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// Gender & Sexuality Info

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Agender is a gender orientation in which a person doesn’t identify as any gender. Agender people may identify with any pronouns they please or no pronouns at all.


Aromantic Asexual, or Aro/Ace, is a romantic and sexual orientation in which a person identifies as both Aromantic (Aro) and Asexual (Ace). Aro/Ace’s feel little to no attraction sexually or romantically.

Aromantic or Aro is a romantic orientation in which a person doesn't experience romantic attraction, or experience very little, they can still form very close friendships nonetheless. Aromantic falls under the aromantic spectrum.

Asexuality is a sexual orientation in which a person doesn’t experience sexual attraction or very little sexual attraction towards any gender or sexuality, regardless of how they identify. Asexual falls under the Asexual spectrum.

Bisexuality is a sexual orientation in which a person feels sexually attracted to both genders or sexes, some may even be attracted to all genders or sexes regardless of how they identify.

Demiboy, also known as demimale, demiman, or demiguy, is someone who partially, but not entirely identifies as a masculine person.

Demigirl, also known as demifemale, demilady, or demiwoman, is someone who partially, but not entirely identifies as a feminine person.


Demiromantic is a romantic orientation in which a person feels romantically attracted to someone only after they've developed a close emotional bond with them. Demiromantic falls under the Aromantic spectrum.


Demisexuality is a sexual orientation in which a person feels sexually attracted to someone only after they've developed a close emotional bond with them. Demisexual falls under the asexual spectrum.


Gay, or MLM, is defined as an attraction towards men as a male, non-binary, gender-queer, etc. it can be a sexual attraction, romantic attraction, or both.

Genderfluid refers to a person whose gender identity may change over time, a Genderfluid person may identify as any gender or a combination of multiple genders at any time. Their gender may change at random or slowly change depending on the circumstance.

Intersex refers to a person who was born with, or develops over time biological sex characteristics that are not the typical binary notions for a male or female.

Lesbian is mostly defined as an attraction towards women as a female, non-binary, gender-queer, etc. it can be sexual attraction, romantic attraction, or both.

Non-Binary is a gender orientation where your gender doesn’t fall under the binary gender of only “men” and “women”, Non-Binary individuals may be masculine, feminine, both, or neither.

Omnisexuality is the sexual attraction to people of any sex or gender identity, some Omnisexuals may be attracted to a certain gender, but sometimes that isn’t always the case.

Pansexuality is the sexual attraction towards someone regardless of their sex or gender identity.

The pride rainbow is a universal symbol used by LGBTQIA+ members to represent their community.

Transgender or Trans for short describes an individual whose gender identity differs from their gender assigned at their birth, they may identify however they please or see fit.

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