but having our site attempt to ping two different protocols is just not efficient for us.

BungeeCord servers are also not supported as the proxy hides the servers behind it making them inaccessible to us - it creates a security concern for the site as we can't figure out where it's actually pointing to, and would create an easy hole for server spammers to use.

03/27/2013 9:36 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Modder
itsatacoshop247's Avatar
Ok, thanks for the info.
03/27/2013 6:22 am
Level 32 : Artisan Modder
itsatacoshop247's Avatar
Bump? I couldn't find proper bumping rules on the FAQ, direct me to them if there are any...
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