Completed Unranked Jam for Maps, Skins, Mob Skins, Texture Packs, Mods, Data Packs and Blogs
Well, it's starting to get hot now - it's time for SUMMER VACATION!


Share your summer vacation with us!

This includes the Minecraft map of the place you are going to visit for this summer, or the place you visited before, or even a imaginary place you want to visit, or just any place you want to share, a place where others can experience with you through Minecraft!

So for instance, if you visited London this summer, you could recreate the landmark from London in Minecraft, or if you want to be ambitious, you are welcome to recreate entire city of London, recreate the landscape of London, or write a blog about your experience there, or if you like, you are also welcome to recreate the transportation vehicles you rode to get there, such as aero plane, train, and cruise!

Entries for skins are welcome as well! Make skin for the the clothes you wore there! Or the funky dresses you saw the locals wore there!

* All the entries related to vacation themed or Grand Tour are all welcome!

If you don't have any vacation ideas, then why won't you make a build or skin, on the original "Grand Tour" of Europe, in 18th Century?

Fun Fact: Did you know that "Macaroni" was term used to mock some of the people who travelled back from the Grand Tour?

In 18th Century, it become fashionable for young British aristocrats to travel around the continental Europe, and learn of their high culture. But the final destination that they all headed to was the eternal city of Rome. In Rome they would visit the Roman ruins, visit the holy sites and study the Humanistic Classical arts and the Renaissance. In later centuries, travelers from other northern European states would join Britain with travel, and more destinations were added, such as the ancient sites of Athene, where they would explore and learn the Greek Antiquity.

Prior to Grand Tour, unless you are sailor, merchant, pilgrim or soldier, you don't get to travel around much. But Grand Tour started a new trend, where people started to travel for their leisure, learn and explore, and new infrastructures and business were built to support and accommodate this demand.

Grand Tour played a significant role in European history, as it created a network between Europeans, and made a forum for Europeans to learn, share, discuss and develop new Ideas such as Renaissance, Humanism and the Rationalism which brought end to the Medieval ages, and transitioned Europe to age of Enlightenment, where one new European identity was formed under shared Greco-Roman root. Without Grand Tour, you wouldn't be able to see grand Cathedral of Saint Paul's in London, which is built in the classical style of architecture.

Now If you were the fellow traveler, who decided to go for the Grand Tour back in the days, some of the noticeable destinations that you might consider visiting are;

  • Paris - It was great destination to get new suit, and get updated on the latest fashion.
  • Geneva - It was a place to meet the free thinking enlighten intellects.
  • Pisa and Bologna - Famous university towns.
  • Venice and Florence - It was place to learn of classical, renaissance art, and see old masters works, old masters such as Palladio and Michelangelo.
  • Amsterdam - It was place to get the finest jewelries.
  • Rome - Final destination, to see and learn of Greco-Roman antiquity. This is the places where you were to learn, see, collect and buy art works from antiquity or buy an art work done by the masters.
  • On your way to Rome, you would have to go across many hills, river, forests, and mountains which also includes Alps.
So now Imagine yourself as one of the macaroni who travelled through mentioned cities, build a house or castle in classical, renaissance, Art-beaux, and Baroque style that you saw in your travel, or build your own house in neo-classical style, or recreate your favorite scene from your travel, including the landscape scenery that you saw on the way to next destination!

Well I hope everyone to have great summer vacation, travelling around the world. Even though you don't go anywhere this summer, hopefully at least you would be able to travel around the world via Minecraft!
Planet Minecraft


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