What was the worst thing that you have ever done in Minecraft

PlaceholderName's Avatar PlaceholderName9/5/23 3:10 am history
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9/27/2023 3:15 pm
TurtleGuy2013's Avatar TurtleGuy2013
I’m talking about the most despicable, devious, nerve-wracking, bone-chilling, unforgiving thing that you have ever done in one of your Minecraft worlds. I’ll start.

So while I was making some changes to a village, I noticed it was really underpopulated and had like only 6 villagers. So I decided to do something extremely stupid and spam the villager spawn thing (I’m on mobile so it started to lag a lot). I got so fed up with the lag so to reduce the population, I staged a raid by giving myself bad omen. I did this so I can lure villagers in the hice, and I would go in the hice and throw harming potions inside to kill the villagers as it would become crowded. I would then just do what people do to end the raid, and after it ended I was given “Hero” of the Village and the villagers who survived threw fireworks as if I didn’t start it. 💀
Posted by PlaceholderName's Avatar
Level 6 : Apprentice Princess

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09/05/2023 3:41 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Architect
amateurpainter32's Avatar
I used to make torture chambers for villagers
09/05/2023 4:08 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Princess
PlaceholderName's Avatar
09/10/2023 7:26 am
Level 16 : Journeyman Dragonborn
HamilaPlayzMC's Avatar
Like making a Sim go swimming and removing the pool ladder.
09/05/2023 8:18 am
He/Him • Level 49 : Master Dragon Necromancer
GoggleD0GG's Avatar
I separated foals from their mothers to listen to the distressed neighs. I built horse stables designed for this purpose and this purpose alone.
09/05/2023 8:25 am
She/Her • Level 52 : Grandmaster Wolf Princess
CrystalRuby's Avatar
I don't think I did really anything, : TnT exploded the village, terrain , and exploded a flat world
09/05/2023 8:25 am
Level 22 : Expert uwu
HollowFall's Avatar
I killed every villager, broke every bed, and burned every item i could on an anarchy server. While it was to make it harder for others to follow me, it was still evil. of course, it was anarchy sooo...
09/05/2023 9:58 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Engineer
Ins0mn1a's Avatar
An absolutely massive chicken farm. Imagine sitting there, sweating from all the heat of the molten lava right next to you. Whenever you lay an egg, have a child, you get to watch it mature, and just as it becomes an adult, it'll die right before your eyes. You can hear the screeching. You can see the flames. And you're doomed to do this over and over and over again, until the end of time. It is truly evil.
09/05/2023 5:13 pm
Level 22 : Expert Explorer
Fireblast's Avatar
It's probably like, oh well, better make another one in the next ten minutes.
09/05/2023 11:05 am
Level 41 : Master System
VoidCrawler9's Avatar
after seeing lazerbeam do it, building a village with penis houses inside a thunder dome (i know i said a inappropriate word but). and ruthlessly murdering and destroying villages over and over and over again even today with my insane data packs just for amusement, and then WAYYYY BACK in the beginning i would just blanket the ground with tnt and blow it all up over and over or make "wither storms" and kill them with tnt.

yep im a demon
Dronko fire blaster
09/05/2023 4:39 pm
Level 45 : Master Dragonborn
Dronko fire blaster's Avatar
join random servers while useing a hack client
09/05/2023 4:46 pm
Level 22 : Expert Explorer
Fireblast's Avatar
Defeated Herobrine in battle...

I should have asked him for his powers. 😱
09/07/2023 10:29 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Dragonborn
Drown3d_'s Avatar
torture my pc by existing in a mangrove swamp. you dont understand how comically unoptimized those propagules are 💀
09/10/2023 4:09 am
Level 22 : Expert Miner
Dermugettum's Avatar
Seriously, I thought it was just the shaders and resource packs I was using on my world when I was passing that biome. As if I needed another reason to hate a biome Mojang put little effort into.
09/16/2023 3:33 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Princess
PlaceholderName's Avatar
for some reason I have actually never been to a mangrove swamp yet 💀
09/08/2023 1:45 am
Level 46 : Master Cupcake
mega7's Avatar
Turtle homicide. For scutes. had my own design and it was not baby turtle friendly.
09/10/2023 4:13 am
Level 22 : Expert Miner
Dermugettum's Avatar
Eh, the worst I remember was dropping anvils on mobs packed into one space when the block was first added to the game. I did love killing cows when they had their old hurt noises cause I thought they sounded funny.

Edit: though recently, I did build a redstone machine that detects when a player or villager is sleeping in a bed and destroys the bed with a piston (kind of like the impossible lever). I then watched a villager try to get some sleep over and over again.
09/10/2023 7:26 am
Level 16 : Journeyman Dragonborn
HamilaPlayzMC's Avatar
As a kid I would join Faction servers (HazardCraft/YayMC come to mind) and when I would raid someone I left a snarky sign that said "HAMILA WAS HERE." I was kind of a jerk.
09/10/2023 7:32 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Engineer
TheBigE16's Avatar
just yesterday I made the mistake of running a command that completely crashed the entire world when i tried to open it And that world happend to be my testing world
) :
09/10/2023 7:40 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Princess
PlaceholderName's Avatar
09/12/2023 8:27 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Taco
_Pixel8_'s Avatar
that's happened to me on two different test worlds sentiment_very_dissatisfied
09/27/2023 3:15 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
TurtleGuy2013's Avatar
I see you sussy
09/10/2023 7:00 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
droidlocal's Avatar
It's not the worst thing I've ever done, but it's a matter of laziness to empty the inventory to explore caves.
09/12/2023 11:34 pm
He/Him • Level 42 : Master Wolf Artist
Sun9ty's Avatar

I made a Minecraft realm shut down

Okay, here's what happened.

It was 2014. Mojang was working to introduce what we all know as "Minecraft Realms", private online worlds friends can hang out and basically play the game together in. If I remember correctly, they were first introduced to Minecraft: Pocket Edition, and it was a closed-beta, so only a small fraction of the player base could try out this new feature.

It just so happened a friend of a friend of mine was lucky enough to host a Realm himself. My friend went by the username "Infinity"; I don't remember the host's username, so I'll name him "Server Owner".

So I asked Infinity to let me join the realm, who then asked Server Owner to whitelist me, and it happened. I was a kid, so I didn't think much as to how special getting to play a private realm was like. But looking back, that is definitely a highlight in my Minecraft history, alongside other moments like beating Hardcore and making skins here on Planet Minecraft.

Like Realms today, this one was online for as long as Server Owner allowed it. Since it was online all day, up to ~20 players could log in at once, and play the game as in single player. Me and my brother "Alpha", along with my friend Infinity would explore around, checking out the nice builds other players made. Someone even built a town hall, where players would gather and discuss future plans for the server (okay, not everyone would show up, but enough would to get second opinions). I started off by exploring around, looking for a plot of land to build a house on; that way I'd not only have a place to call home, but also something to impress everyone around me.

But I noticed there were no trees around, and almost all of the ores were mined. I had a hard time getting what I needed to build a house. Why? Because the world type was “old”

So you have to share a 1000 × 128 × 1000 with twenty people, possibly more if Server Owner whitelisted that much. Playing a limited world on Xbox/PlayStation is inconvenient. But this? This was worse. "Well, why don't players just plant more trees-" because they would either hoard the wood, or even forget to plant in the first place. “Why not trade?” Because not every player is online when I am, and even if they were, they’ll offer what I want for ridiculous prices (e.g. 2 wood logs for 64 dirt and 64 sand). I wanted to build my own house, but I wasn’t going to grind in a world where twenty players depleted the world’s resources.

So I figured, “Why not dupe?”, I asked Infinity. “No. Server Owner doesn’t allow it”.

“You’ve got to be kidding me.”

“If he catches you, you’ll be banned.”


I know those of you reading (if you’ve found this post at all) don’t like cheating. It takes away any sense of challenge in the game, devaluing the honest work another player may have done for themselves. But in my kid mind, I thought “You know, if everyone here has unlimited resources through duping, this world would be filled with wonders! I’ll not only build my own house, but I’ll even build a public road system for everyone to travel on. And it won’t be made of cobblestone; no, it’ll be smooth stone slabs! That’ll show Server Owner the good duping brings.”.

So me and my brother Alpha logged on, and duplicated whatever raw materials we had. In less than an hour, 2 diamonds became 64 diamond blocks; 10 logs to 256; and 1 smooth stone slab to at least 10 multiples of 64! I built my house, and even made a wall around it to keep out mobs. I also put a sign that said “My house. Do not enter without permission.” In that same time, Server Owner and his friends were concerned how many players were invited, and the lack of housing to shelter them. He ordered a giant hotel to be made, and much of the community agreed, pooling its resources to finish this project. With glass and wooden planks, the hotel towered near the height limit, large enough to house any player lucky to join the Realm.

I liked the hotel. When I built my public road system, I connected it to the townhall, the ocean, my house, even Server Owner’s house. I was proud of what I did, players working together for the same Realm, making things better.

Until I logged in the next day.

As I checked to see which parts of the world the roads needed to reach, I decided to make a quick visit to my house, resupplying myself with the stone slabs I had duplicated. But upon opening the chests, I realized the worst: they were empty.

“Someone stole my stuff!”, I panicked to myself. “Server Owner is online (huh, he’s the only other player online), maybe he can help me.” So I gathered my weapons and gear, and took to where he was.

“Server Owner. Someone took my stuff!”

“I know.”


“It was me.”

“You broke into my house?”

“You’re not allowed to dupe.” “Two weeks ban.”

“But I helped this place.”

“No duping.”

I was furious. I wanted to kill him (in Minecraft), but I knew he’d just respawn, and lengthen my sentence. So I disconnected, frustrated.

I felt I was right. “His server, so what? I did everyone a favor using a duplication glitch for everyone’s benefit. He doesn’t see that? Maybe he’ll recognize this… 😡“. I didn’t want to take this lying down. So I logged in as Alpha behind his back, and decided to vouch for myself through proxy.

“Hi Server Owner”


“These are nice roads. You can thank [Sun9ty] for it”

“Really? In that case, 7 days ban then.”

I felt relief, but also disappointment. I had hoped this would remove my ban altogether. But instead, I still had to pay for what I did.

So I walked around the Realm, wondering what to do about this, and that’s when I saw my answer: the hotel.

I hated the hotel. To me it felt like a part of someone who mistreated me, and you know what? Just as how Server Owner hurt me, I’m going to hurt him, through this hotel. [Wow, I definitely sound evil]

Still logged in as Alpha (and with Server Owner logged out), I grabbed a flint and steel from my house, and tapped my screen several times as wooden planks turned into a bright, yellow orange.

Minutes pass, and I felt a strange, peaceful sense of redemption wash over me. If you ever watched those TV shows or films of someone watching the world burn, while wearing aviator sunglasses with a big grin on their face; then you can already imagine what I looked like towards what I did. “That’ll make him mad…” I thought. I logged out and went to bed.

The next day arrives, and Infinity tells me several members were banned while Server Owner investigates what happened. When I told Infinity it was me, well, let’s just say the rest is history.

As far as I remember, Server Owner was mad, and ended up shutting the place down in frustration. I hope I didn’t overdo myself in this reply. I want to make it clear: what I did was wrong, and if I were in the same spot again, I’d be honest and respectful, avoiding trouble. I would never do something like that again.

But hey, that’s the worst thing I did in Minecraft.

TL;DR I burned someone’s hotel down to the ground.
09/13/2023 8:05 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Princess
PlaceholderName's Avatar
damn thats crazy
09/13/2023 8:06 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Princess
PlaceholderName's Avatar
never really joined realms since the sign in process was so hard I just decided to roleplay by myself like a schizophrenic person
09/13/2023 3:39 pm
He/Him • Level 42 : Master Wolf Artist
Sun9ty's Avatar
And you don't have to pay for a subscription for singleplayer :)
09/14/2023 8:41 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Princess
PlaceholderName's Avatar
yeah lol
09/14/2023 8:41 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Princess
PlaceholderName's Avatar
but i do play multiplayer sometimes with my friends with that friends feature which is kind of slow but i mean it’s alright
09/14/2023 9:13 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Waffle
GameplayPlanet's Avatar
Arson, Assault, Battery, Murder and shooting
09/15/2023 11:21 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Princess
PlaceholderName's Avatar
09/14/2023 9:53 pm
He/Him • Level 58 : Grandmaster Meme Theorist
illager's Avatar
in a game of murder mystery i found a person wearing a villager skin. He was in one game, so as the sheriff i killed him (yes, i died, but i killed him. that was the goal). Then in the next game he was also there. the person i was VC-ing with at the time was the murderer, and we killed him again. THEN he was in a third game, and i killed him by finding gold for a bow. then he left for around, until he returned again on round 5. He said "those to people with pillager skins better not kill me this time!". Then i cant remember what heppened. I think i ended up dying with my VC friend before i could getthe kill.
09/15/2023 11:48 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Steve
FutureDC's Avatar
Used a hack client on Hypixel
09/16/2023 12:19 am
Level 22 : Expert Explorer
Fireblast's Avatar
I know! I was in a build battle on a server. I tried to break the wall that was designed to prevent me from leaving the building area, and a message kept showing up asking me to stop. So I did exactly the opposite of that. Lol
Instead of breaking the wall, I found a way where I could break through the floor and bypass the system. I couldn't do anything once I did that because I was just floating over the void, but it was still fun.
09/23/2023 5:07 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
Diamond2006's Avatar
Turning Fire Spreads Off On My Friends World.

Her And That Wool Statue, Fire Didn't Make It Cooler! It Was A Accident Waiting To Happen!
Cat Master
09/25/2023 12:37 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Modder
Cat Master's Avatar
Killed My Own Cats From The Wat Mod
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