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    The Forum post by OrderOutOfChaos's Avatar OrderOutOfChaos
    March 18, 2023, 3:35 pm to Public
    This isn’t working. Time to make a discord server, so we can moderate ourselves.
    IGEBM replied to EccentricEremite's comment below 2023-03-19 07:28:21
    IGEBM's Avatar
    Go Eremite!
    LegendarySi replied to EccentricEremite's comment below 2023-03-18 23:10:58
    LegendarySi's Avatar
    I know, if it sounded that way that's not what I meant. Sorry.
    My point is: Don't try to silence my beliefs just because of yours
    (and that's "yours" in a general sense)
    RadCoole said 2023-03-18 21:47:19
    RadCoole's Avatar
    People need to not take offense
    EccentricEremite replied to LegendarySi's comment below 2023-03-18 20:42:44
    EccentricEremite's Avatar
    You’re missing the point; you’re still thinking in that destructive “us vs them!” way. This is aimed at both sides as a warning to use your power well and to understand when not to use it! So, do not take me as an advocate for your side, because I’m not.
    This is what I am trying to say:
    Be wise in how you use your tongue, and if you misuse it, you are deservedly subject to judgement. And if you dare not let anyone use their tongue unless it is affirming what you already think, then you are trapping yourself. This doesn’t just apply to the two opposing sides here, this is meant for anyone who happens to read this. I’ll say it again, do not just read and understand the part that tickles your ears. I am offending both sides and defending both sides in the same moment, and if you just pay attention to me defending your’s and attacking your “enemy’s” side, then you are missing the point entirely.
    LegendarySi replied to EccentricEremite's comment below 2023-03-18 20:27:22
    LegendarySi's Avatar
    lol, quite the WWE title.
    But it's true, if they can be allowed to ban us and hate on us and defend their beliefs all because of ours,
    we should at least be able to defend ours.
    EccentricEremite replied to LegendarySi's comment below 2023-03-18 20:25:17
    EccentricEremite's Avatar
    I am the in-betweener; it is my job to both offend and defend.
    LegendarySi replied to EccentricEremite's comment below 2023-03-18 20:23:56
    LegendarySi's Avatar
    ...... That is..... wisdom
    EccentricEremite replied to Palaeos's comment below 2023-03-18 20:09:15
    EccentricEremite's Avatar
    I am on nobody's side here and I don't know what this dispute is about, so I am talking to both Palaeos and OrderOutOfChaos as a third party without any background knowledge, but I just thought I might as well interject with this:

    Freedom without boundaries is dangerous, but so is a caged animal.

    If it comes to a point of personally attacking people for what they believe, then by all means it needs to stop. But if it is simple disagreements, then let it stay. Otherwise, we are mere clones and automatons; humans weren't meant to be automatons. They are made to be free, and we are given the choice of using that freedom well. It is no good saying "oh no, you said something that can be interpreted as offensive; off to the cancel-cell with you!" People are going to say things that people aren't going to agree with, and it has always been that way since the Fall of Eden (up to you whether to take that literally).
    But back to the first side, we need to use our freedom to build up, not tear down. And if people are using said freedom to hurt, harass, and antagonize others, then there does need to be discipline. So use your freedom wisely and not to harm. And if you decide to break those boundaries out of pure spite or hatred, then of course there are going to be consequences! A good shepherd fights the wolves! And I understand; it is a difficult line to cross, between being honest about what you believe and attacking someone else's beliefs.

    I don't care if either of you hate me for both defending and offending your respective stances on this, and I really do apologize if it seems like I'm butting my head in places I shouldn't and talking about things that I don't actually understand, but I feel like that the people involved in controversy need to understand that there are always more than two options;
    It is very, very rarely ever just "us or them!"
    Palaeos said 2023-03-18 15:46:34
    Palaeos's Avatar
    If you are posting on PMC you are subject to PMC rules, if you want to post offensive stuff it is going to be removed. Going to discord the first time a moderator has to remove an offensive post means you have no intention of being anything but a hate group.
    RB22486 said 2023-03-18 15:40:59
    RB22486's Avatar
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