PostalJ1's Avatar
I regret nothing
Completed Unranked Jam for Skins and Mob Skins
Hi there, would you like to sign my petition?


This Jam is dedicated to one of my favorite series of games Postal (except for the third part).

I explain that content inappropriate to the theme of the Jam will be disqualified. Notice this. I visit my jams often and will send your content to hell if it doesn't fit the theme.

I also ask you not to pirate other people's work. And if this is an update of an existing work, then leave at least a link to the author, I think he will be pleased, although who knows, but you still need to add a link. Follow the rules of the site, or at least do not violate very actively.
You can add something related to the third part of Postal, I do not forbid this.
Planet Minecraft


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