A request for Hypixel

creepershark77's Avatar creepershark779/14/13 1:30 pm
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11/11/2013 11:51 am
creepershark77's Avatar creepershark77
Hey Everyone, I have a map request for Hypixel, so if yo can give me your opinion about it, it will really help, also, if you can contact him, please copy the link to this page and tell him that creepershark77 sent you, any way here is the request:

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Swordmaster’s Quest
By creepershark77

This is for Hypixel.
This map is where all the mobs in minecraftia revolt against the players, you are a swordmaster, an elite soldier, and your mission is to defeat the evil force that is causing this. Travel through the overworld and defeat the two guardians, Skeletron (a skeleton with chainmail armor and a Power I, Flame I bow) and Midas (a zombie with gold armor and a gold sword with Sharpness I and Knockback I) to be able to fight Neara, the necromantic witch who summons flying creepers and potions with multiple effects. When you kill her, she will drop a block of obsidian and some flint and steel to make the nether portal in the next room. When you enter the portal, you must travel through the nether, fight ghasts and blazes, face your first Elites, and defeat the nether guardians, The Iron Pigman (a zombie pigman with iron armor and a gold sword with Fire Aspect II and Sharpness IV) and Neo, The Necromancer (a wither skeleton with diamond armor and a stone sword with Fire Aspect I, Knockback II and Unbreaking III, he can also summon blazes to help him in battle) to be able to fight The Giant, which is a giant zombie (and they are an unused mob). When you kill him, he drops an eye of ender which you will need later and there is another nether portal bringing you back to the overworld, where you will fight Supreme Elites, which are stronger than Elites, have a short battle with the Cyber King (an easter egg for Doctor Who fans), get in an airship battle where you will face The Broodmother (a spider that is spawning cave spiders, silverfish and bats every few seconds to support her) after boarding the enemies flagship. After you beat her, you will find a pressure plate, that will teleport you to the enemies fortress where when you enter the first room, you face The Ender Lord (an enderman with a gold helmet and a diamond sword with Sharpness IV, Knockback I and Fire Aspect I and will summon ghasts and flying skeletons to help him). When you kill him, you will have access to the next room where you will find the best gear in the game, Sky’s Butter Sword, Jerome’s Diamond Axe, Israphel’s bow, Herobrine’s Diamond Sword and Notch’s Diamond Armor (Hypixel will choose the enchantment’s he would want them to have, but they have to be the highest level enchantments) in a ender chest, when you walk out of that room, you will say “Alright, it’s time to KICK ASS!” Then you will fight all the minion types from the entire map and some awesome music will start playing as you progress even more in the fortress (I should of said this earlier, but the guardians in the overworld is just one boss battle with two bosses and the nether guardians is also one boss battle with two bosses also, each boss has it’s own tune when battling them) until you get to the end portal on the top floor which is missing one eye of ender, which you have, and when you enter it, you find the evil force that’s causing this mayhem: The Ender Dragon, it’s pretty much the same fight as it is in normal survival but there are two withers aiding him and instead of endermen, there are Supreme Elites that are spawning to help him in battle (also an epic song is playing called “You’ll Never Guess This” from newgrounds also, be sure to make these songs go in an endless loop until the boss battle is over) when you kill him, he will drop the portal back to the overworld, which will teleport you to the room that says thanks for playing and it has my head in it saying “Give credit to creepershark77 for this awesome suggestion of this map.” (and yes, I do have a player skin so people will recognize me)

Note: All I did was make up the main storyline, it’s Hypixel’s job to make the armor and weapons, the side quests, the other tunes for the boss battles, and other quotes.
Posted by creepershark77's Avatar
Level 36 : Artisan Modder

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11/11/2013 11:51 am
Level 36 : Artisan Modder
creepershark77's Avatar
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