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  • Skinterest's Avatar
    Skinterest post by Fawne's Avatar Fawne
    September 30, 2022, 9:28 am to Public
    Tomorrow is officially the first day of Skintober! You can check it out here. Here are a few frequently asked questions regarding the new bingo format:

    Q: Are HD skins (128x)/mob skins/skin bases okay?
    A: Yes! Both standard and high definition skins, mob skins, and skin bases are all okay to submit. You don't even have to stick to one category! Mix it up as much or as little as you'd like! Just make sure your submissions follow all of PMC's rules.

    Q: Do I have to fill the entire board?
    A: No. There are 25 spaces in total and for the intended goal you only have to fill a single bingo line (5 spaces). There's no maximum limit to the amount of skins you make or spaces you fill. Fill out the board in whatever way you find most fun!

    Q: Do spaces need to be filled in order?
    A: No. If you'd like to fill them in order, you may, but there is no designated order in which the spaces must be filled. If you'd prefer to fill spaces sporadically by doing your most preferred prompts first, that's completely fine too!

    Q: Can I fill multiple squares with 1 skin?
    A: If you're playing the intended way, this is discouraged. However, if you want to challenge yourself to fill out the entire board with as few skins as possible (or a similar challenge) then you may do this! Again, fill out the board in whatever way you find most fun!

    Q: What are the #bcd0c7, #7f5f82, #6f8ab7, #d0cd94, #c48e6e prompts?
    A: These are hex codes. When put into a color picker, you'll be given a specific color. For these prompts, you must use the given color somewhere in your skin!

    Q: What is the 'free skin' prompt?
    A: For the 'free skin' prompt, you may post any halloween/autumn/october themed skin of your choice!
    BlueBoyBuilds said 2022-09-30 10:38:34
    BlueBoyBuilds's Avatar
    Sweet! I am so excited for this!
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