The Chaos Legion's Avatar
We make Order Out of Chaos
Expert Order
Level 27
Only the strong will last


The greens, the fresh recruits added to the legion. They do not have the ability to fight, just train. All that is in the eyes of a recruit is to complete their mission; fight for the legion.

These are the defenders our our world, our saviors that protect us. Each Infantryman is divided in squads. The men and women in your squads will be the ones you fight with on the battlefield and work together to solve dilemma after dilemma.

Commanding Infantryman
You have ascended to the commander of your squad. You organize them and lead those with you to victory, whether it be in fighting for freedom or helping those in need. You are the guiding light.

As the Battlemaster, you will be expected to guide those under you. You command squads and give them the directions they need to work and thrive.

High Battlemaster
You have made it farther than most, as the High Battlemaster you guide the Battlemaster and fly across the lands, guiding yours to do what is right.
Apprentice Legionmaster
Here you are, so close to the highest ranks. You do not have much more power than a simple Battlemaster but you are near it. You are being trained to join the legends that guide the Chaos Legion further out and help guide those in need to the light.

You command the Legion. You are the one who called for when people in desperate times of need. You help advise those above and below and soon can take on your apprentice Legionmaster, to help guide another to take your place.
Supreme Commanding Legionmaster
This is the top. The Supreme Legionmaster is the most powerful person in the legion, and possibly the galaxy. You have become a legend, one to be known for centuries after your demise. You have the entire legion within your hands and you, you are the guiding light.
How to join
There are two methods of joining the legion-
1. Send in an application via pms to the Supreme Commanding Legionmaster or a Legionmaster

2. Be recruited to the Legion by being an acquaintance of a Legionmaster
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