Completed Ranked Jam for Skins
A Jam dedicated to the webseries on YouTube called


Hello and welcome to the “Minecraft AlphaVer” themed Skin Jam! This is more or so a love letter to this awesome series and how unique it is, and to have people learn about it and participate in it!

The only rules of the Jam really is that you have to make your skin SOMEWHAT related to AlphaVer and also have some sort of originality to the skin itself. Not just copies of a shadow skin over shadow skin. Try to have some originalities in designs!

As you'll probably already see, the day for entries will be on the day that the original MC Alpha version went into Beta, and then will be closed a month afterwards!

If you're new to AlphaVer then check out this awesome video by RetroGamingNow to get caught up or learn about it!

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