My New Ultimate Projectstar_half

EndermanDotDat's Avatar EndermanDotDat11/9/21 5:22 pm history
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11/16/2021 3:46 pm
EndermanDotDat's Avatar EndermanDotDat

My New Project


  Hello community, you may not know/remember me, but my name is EndermanDotDat, and I recently..... well maybe not so recently, unofficially archived a data pack called "Creative+". I've learned a lot since then, and am probably more suited for some coding now-- but the thing is I don't want to work on creative+ anymore and I don't want to end up with another uninteresting project that I just quit! so Instead I'm going to do this NICE and PROPER, instead of mindlessly stuffing my ideas into this data pack and serving it to you I'll make this more organized, like Minecraft (alpha, beta, release, and dev). so I'll need help from the community to get it started, I need a few things so bare with me as I give you info about this new unnamed project.


  first off, I need a name. the name "creative+" is a pretty ironic since it isn't creative AT ALL since there are hundreds of mods, resource packs and datapacks with this same name that are either better or worse than mine. so I need you guys to help me figure out a name. also I need source code-- yes, source code. I don't know if this exists for data packs but it seems plausible considering it's still coding in a way (and not just the JSON modifications). but just give me whatever you got and I'm happy to accept your idea if I can do it!

Final Words:

  I'm really excited for this project and hope to release the first alpha version by this Sunday, if not sometime in the next week. hope you're also pumped and thinking of ideas to give. now just for a few extra things

  1. I will be adding in functions from the previous data pack and improving them of course
  2. I'm still a pretty much novice at making data packs, so don't expect anything fancy like JSON files or resource packs for extremely cool items that can do things like fill in rivers with natural terrain (though that's not exactly as hard as I mean you get the point)


  basically, I'm making a new data pack replacing my creative+ data pack and will be doing it in a more orderly fashion. I need a name and some ideas for functions. that's all I have to say in the TL;DR to prevent from making this...... uhm.... bad?

Think About This:

what name should I have? poll is below
Posted by EndermanDotDat's Avatar
Level 30 : Artisan Dragonborn

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11/11/2021 10:44 pm
Level 28 : Expert Procrastinator
MinecraftBanana789's Avatar
Cave Game Improvements FOR DA WIN
11/12/2021 4:35 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Dragonborn
EndermanDotDat's Avatar
it's a tie between creative max and cave game improvements...
11/16/2021 3:46 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Dragonborn
EndermanDotDat's Avatar
nvm -_-
11/10/2021 9:00 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Dragonborn
EndermanDotDat's Avatar
you guys realize cave game improvements was a joke btw...... right?
11/09/2021 9:16 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Network
Gamenight999474's Avatar
Maybe instead of making 1 big modification you could make it separate and in a series?
11/10/2021 8:58 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Dragonborn
EndermanDotDat's Avatar
hm... I plan on making a way to see the functions more clearly in categories so that wouldn't be a problem. check out "creative+" to see what this will be kind of like. it's meant to be better than that datapack since I was really unorganized when I made it. anywho thanks for the suggestion!
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