Miggleskins (OC Skin Shop) [OPEN]

Migglesticks's Avatar Migglesticks9/15/12 11:02 am
1 emeralds 139 4
9/23/2012 3:56 am
Ayren Ellithorpe's Avatar Ayren Ellithorpe
Hullo there. I am your proprietor, Migglesticks. Welcome to Miggleskins. May I please take your order?

Well, I decided to open a skin shop, as I'm out of ideas presently on what I should make for my own profile. Why not assist others, yes?

Keep in mind, I am no master skinner. Don't get the wrong idea though, I can shade/detail just fine, and my work is at least above average. But I am by no means as good as those skin makers who makes those epically detailed anime HD skins and whatnot. Here's an example of *my* work.


(Click the image if you wish to download him)

Please read the shop guidelines before making a request.

Shop Guidelines / Rules

If I feel the work-load is beginning to pile up, then I may change the shop status to [CLOSED], in the title. Don't fret, this just means I want to work on the skins that I have on my plate. I'll probably open it back up when I'm finished. BUT I WILL NOT TAKE OR DO ANY REQUESTS WHILE THE [CLOSED] STATUS IS THERE.

OC Means Original Character
I don't mind making the occasional media skin (skins from popular TV shows/games/etc), but I'd much rather make original characters that you came up with. I'm more likely to skip over non-original skins.

Be As Descriptive As Possible
I have an optional skin application form if you wish to fill it out. If you don't have any pictures for me to go by, that's perfectly okay. But please describe the character you want made to the letter. Nothing is too long for me to read. (I read entire books in a single day) I want to know what you really want.

I May Not Get To All of You
I can be a fairly busy person, and this can get in the way of things. So I apologize in advance if I never got to your request.

Where to Pick Up Your Skin
All of my completed skins will be uploaded here at PMC. I'll post them here on this thread, and I will also message you where to pick up the completed work.

Skin Application (Optional)

You're more than welcome to fill this out if you think it'll help me, but you don't NEED to. You can also skip parts that don't apply to your character, or simply fill it out as "N/A" or "None" or whatever.

[u]Skin Name[/u]:
[u]Are You Able to Wait?[/u]:

[u]Hair Color[/u]:
[u]Eye Color[/u]:
[u]Skin Color[/u] (as in, flesh color):

[u]Describe your Skin[/u] (detailed as possible, or skip and post an image):

[u]Images/Referential Aid[/u] (You don't need these, just if you have anything for me to go by. Doesn't need to be your actual skin either, if you want to point out certain clothing/hair/eyes/etc that you want, by all means.):
Posted by Migglesticks's Avatar
Level 36 : Artisan Toast

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Ayren Ellithorpe
09/23/2012 3:56 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
Ayren Ellithorpe's Avatar
Skin Name: Hancock
Are You Able to Wait?: Yes

Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Skin Color: Tan

Describe your Skin:
09/22/2012 12:27 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Engineer
ColonelTerabyte's Avatar
xD I came to this shop expecting you to be able to make HD skins. My mistake.
09/15/2012 11:10 am
Level 1 : New Miner
gustavo2524's Avatar
Skin Name: Slenderman SuperMan
Are You Able to Wait?: yeah Sure Can You Just pm When Done?

Hair Color:N/A
Eye Color:N/A
Skin Color (as in, flesh color): The Slenderman White

Describe your Skin: Slenderman is in a superman Costume lololol and can you add a cape also lololol

Images/Referential Aid:N/A
09/15/2012 11:04 am
Level 36 : Artisan Prince
megablaster7's Avatar
Planet Minecraft


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