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Community page of WBC Builds | Come join us as we create a Minecraft world based on realistic architecture!


Welcome to the world of Whiteburg circa. 1912! We hope you enjoy your stay!

What is Whiteburg?
Set in the year 1912, Whiteburg is an English-inspired country created by the youtuber, WBC Builds. The various cities, towns, and villages of Whiteburg feature a variety of different English architectural styles such as those from the Edwardian, Victorian and Georgian periods.

Since the creation of Whiteburg, the WBC Builds Minecraft Server and Build Team has quickly grown and now hosts several countries and regions that represent realistic architectural styles from Europe and North America in Minecraft.

A Political Map of the Whiteburgian Empire

What is this page about?
This page is a community page for WBC Builds, the WBC Build Team, and the wider WBC Community.

It’s the perfect place for:
  • Anyone that wants to see fantastic Minecraft builds based on real architecture
  • Anyone who wants to learn more about Georgian, Victorian, and Edwardian period architecture and how to replicate it in Minecraft
  • Anyone looking for tips and tricks on how to improve their own Minecraft builds
What can you expect in the coming months?
Competitions! There are already several ongoing competitions run on the WBC Builds discord server such as the ‘Weekly Build Challenge’, it is our intention to bring them to Planet Minecraft

Tips and Tricks! We hope to introduce new tips and building techniques to those following this page

Still have questions? Please take a look at our FAQ as you may find your answer there

YouTube Link: www.youtube.com/channel/UCqjXPw6p2CcDn0nO2B3ib5g
Discord Link: discord.gg/eGnEWhaTBk

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