OC Skin Shop

Migglesticks's Avatar Migglesticks5/4/14 11:49 am
1 emeralds 224 2
5/4/2014 8:28 pm
BlackIronTarkus's Avatar BlackIronTarkus

I'm creating semi-decent skins. Do you want one? Of course you do. Here are a few rules for requesting a skin from me. After reading them, request as you desire. If I do not accept your request, my apologies. Move on to the next skin shop and try again.



1.) I Only Accept OC Requests (Original Characters)
Original characters only (characters you've created). Sorry. I'm not interested in creating the 10,000th Assassin's Creed skin out there. You don't require art of your character, simply provide a sufficient description.

2.) Be Descriptive
Describe everything that you want in your skin. Type of clothing. Clothing colors. Hair style. Hair color. Eye color. Skin color. Provide reference pictures if they're applicable to what you want. I swear to god, if the only thing you tell me is "blue shirt, jeans and brown hair", I'm giving you a Steve skin and telling you it's what you wanted.

3.) I Only Take Requests That Interest Me
Even if you make a skin request, I won't necessarily accept it. I only take on requests that I'm interested in creating. Sorry. This isn't a literal shop and you're not a paying customer. It's more like a soup kitchen, only in this instance, I'm choosy about who I serve. Don't worry though, my standards aren't very high. Honk. But, if I skip over you, just know that I probably wasn't interested in the request. My apologies in advance.

4.) I Don't Provide Private Skins
Unless you're willing to bribe me (you silly person, you), I don't provide skins privately through PM. They'll be posted on my profile and I'll notify you when they're complete.

5.) 64x64 Minecraft 1.8 Skins
Yes, I do provide 64x64 skins for the new Minecraft 1.8 skin update. I actually updated my own skin as soon as I heard about it. However, you need to tell me what you want to be "toggle-able" (what you can remove or enable in the options menu) in your request. Otherwise, I'm just going to design how I feel like.
Posted by Migglesticks's Avatar
Level 36 : Artisan Toast

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05/04/2014 8:28 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Crafter
BlackIronTarkus's Avatar
Hello! I'd like you to create a character of my own design, Riosku, using bits and pieces of images I've found.

Gender: Male
Version 1.8: If you wish.
Reference pics. More on the design below.:
The hat:

The Body:

The Gloves:
And finally, the leggings:

Details: Preferebly, I would like the mask and the large feather sticking up to be removed from the hat. I would also like the skin to be a bit... pale, and the hair and eyes to be black and green, respectively.

Ask me any questions you may have via PM. Thanks, if you accept.

05/04/2014 12:25 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Architect
WolfRx's Avatar
Make me a guy with spiky brown hair with a beard a light beard in a Black shirt with blue jeans I would like to it to be 1.6 Thanks!
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