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Happy Pride month!
New Community
A fun Minecraft Java SMP. You can chill and make new friends, or build a Kingdom and sell goods.

SMP Guidelines

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SMP Guidelines
For context, there are two main "roles". Non-peaceful, being factions/nations; and peaceful, being Nomads/communities.

Factions/nations can attack other factions/nations within reason. This includes theft, minor griefing, pranks, traps (more rules on traps found above, in the SMP/In-game rules section), etc. However, Nomads can not and will not be involved with any of this.

Nomads/communities are entirely peaceful and are not involved with anything that breaks the peace. They are not allowed to PVP, side with factions/nations, etc.
Any structures, farms, etc. are safe as well, and are not to be involved with anything faction/nation-related.

(This mostly focuses on non-peace related roles and actions. If it's peaceful, it will be specified.)

1 — Destroying structures and landscapes is allowed as long as it's within reason (I.E. partially removing a castle wall to access the interior in an enemy base is reasonable, however, destroying a cliff or mountain for the sake of destruction is not suggested and will not likely be tolerated by staff). This destruction must be between/against confirmed nations.

2 — No traps that destroy items (I.E. pits that fall into TNT, lava, fire or the void, or something that will destroy a players items) or risk breaking the 1st SMP rule (no mass destruction via TNT/Fire). Traps must be between/against confirmed nations.

3 — Theft is allowed as long as items are not destroyed and are accessible in some way (they're allowed to be hidden, but not in a place that will trigger a trap that destroys said items, for example). Theft must be between/against confirmed nations.

4 — Random and unplanned attacks (attacks being anything from setting up traps, destroying, theft, to killing multiple players, etc.) on unknown bases is not suggested, as the base could be a newly made nomad/community base or a peaceful base without signs. Do your best to be aware of who you're attacking rather than attacking blindly.

5 — Nomads/Communities are expected put signs in and around their bases to ensure people are aware that they're not included in any mischievous or destructive business.

6 — For everyone, please treat this like a normal SMP, just with designated rules to help separate the people who want peace and the people who are okay with shenanigans. Make XP farms, shops, villages, etc. Play it like you normally would. Thank you.

SMP Guidelines are important and necessary to be aware of when playing on
the SMP. If you have any questions or concerns, please DM Prince Ren (for now).
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