Hey there!

Azureila's Avatar Azureila8/14/14 4:06 pm
8/14/2014 6:17 pm
xmx1024's Avatar xmx1024
Hey, my name is Azureila (people call me Azu a lot) and this is my introduction! This isn't the first time I've posted on PMC but I haven't properly introduced myself, so I thought I would.

I've been playing Minecraft since at least Alpha, I can't remember the exact version, but it was waaaaay before they added hunger, bows, enchanting tables, etc. and was very basic. I love what it has become since then and I always find myself coming back to it to play more!

Mmm, I prefer Vanilla to Semi-vanilla servers, with some exceptions like Terrafirmacraft. I'm fairly fond of the grief prevention plugins I've seen on some servers too.

As for what I do, I help admin a small but fun server and go to college for Information Systems and Computer Science. Particularly interested in getting into databases and security.

Well thanks for reading!
Posted by Azureila's Avatar
Level 2 : Apprentice Network

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08/14/2014 6:17 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Network
xmx1024's Avatar
Haha all this mention of "read the rules" makes me think either I broke something or PMC has a reputation of people breaking rules often. xD But thanks!

We're all saying to read the rules, because it's very often for people to not read the rules, get in trouble, the post on the forums about breaking the rule, (which is also breaking a rule. ) using the fact that they didn't read the rules as an excuse for breaking the rule....

So in short, read the rules. It's simple. The link is
It's simple. If you want it shorter, you can go to

If you want it even shorter, you can go here.
Just read them, and all be well
Click to reveal
By the way, welcome to the site. We stress the rules here.

Don't forget to follow the rules.

08/14/2014 5:02 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Blockhead
Woodilicious's Avatar
Haha all this mention of "read the rules" makes me think either I broke something or PMC has a reputation of people breaking rules often. xD But thanks!

We're all saying to read the rules, because it's very often for people to not read the rules, get in trouble, the post on the forums about breaking the rule, (which is also breaking a rule. ) using the fact that they didn't read the rules as an excuse for breaking the rule....

So in short, read the rules. It's simple. The link is
It's simple. If you want it shorter, you can go to

If you want it even shorter, you can go here.
Just read them, and all be well
Click to reveal
By the way, welcome to the site. We stress the rules here.
08/14/2014 4:53 pm
Level 33 : Artisan uwu
Ashfur4ever's Avatar
No escape my friend. we are nice, though. the best place to be trapped.

Run from DAP Though...
08/14/2014 4:51 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Dragonborn
WTFshady's Avatar
Haha all this mention of "read the rules" makes me think either I broke something or PMC has a reputation of people breaking rules often. xD But thanks!

Yes, it has. A lot of people break the rules everyday. We don't want more of these people, so yeah.
08/14/2014 4:27 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Dragonborn
WTFshady's Avatar
Welcome! Do whatever you want EXCEPT breaking the rules. There's a big button that says "Rules". Click it and it'll take you there.
08/14/2014 4:25 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Architect
Marthellio's Avatar
Welcome, once you realize it, that if you join, theres no leaving 0_0
08/14/2014 4:25 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Sus
shinadafan2012's Avatar
Welcome to PMC. Let's dance.

08/14/2014 4:24 pm
Level 33 : Artisan uwu
Ashfur4ever's Avatar
Welcome! Have fun, and good luck to you kind ser.

~~May Starclan Light your path~~

He's Right.... there is no escape.
08/14/2014 4:33 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Network
Azureila's Avatar
Thanks and...oh noes

Smasher200Welcome to PMC. Let's dance.

Thanks, and let's!

CaptainWaterfallWelcome, once you realize it, that if you join, theres no leaving 0_0

I'm legit scared now

WTFshadyWelcome! Do whatever you want EXCEPT breaking the rules. There's a big button that says "Rules". Click it and it'll take you there.

Haha all this mention of "read the rules" makes me think either I broke something or PMC has a reputation of people breaking rules often. xD But thanks!
08/14/2014 4:20 pm
Level 43 : Master Spider Rider
SpiderMatty's Avatar
Welcome to Planet Minecraft! Read the rules post somethings and most important!
you will never escape
08/14/2014 4:16 pm
Level 44 : Master Sweetheart
partyian's Avatar
Welcome to planetminecraft azureila! i hope you enjoy your time on the planet!
08/14/2014 4:10 pm
Level 26 : Expert Princess
Snowyfox's Avatar
Welcome to PMC! Your username reminds me more of Azusa, lol.

Databases and security...interesting...what languages do you use?
08/14/2014 4:08 pm
Level 47 : Master Cowboy
Chron's Avatar
Welcome to PMC Azu (makes me think of Azumarill xD)!Be sure to read our lovely Site Rules before doing anything too drastic. Also, feel free to shoot me a PM if you need any kind of help! Hope to see 'ya round!
08/14/2014 4:22 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Network
Azureila's Avatar
Thanks, and I've gotten that before, which I don't mind too much xD

SnowyfoxWelcome to PMC! Your username reminds me more of Azusa, lol.

Databases and security...interesting...what languages do you use?

*looks up Azusa* Ah, from K-On? I was thinking of watching that, but life happens haha.

Right now I primarily use MSSQL in conjunction with SSRS (job has me doing that for reports with clients), but I've used Java, Perl, Python, C#, Javascript (along with HTML and whatnot), and Bash for a UNIX programming class I took. Are you into programming?

partyianWelcome to planetminecraft azureila! i hope you enjoy your time on the planet!


SpiderMatty8Welcome to Planet Minecraft! Read the rules post somethings and most important!
you will never escape

T-Thanks! ._.
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